A robot named Stobor makes this observation on File 770 (

Then there were the “Transhuman and Subhuman” essays. Admittedly, they aren’t stories, but in that case, being “hit over the head” doesn’t properly describe the experience. Rather, reading the author’s extremely non-mainstream views felt like being at ground zero of a nuclear explosion after being dosed with anthrax and sprayed with nerve gas.

I can think of no finer compliment. You may purchase this fine work, described with such glowing if not fulsome terms of praise, here:

By ‘non-mainstream’ of course, this reviewer, who is a Morlock of AD 802701, means that the views agree with what all normal Americans, all sober Christians and all faithful Catholics have known, lived and believed for two thousand years, and what all healthy men of ordinary and non-perverse tastes have known, lived and believed since before the dawn of recorded history.

Whereas I disagree with what is fashionable with an inbred, insular cult of degenerate cannibal troglodytes for this fashion season, and no more.

Sir, you lost my sympathy long before that rocket scientist who landed a robot on a speeding comet was mocked for wearing a Hawaiian shirt showing sexy action-hero girls. But I want to mention it again to show how far from the mainstream of human life, of Western civilization, of Christianity, and of humanity you have drifted.

Transhuman Cover Final