Archive for April, 2015

I Hurl Down my Gauntlet at Thee

Posted April 30, 2015 By John C Wright

A man whose mouth, as it turns out, is larger than his head, rejoicing in the imperious name of HoR_Emperor makes the following fascinating statement in the comments here (

I do not think Beale is a racist because of “leftist accusations.” I think he is a racist because reading his site (and the recent interview with him that got posted on Larry and Brad’s Facebook pages) shows he clearly subscribes to crackpot pseudo-science racialist fantasies.

It can be tempting to fall into the fallacy of assuming that anyone who is accused by the Left is automatically therefore innocent and good. In the case of Mr Beale, however, this would be a mistake.

To which the following replied were penned, first by yours truly:

Excellent! I am glad to hear this! Please quote back to me, word for word, and with a link so that I can see the statement in its original context, even one statement by Mr Beale that can justly be called a crackpot pseudo-science racialist fantasy?

Since you speak in a breezy plural, I assume the task will not be difficult?

Since you are a gentleman, if you cannot satisfy this simple request that you support your accusation with proof, you will of course proffer a humble apology.

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Bojojoti, known to regular readers here as a regular commenter, has looked into the controversy and had her eyes opened. This  is her comment over on the Arhyelon blog:

I knew absolutely nothing about the Sad Puppies until this year. I knew of the Hugos but little about them, either. I’d followed George R.R. Martin’s Not a Blog for years, and I remember him encouraging people to vote because the Hugos were their award (except now, they aren’t). But, back then, I had a house full of kids which meant less time for reading and fewer dollars for sure! Now, the kids are gone, and I have more of both of the aforementioned. When I discovered that WorldCon would be held in the Midwest in 2016, I was excited and decided to get a supporting membership for this year and attend the next.

I didn’t realize all the turmoil about Sad Puppies until after the nominations were announced. I came to the situation too late to nominate and unaware that my membership would be an affront to the TrueFans. I just wanted to participate in and give back to a genre that has been integral to my life. Instead, I find that I’m not welcome at the cool kids’ table, which is ironically hilarious, because my science fiction ways were unpopular to the non-science fiction crowd of my youth.

As is my researching way, I took to the Internet to look at all sides. I went all the way back to the inception of Sad Puppies. I read “Making Light.” I Googled, read, and digested from a wide spectrum from news sources (most very biased and inaccurate), authors’ websites, Twitter, and Facebook.

I think what the TrueFans and Sad Puppies don’t realize is that they are being watched by the great unwashed masses, hoi polloi, the little people of science fiction. Some of the behavior and rhetoric is so hateful and venomous that I regret my membership. Authors were saying that the new members didn’t love science fiction; they were claiming that they didn’t even read! Some were even saying stupid things like the Koch brothers bought my membership. TrueFans were disgusted by the thought of new members. They like the WorldCon being small and are actively against new members.

I’m rethinking attending WorldCon 2016. I’ll wait to see what happens at Sasquan before I decide. If people are going to act crazy like a frenetic bag of cut snakes, I want no part of that fandom (or Fandom). I don’t need to spend money to be ostracized, belittled, and hated. I’m sure I can get that for free, elsewhere!

The TrueFans are pushing the new members right into the Sad Puppies’ doghouse. I wasn’t a Sad Puppy, but if the TrueFans don’t want me, they have proven the Sad Puppies’ charge of insular exclusivity. When the TrueFans band together and decide as a bloc NOT to read the works and agree to vote No Award to Sad Puppy nominations, they’ve lost any respect or sympathy I had for them. When people advocate putting the Puppies “down,” I’m horrified. When people write “basically if the “hero” isn’t white and male, the Puppies will get all Sad at you and threaten to rape you to death. Like the good, tolerant humans they are, natch,” I’m sickened. When an author opines the correct way to treat the Sad Puppies is “Well, we make fun of them. We refuse to play with them. We refuse to share our resources with them,” I flash back to the petty games of the middle school mean girls’ cliques.

And, again, from Read the remainder of this entry »

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Statement from John Ringo: SJW is out; SJB is in

Posted April 30, 2015 By John C Wright

This was too good not to share. The original is here:

n 2004 or so there was an ‘incident’ at a convention in Virginia. As I’ve noted elsewhere, Virginia fandom is split. There are very outspoken liberals mixed with very quiet (by and large) conservatives. The ‘incident’ involved very outspoken conservatives.

The next morning I was more or less accosted about the situation and was polite to the accoster. The conversation ended something like this:

Accoster: I didn’t even know there WERE conservative science fiction fans! (The tone was clear. There SHOULD NOT BE conservative science fiction fans. Certainly not at HER convention.)

Myself: You know when you go to cons and there are a bunch of people who never talk with you? Those are the conservatives.

Which, alas, is true. Until very recently there were very few conservatives who were willing to be ‘out’ in most of fandom. (I don’t get that option.) Because you get continuously bombarded with ‘you’re a homophobic, xenophobic, racist, misogynist asshole!’ (Go look up my RavenCon AAR to see a very extreme example.. But I’ve been subjected to less extreme examples repeatedly. One of the reasons I rarely attend conventions anymore. And the description is, by the way, a very direct and public quote by an SJW NYT bestselling author about, well, me.)

Because as a conservative, that’s what you are to all the hardcore liberals. Purest evil. ISIS has nothing on being an American conservative. There is nothing worse than being a conservative white male. We are the ultimate super-villain and nothing can be anything like our equal. (Thus the humorously entitled ‘League of Evil Evil’ started by Sarah Hoyt of which I am a card-carrying member.)

* see footnote Read the remainder of this entry »

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Belloc Foresaw This All

Posted April 29, 2015 By John C Wright

Whenever I hear the one and sole argument ever leveled by the Left, that, namely, all who oppose the self defeating schemes of the Left are motivated by loathsome yet unadmitted hatred, ignorance, and phobia, ergo their opposition to unreason is ritually unclean and need not be entertained, then I see an insolent dismissal of truth.

Whenever I visit a modern art museum, and see literal crap and literal blasphemy, poop slung on canvasses or in tin cans, urinals hung on walls, scrap metal, a crucifix in urine, unspeakable degenerate graffito marring images of the Virgin Mary, then I see a neurotic hatred of beauty.

Whenever I hear Leftists crowing about how their moral superiority consists of their craving to destroy marriage, to destroy fatherhood, to unman boys and force girls into male roles, to celebrate those sick souls who want to castrate themselves and wear their mother’s dresses, to legalize not merely addictive drugs but every form of addiction, material and spiritual, to any and every vice, provided only it is loathsome and cheapens human life; and the ultimate pinnacle of their vaunted moral superiority is their nauseating celebration of prenatal infanticide, then I see a satanic hatred of virtue and goodness.

But Hillaire Belloc foresaw and foretold all this 85 years ago, with admirable prescience matched only by his compatriot GK Chesterton. Read the remainder of this entry »

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After Inaction Report from Ravencon

Posted April 29, 2015 By John C Wright

A read with the unexpectedly commonplace yet giant-killing name of Jack writes and asks:

Mr Wright: no word on Ravencon? maybe I missed it. Were you barbequed on sight, or just smugly ignored? Or, was it really civilized? At this point I would imagine many of the detractors on the left are wary of confrontation with those of the Puppy and Ilk fame. If so, good. They need a nice dose of apprehension to temper their attack dog tendencies of attack, attack, then worry about truth and accuracy.

I am pleased to report that there were no incidents of which I was aware at Ravencon. Everything went swimmingly.

No, that is not quite true: I heard from one of the organizers, a friend of mine, that Brianna Wu sat on a panel on Gamergate on Friday (before I arrived), and asked for there to be no photographs. As far as I know, this is a perfectly reasonable request, and, as a matter of professional courtesy, it is usually honored. One fellow — I did not catch his name — took photos nonetheless, Brianna Wu raised an objection (whether reasonable or hysterical I cannot say, hearing of this only third hand) and the photographer was asked to step out of the room. He was not kicked out of the Con. He left a snarky comment on his social media page.

That makes a grand total of one almost-rude incident and one perhaps-illtempered comment. And it was not related to Sad Puppies as far as I know, merely the psychodrama of a seriously disturbed person. Read the remainder of this entry »

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HMS Mangled Treasure: The Rescue of Mr. Spaghetti

Posted April 29, 2015 By John C Wright

My charming and talented wife has an announcement and a bit of a boast.

Whenever an authoress gets the cover illo of a magazine, her street cred among authors goes up, and she regains lost sanity points (SAN) lowered during the creative writing process or accidentally viewing a shoggoth. Those are the rules both in the CALL OF CTHULHU role playing game, and in the writing profession. Making the cover is good juju:

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Weekly Standard on Sad Puppies

Posted April 29, 2015 By John C Wright

A mostly fair article, with one gratuitous slam against Vox Day:

The Rabid Puppies are led by a polarizing writer and video game designer named Vox Day who does hold racist opinions and managed to score a few Hugo nominations for some writers who so lack merit their appearance on the ballot seems to have no other explanation than electioneering.

Hmmm. While I am not named by name, so I wonder who this writer who so lacks merit that no other explanation for his inclusion on the ballot might be?

In any case, the writer here gets everything else factual, and that is so rare as to be a prodigy.

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Kilgore on Old Man’s War

Posted April 28, 2015 By John C Wright

Mr Kenton Kilgore wrote a review of John Scalzi’s OLD MAN’S WAR which so exactly matches my judgment, what I liked, what I disliked, and what left me feeling Laodicean (neither hot nor cold) that it excuses me from the need to write a review myself:

ADDENDUM: As it turns out, I did have a review, or at least comments in passing, concerning OLD MAN’S WAR, from February of 2007, which I would be happy to share.

I’ve read OLD MAN’s WAR and can give it high praise for its readability—Mr. Scalzi knows the secret trick of making a reader turn pages—and for its likeable characters—I felt sorry for the main character by the end of three paragraphs, and I am something of a cold and standoffish man known for caning my inferiors. So, good for him.
I picked up the book because I saw Mr. Scalzi acting zany on YouTube, ( ) and I thought: “Funny! Me Laugh!” which is a sufficient recommendation for works of speculative literature created by the same artist as far as I am concerned.I have some minor reservations about the book ( actually, two: 1. recreational sex in the co-ed military has no effect on unit cohesion, and all recruits indulge in the general orgy without thought, scruple, hesitation and without any personal attachments being formed 2. the technology of mind-transfer, immortality, and mind-creation has no impact on society.  When a character breaks a leg, they don’t just switch him into a new body, and no nonhuman bodies are used: no fish-bodies donned for aquatic campaigns, for example), but my reservations  would be pertinent only if one takes the book more seriously than I think the writer meant it. One reservation was that the plot threads were not wrapped up neatly: but since there is a sequel to the book out, THE GHOST BRIGADES, I may have to look at that to see if my reservations hold water. The book was good enough to make me want to read the sequel, so I am willing to give it a Harriet Klausner level of praise—four stars out of five.

As it turns out, I did pick up and read the sequel, or started the sequel and found it not to my tastes, and gave up on THE GHOSTS BRIGADES around chapter six.  So in hindsight, I would lower my rating to three stars out of five, knocking off one star for dangling plot threads which were not, after all, wrapped up: the book is average as far as SF books go, solidly built in a workmanlike fashion, entertaining, not particularly memorable.


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Monster Hunter Book Bomb!

Posted April 28, 2015 By John C Wright

Larry Correia on his blog has the following announcement and call to arms. He wants you to put your arm into your wallet or pocketbook and pull out cash to get your entertainment dollar’s worth:

BOOK BOMB! Residue by Steve Diamond

Residue (Jack Bishop Book 1)
Kindle Edition
by Steve Diamond
Today we are Book Bombing Steve Diamond’s debut novel Residue. I was one of the alpha readers, and this is a great read.
For those of you new to the Book Bombs, how it works is that we get as many people as possible to buy the book on the same day from Amazon. This will cause it to go up in the sales rankings. The higher it ends up, the more new people will see it and check it out. A good book Bomb will introduce an author to hundreds or even thousands of new readers. The more exposure the better. Success breeds success, a deserving author gets new fans, and most importantly the author GETS PAID.
So please tell your friends, share the link, spread the word, bother random strangers on public transportation, etc.
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Guest Post by Vox Day — Sentio, ergo rectum

Posted April 28, 2015 By John C Wright

This is a reprint of a WND column from 2004, which I thought bore repeating. Please note that step 1 and step 7 are the same in both versions of the Leftist textwar tactic:

How to argue like a liberal

By Vox Day
Published: 03/29/2004 at 1:00 AM

It is inarguable that liberals – in the modern American sense of the word – are the most flawless human beings on the planet. They are smarter, better-educated, wealthier, kinder and morally superior to those benighted quasi-Neanderthals called conservatives, who would like nothing better than to drag society back to the Middle Ages, or, according to some high-minded liberal theorists, the Iron Age.

How do we know this? Why, liberals tell us so!

Perhaps it has escaped me, but I have not personally witnessed any call for a return to the monarchy, much less land grants held in fief, on the part of even the most conservative Republican. And the last time I looked, the Bush administration was very much in favor of steel – certainly the U.S. steel industry appears to be most appreciative of his efforts in enacting a 30 percent tariff on their behalf.

But being a liberal means never having to worry about the facts. Facts can be uncomfortable, and of course, anything that makes anyone uncomfortable is a violation of our constitutional rights. The only fact that matters is the foundational fact that you can only feel what is right, so if a fact happens to contradict your feelings, obviously that fact must be wrong. Sentio, ergo rectum.

Due to this inescapable and irrefutable logic, I have finally been convinced that I will be healthier, happier and wealthier if I join the large-brained ranks of the morally superior elite. I have therefore decided to become a liberal. Already I have benefited greatly from my decision – whereas many previous discussions ended in a frustrating impasse, now, being inestimably more clever and better-looking than before, I am able to win any argument with the greatest of ease. Let me share with you the secret of my success.

  1. Make an untrue statement, preferably on the subject of something about which you know nothing.
  2. Express astonishment that your source could possibly be inaccurate.
  3. Demand what motivation your source would have to lie.
  4. Assert that the other party’s inability to articulate this motivation is tantamount to proof that your source is not lying.
  5. Question the motivation of the contrary source.
  6. Argue that all sources are equal and that therefore the contrary source is irrelevant.
  7. Change the subject.

Alternatively …

  1. Make an untrue statement.
  2. Deny that you said what you said.
  3. Deny that the other party understood what you said.
  4. Deny that the words you used mean what the other party claims they mean.
  5. Redefine your definition and hope the other person forgets the previous one. Repeat as needed.
  6. Assert that since definitions are irrelevant and subjective, the other person is mean-spirited, racist, sexist, intolerant and obsessive.
  7. Change the subject.

Remember: As long as you haven’t admitted you’re wrong, you are right. Any attempt to demonstrate otherwise is evidence of criminal hate and probably mental imbalance, too. Never forget that an answer to a question you have asked should always be regarded as a personal attack if the answer is something you don’t like, and that the answer to all evils personal, spiritual, moral and societal is more government money.

Now, if you don’t mind, I should probably go exercise my newfound moral superiority. The world won’t save itself, after all – not without the fount of all that is good and wise and smart and cute, which is to say, me.

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Pray for Marriage

Posted April 28, 2015 By John C Wright

The Supreme Court, in an unconstitutional overreach of their powers, are hearing oral arguments this day to decide whether to sustain or abolish marriage. It is doubtful that the High Court would have entertained the case if the fix were not in, and the decision already made to overrule the legislatures of the allegedly sovereign states of our union, to scorn the will of the people, and to trample the alleged common law by which we are allegedly ruled.

How has it come to this?

Considering the miniscule number of people who suffer from the objectively disordered passion of same sex attraction, considering the logical impossibility of living chastely within an oath to pursue unnatural sex acts, considering the absurdity of insisting on a mating ritual for partners who cannot mate, and considering the lack of penalty for divorce of such unions or betrayal of the oath, one is left with no choice but to conclude that there is no human reason for this surprising and surprisingly victorious social movement. It is a supernatural effect, and it does not come from the regions of the unseen order favorable to human life.

Hence, prayer and fasting is the most logical response, and the most effective.

And I am reminded that the first public miracle which initiated Our Lord’s ministry on Earth was at a wedding feast. The Book of Genesis begins with the marriage of Adam and Eve; the Book of the Apocalypse ends with the marriage of the Lamb and His bride, the Holy Church; and all the books between are depictions of the rather rocky marriage between the Lord and His people, our frowardness and adulteries, and His offer of reconciliation.

Our faith begins and ends in marriage: this is not a part of life we can abandon to the corruption, corrosion, filth and rats of moral relativism, or the locusts of political correctness.

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Danger: Humans

Posted April 27, 2015 By John C Wright

If you recall the climax of HG Wells’ WAR OF THE WORLDS, you might imagine the poor, highly organized and highly unified Martians coming to many of these same conclusions: and certainly the Kzin in Larry Niven eventually did, and an entire story arc of Marvel Comics was concerned with the Skrull coming to a similar conclusion.
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This should also go on the Wall of Awesome

Posted April 27, 2015 By John C Wright

A friend sent me this link, which I found both awesome and amusing.

Odd that they mention cursorial hunting — that notion crops up in VINDICATION OF MAN, when the humans have an audience with the Hyades Cluster emissary-mind, it explains that the solar-system-sized artificial intelligence humans called The Beast, which was the military governor the Empyrean Polity of Man from the 61st to the 66th Millennium, was selected because its remote biological ancestors, and therefore its current psychology, society and laws, were those of a cursorial hunters, just like homo sapiens. The Whelks of Ain thought the two forms of cusorial hunters would be better able to understand each other. Read the remainder of this entry »

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Two Fronts in the Culture War

Posted April 27, 2015 By John C Wright
Please see this article, courtesy of Patrick Deneen:

A crowdfunding campaign that had raised more than $109,000 for the Christian-owned bakery Sweet Cakes by Melissa in Oregon was removed Saturday after complaints from gay-rights advocates.

The Oregon Bureau of Labor and Industries proposed a damages award Friday of $135,000 against Aaron and Melissa Klein, owners of the [Sweet Cakes] bakery, after they were found in violation of the state’s anti-discrimination law in February.

“Lisa Watson of Cupcake Jones started her own campaign to contact GoFundMe and report the campaign as being in violation of their terms of service,” said the website GoLocalPDX in a Saturday post.

Sweet Cakes by Melissa has since closed its doors, although the Kleins are still providing baked goods from their home. The Kleins, who have five children, have said they are now struggling to make ends meet.

See here for a new donation site for the Kleins.

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And now the French

Posted April 27, 2015 By John C Wright

The overseas bloggers are getting into the act:

And, no, no one contacted me to discover what the other side of the story was, or even whether there was one.

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