Suggested Reading List for Racialist Whineloons

Right Fans posts the list:

Commentary: If You Want to Avoid Reading White, Straight, Cis Male Authors for a Year…

.. have I got a list for you!

Sarah A. Hoyt, for example, is a first generation Portuguese immigrant who grew up in an impoverished village (at least by our standards). She is also a winner of the Libertarian Futurist Society’s Prometheus Award, which honors outstanding fiction with pro-liberty themes.

Larry Correia is also a “writer of color” who grew up in disadvantaged circumstances. As he relates in a recent post, “I grew up with all that fancy Portuguese Dairy Farmer Privilege, where I got to have an alcoholic mother and a functionally illiterate father… where I got to spend my formative years knee deep in cow shit at 3:00 AM, so that I could later work my way through Utah State.” Despite starting life on the bottom rung, however, Larry persevered and is now a multiple-award-winning urban fantasy author.

Jason Cordova is yet another “writer of color” and a survivor of sexual abuse who was bounced from group home to group home in his formative years. After a childhood fighting the oppression of “the system,” he went on to write some pretty fun kaiju novels. The one at left is especially noteworthy.

And let’s not forget James Young, an up-and-coming African American writer who has dipped his toes in both military science fiction and alternate history. An Unproven Concept is an excellent place to start sampling his work.

Then there are the womyn. For example:

Cedar Sanderson, whose fantasy is much beloved by the members of my household.

Amanda S. Green, who also writes under the pen names Sam Schall and, IIRC, Ellie Ferguson. Amanda plays the field, tackling urban fantasy, space opera, and romance, but no matter the genre, she always writes a ripping good yarn.

Karina Fabian, whose humorous fantasy is a genuine delight.

Daniella Bova, whose near-future dystopic science fiction features protagonists who are striking in their relatability.

And lastly, we have Karen Myers, who’s been writing a solid parallel-universe fantasy series set in my home state.

All of the authors listed above are authors I have personally read and recommended to others over the past few years. None of them are white, straight cis males.


Now what has prompted this ritual listing of names? That would be the bloviations of one K. Tempest Bradford, social justice warrior extraordinaire and special snowflake of the highest order:

The remainder of the take-down is delicious, a gourmet confection of scorn where scorn is due and overdue. Please read it.

And, no, I do not know what ‘Cis’ is and I do not want to know. I speak English, not lunatic. There are some concepts so stupid that, once they stain your brain, your brain can not be make clean again. No one tell me. I assume it is part of their glorification of sexual deviancy.

The Leftist are Victorians, just as stuffy, just as prone to pretend fainting and pretend hysteria, except that it is any slightest suggestion of normal, healthy, chaste sex-within-marriage sex which causes them vapors, sex based on serious babymaking; whereas anything that demeans the human soul and mars the image of God in man, they applaud.