The Phoenix never lays an Egg!

Message from Mike Allen:

CLOCKWORK PHOENIX is an anthology series devoted to publishing brave, beautiful, experimental work that is open to stories from everyone
anywhere. There’s only two days left to make it fly, and we open to submissions as soon as we are funded! Please check us out here:

My comment: The previous volumes of CLOCKWORK PHOENIX published my Metachronopolis stories which take place in the same background universe as ‘Plural of Helen of Troy’ which is up for a Hugo this year. He considered my strange time travel tales to be brave, beautiful and experimental enough to include in his volumes, and, unlike other editors with whom I have worked, he kept the writers informed at each stage of the process. Mike Allen is a good guy, and I’d like ask any reader who like what Mr Allen publishes — including some of my best work — should consider answering his plea.


Another message from Mr Allen:

CLOCKWORK PHOENIX 5 passed its funding goal and is open to
submissions! Guidelines here:

There’s still a little over half a day left in the campaign. I don’t expect
to see my stretch goals gain much momentum, but I did tweet to the effect
that I have them if you want to signal boost:

And if not, that’s just fine!

Thanks, all of you, so much, for everything you did to bring this book to