An Example of Progressive Morality in Action

I received many nice comments on my article on the Unified Field Theory of Liberal Madness recently published in this space.

Most of the compliments, of course, should be passed along to Evan Sayet (KinderGarden of Eden), who came up with the theory, with a little help from Allan Bloom (Closing of the American Mind), CS Lewis (The Abolition of Man) and GK Chesterton (Orthodoxy).

Of the criticisms, only two had any weight. One was that I did not provide any examples to show that the Left acting with less than average moral stature; the other was that I did not define my terms.

There is no lack of examples of the moral stature of the Left even from today’s headlines. I will select but one, and it must stand for all others. This one is clear enough and trenchant enough to give honest men pause for thought, or pause for vomiting. Dishonest men will not listen to their own thoughts whether they pause or not.

Allow me to have Mr Bill Whittle speak up on my behalf.

I will wait while you go to the rest room and throw up.

The reason why I use this as an example, is that it represent core values, endlessly repeated and upheld by the Left: first that human life is not fundamentally different from animal life, and second that an unborn baby is not human life.

The paradox here is why the British, a fine and upstanding people, who at one time were the world’s most striking example of civility, courage, courtesy and propriety, and now little better than the Nazis whom they once, within living memory, defied and fought, unaided and overmatched and, during that time, alone. These are the heirs of Magna Carta.

Now they are this:

burnt baby

As for a definition, I have written extensively on the topic erenow, and have no need to repeat myself when a link will do: