Humble Gratitude

I posted the first episode of my ongoing pulp space opera serial, SUPERLUMINARY on Patreon, and went, cap in hand, asking my kind readers to support the effort.

That was Wednesday. The promised donations have now exceeded $300 dollars a month. That amount astounds me.

I am confident nothing in my meager talents and powers are worthy of such a show of faith on behalf of my noble and generous patrons: I assume there is something in my writing which a divine muse subtly introduces into my tales, which is good, true and refreshing, in other to prove to the thunderstruck gentiles that no writer is good without the help of Heaven.

It is similar to the blessing bestowed on David the shepherd boy to allow him to slay the giant. No thunderstruck gentile, even the most foolish, would look at such an event and say, “My! That boy has a good arm!” or say “What a peculiar military coincidence!”

Likewise here: the gentiles will be sent quaking to their idols to cling at the numb stone legs of those monuments, and whisper: “The God of Abraham is God. Nothing else explains or can explain the popularity of that horrible Space Princess guy.”

Glory to God in the Highest and thanks to my patrons, friends, and supporters here on earth and elsewhere. I am astonished and humbled.