When I went to go talk at Franciscan University

… I did not realize that it was the last time that prestigious institution would be allowed to offer insurance to its faculty.


The world is attempting, and with nearly unopposed success, to drive all religion, especially Christians, and most especially Catholics, out of the public square. Our Elite Masters have been willing, in times past, to allow Christians to do the works of charity, care for the poor, see to the sick, educate the ignorant, free the slave.

But no longer.Charities not willing to help freed slaves have free abortions are defunded; institutions not willing to fund and celebrate aborticides, sterilization, contraception are being forced to give up their conscience and their rights of conscience or else give up their insurance.

It is not that these who are in need will have their needs filled by that secular church we call the State — that they will suffer does not come into the calculus of the compassionate and reality-based community. They want to smite their fathers, and we are a convenient stand-in. That is why the Church is being driven away.