The Hatreds of the Left

A boorish reader takes me to task for speaking the plain truth bluntly. He greatly surprised me by backing away from his boorishness for a moment, and, to return his courtesy, I owe him an answer to his question.

This is the statement he doubted, saying this had nothing to do with Marxism, and saying that Leftism was a term I had not defined.

They [the Left] hate money making. Hatred of being productive is the core of their thinking, next to hatred of truth, beauty, life, love, unborn babies, and Christ. «

Hatred is the emotion that accompanies a desire to abominate and destroy the object of hatred. Hence, without being a mind reader, the hatreds of the Left can be rightfully deduced by their acts and their rhetoric. They do not hide what they believe.

1. They hate making money.

While there are heterodox Leftists, the core of Leftism orthodoxy is the mistrust of something called Capitalism, which is a deceptive mischaracterization of the free market.

In the free market, free and equal men exchange goods and services through indirect barter to their mutual benefit.

In capitalism, a coherent class called Capitalists manipulates the power of the market and the state to deceive the proletarian class into a situation of exploitation: per Marx, the value of a good is based solely on the labor expended on making it, and this is equal to the contribution of the laborer.

The expense of arranging organization, bringing articles to market, advertizing, tools, training and a shed or factory in which to work, including maintenance and replacement of worn tools is called capital. All these are up-front costs, that is, they must be expended before the good is made. Per Marx the capital contribution counts for nothing. The goods are sold at the labor value, but the wage of the worker is necessarily below this. The profit of the investor or owner, paying him back for the up-front costs, is necessarily taken from the sale price of the good; the sale price is the labor value; the laborer hence, by definition, and in all cases and under all circumstances, is being cheated and exploited by the investor, whom Marx sneers at with the word capitalist, a term he invented for reasons of political correctness, that is for the purpose of describing a good thing as evil or an evil thing as good.

(The term has since, as all politically correct terms do, taking on the normal and honest connotations of the idea it represents in the common mind, and so is now no longer a slander word or sneer word, but used by free men with pride to describe themselves.)

Hence, under Marx, by definition, and under all circumstances, the investor being paid back for his investment, making a profit, is immoral and hateful. Marx blames the immorality on the institution of private property.

In real life, the free market is a positive sum game: both parties win. In the make believe of Marx, Capitalism is a negative sum game where the rich always win (or lose less) than the poor, and fatten themselves on the misery of the masses, which they inflict for profit. The iron law of wages always drives wages to starvation level; the economies of scale always force corporations into ever larger combinations and monopolies, until finally only one world monopoly will exist. The fact that these vapid errors in the science of economics were disproved a generation or two before Marx ever took pen to paper has never deterred a single zealot of the cult called socialism.

Most modern Leftists have not read Marx and know nothing of his abortive economic arguments, such as they are.

However, the vocabulary and raw emotional appeal of the sense of wounded self-righteousness remains, and parts of the analysis remain. One still hears the Politically Correct terms ‘social justice’ from time to time, or  ‘wage slavery’ , words used to make evil seem good and good seem evil. Newspeak is a pure Marxist invention, merely popularized by George Orwell.

Leftism includes as its core the psychopathology of phobia toward the free market, and a faith in the institutions of government to correct for alleged errors in a functioning free market system based on rule of law and the sacredness of private property.

Leftists define themselves as those who seek to overturn the rule of law and have law based on persons: one rule for the rich (to be taxed) and one for the poor (to receive the tax money).  In recent years, the naked evil of this lawlessness has become too plain, and instead race relations rather than rich and poor are often substituted, so that Black lives Matter, but saying White lives Matter is racist and condemned. The effort again is to substitute rule of law with rule by Mandarins, intellectuals, and self-anointed enlightened ones, law based on persons.

A person who departs from Leftist orthodoxy on this main point, fear and hatred of the economy, of the free market, cannot truly be called a Leftist.

2. Hatred of truth.

Political Correctness is a core Leftist orthodoxy, the belief that the manipulation of words to manipulate minds to manipulate social mores and customs to correct alleged social injustices is not only morally allowed, but morally required. The core of Political Correctness is factual incorrectness, that is, an opposition to the truth as dangerous and hateful. Countless examples are at hand: I will point to the recent false accusations of rape appearing in Rolling Stone magazine, the false accusations of neonazism directed against me personally, the false accusations of global warming against modern industrialism, and in each case the lies were defended on the grounds that it was moral and proper to lie and immoral and improper to tell the truth.

3. Hatred of beauty.

Go into any modern art museum. I need not repeat myself on this point. Here are my conclusions, with examples:

4. Hatred of Life.

Euthanasia and aborticide are sacraments of the orthodox Left.

