Interview with a Writer, wife of a Writer

Onyxhawke (or someone of the same name) over at Agent Incite website has interviewed Mrs. Wright, who, in order to save our family from the shame of cavorting with known science fiction people, writes under her maiden name of L Jagi Lamplighter, answers questions, queries, and interrogatories.

Where are you from?
I was born in Manhattan. I grew up in North Salem, NY, which is about an hour from New York City. Every day, on my way to school, I passed through Salem Center, which is where Professor X’s mansion is. I even took lessons in the only school in Salem Center! When my father objected to me reading comic books, I explained that X-Men was local news.

Nowadays, I am from Virginia, near Washington, DC. No superheroes live near us, but the place is filled with Revolutionary and Civil War ghosts. We met some at a local mansion at Christmas time. They looked so real! My kids kept claiming they were people in costumes, but really! Who would believe in something like that?

You may read the rest of her wit and wisdom here.

You may also buy her books here:

Please by at least three dozen in hardback. They make great gifts! Today is, after all, the feast day of saints Cosmas and Damian, patron saints of pharmacists! Tomorrow is the feast day of Saint Barrog, who is probably the patron saint of throwing Gandalf into a subterranean pit.  Remember that Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas will be arriving soon, as well as Boxing Day, Wrestling Day, Dirty In-fighting Day, Walpurgisnacht and Gesundheit.