The Martian by Andy Weir — Short Review

Simply the best novel I have read all year, and easily the best Hard SF novel I’ve read in five years, maybe ten. The science is harder than rock hard: it is diamond hard, so much so that I am unable to detect if he made anything up.

In days to come, I hope to post a real review, but I just finished the book, and am so elated, that I had to tell the world.

First INTERSTELLAR and now this. Hard SF is making a come back.

Away, sexually ambiguous sparkly vampire were-seals with moody emo girl problems! Give me astronauts who do not raise their voices during emergencies, who can change a tire on the moon and grow a potato on Mars! Give me a hero who knows how to patch a leaking spacesuit, and navigate using Phobos to measure his longitude! Give me protagonist who know how to make a bomb with pure oxygen, sugar, and a stoppered jar! Give me astronauts, I say!