The holocaust of the Jews, the mass starvations of the Kulak, and the repeated mega-genocides of the Chinese were all accomplished in the Twentieth Century by socialists of the brownshirt or redshirt type, using the same philosophy. Leftism is a death cult. One cannot be a Leftist properly so called without being an apologist or a denier for a holocaust of human life, either of unborn children or some undesirable class needing liquidation. Perhaps in the past, before the fall of the Soviet Union, a belief in the benevolence of this deadly, humanity-destroying, mass-murdering political philosophy was excusable. Now, such ignorance is either negligence or willfulness. I do not believe any man is honestly unaware of the enormities of the Left in the Twentieth Century, the bloodiest in history. The whole of the Spanish Inquisition killed fewer people than Mao killed in one day.

5. Hatred of Love.

It was not always so, but modern orthodox Leftism exalts fornication and sodomy as the highest expressions of human sexuality, and they are praised in terms of their sacred and inviolate character. My school age son just this day was upbraided in a Boy Scout class for saying that there is only one form of family life, that is, monogamy, and was chided for calling children born out of wedlock bastards, and saying that a single-parent family is not a family, no more than a single-wheeled unicycle is a bicycle.

Love does not exist outside chastity, monogamy, and romance. These are unique Christian social artifacts. Marrying for love is unknown outside areas influenced by Christian thinking: absent the oath of matrimony, love is not true love, but mere lust, which is in many ways its opposite. The attack on the sacred character of monogamy has been unrelenting and lead to the current absurdities of transvestites and eunuchs wearing dresses barging into women’s dressing rooms.

Romance depends on the opposite and complementary nature of the sexes. A major branch of Leftism, and one which bids fair to bring all other branches to heel, makes any observation of the differences between the sexes to be a sign of oppression, and therefore is met with absolute hostility. I point to the firing of Larry Summers, dean of Harvard, as one example of countless.

6. Hatred of Unborn babies.

There are too many examples to mention. See, for example, this

7. Hatred of Christ.

There are too many examples to mention. See, for example, this:

One cannot be a Leftist and be a Christian. The worldviews are logically incompatible at every point. There are, to be sure, Leftists who call themselves Christian. Logic is not their strong suit.

Definition of Leftism

The cult of darkness variously known as Leftists, Liberals, Progressives, Brights, Socialists, Pinkos, Late Moderns, Collectivists, Traitors, is controlled by a Seven Bad Ideas around which their various emotions and interjections orbit.

The Seven Bad Ideas are:

  • Solipsism — the paradox that asserts that truth is personal, hence optional: “It is not true that truth is true.”
  • Relativism — the paradox that asserts that virtue is subjective, situational, relative: “It is wrong for you to judge right and wrong.”
  • Subjectivism — the paradox that asserts that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. As if putting a urinal in an Art Museum, and betraying the standard somehow proves the standard wrong, not the betrayal.
  • Irrationalism — the paradox that asserts reason is untrustworthy. Each man’s reason is too biased by upbringing, class self interest, sex, race, and background such that no one, aside from members of a given race and sex and victim group, can be expected to understand or advise other members of the victim group. Of course, reaching this conclusion from that premise is itself an act of reasoning, requiring the reasoner to trust his reason, despite the background and race and sex of the reasoner.
  • Pervertarianism — the paradox that asserts it to be licit to seek the gratifications of sexual union of the reproductive act without the union, without the reproduction, and, in the case of sodomites, without the act. The same insane paradox asserts that females should be feminists rather than feminine; and that sexual predation is more romantic than romance.
  • Totalitarianism — the paradox that asserts that freedom is slavery, war is peace, ignorance is strength. The Constitution is a living, breathing document, ergo it must be smothered and killed.
  • Nihilism — the paradox of that the meaning of life is that it has no innate meaning.

No claim is being made that all Leftists believe all these things. They have their heterodoxies, as any heresy does. The claim is that about these seven core ideas most or all leftist ideas inch near and orbit near. They may throw up trivial distinctions or exceptions, but the overwhelming majority of Leftwing commentary follows these main lines of thought.

A Leftist who says he does not believe one of these seven will nonetheless speak of it with respect. A man who denies all seven is not a Leftist. Most Leftists are remarkably stupid people, unwilling to examine their own axioms, unaware of their own premises, and illiterate of their own founding doctrines and patrons.

No proof is being offered here that Leftists believe these ideas or make these assertions. The reader can discover that for himself, merely by listening to them talk, reading their works, and reaching his own conclusion.

If you cannot see it by reading what they say, you will not see it by my repeating what they say. Look for yourself.