Brotheration to all Candidates; Who is your King?

Some of observers of the modern scene, despairing of conservatism as an idol that failed, likewise despair of democracy and its ideal of equality of rights.

In particular, they hold the races to be unequal, mutually incompatible, and therefore must be separate and at odds. The Black Lives Matter is one manifestation of this: La Raza among the Mexicans is another. Both are notoriously anti-American, anti-White, and would void our nation, laws, and customs, most particularly the law treating all men as equal before the law. Any Black who cheered when OJ Simpson was acquitted, for example, rejects equality.

Because of the insanity of the modern day, I find I must defensively define terms that schoolchildren once learned in civics class. Equality here means that a man’s wealth, birth, or bloodline, race or denomination, is not taken into account when determining his guilt or innocence in criminal or civil law, nor imposing on him extra burdens of civic duties, such as jury duty or tendering taxes, nor singled out for special privileges. Equality is the opposite of group punishment, ancestral guilt, corruption of the blood, and affirmative action. It does not mean everyone gets a trophy for participating.

Now, of late, I have heard of the desire of some on the Right to form a White Race party, on the grounds that, first, Whites are the only group routinely and openly discriminated against under our laws concerning admissions and hiring practices, and, second, that Western Civilization is and should be White, an unique cultural artifact of the White Race, on the grounds that among non-Whites no such laws and institutions as ours are found.

As to the first argument, I yield with no further complaint. If the only way to rid an otherwise civilized nation of race-based hate groups like La Raza and Black Lives Matter is to overawe them with a race-based majority group seeking a destruction of minority privilege and affirmative action, the minority has none to blame but themselves.

The Left promised the unhappy minorities better lives in return for giving Caesar the power to lift the blindfold of Justice, and grant rewards and favors based on race, not merit. The Left promised minorities money if they had bastards out of wedlock, and urged them to kill any unwanted unborn babies in numbers to make the Aztec blench. The Left promises you Utopia and gave you Detroit.

If the White Lives Matter party forms, it is the inevitable reaction to the folly of minorities seeking legal privileges denied to Whites. If a sailor heeds the siren song, she will lure his boat to the reef, and drown him.

As for the second, I would propose that if we find a factor that correlates with respect for the individual and other indicia of civilization, it is a possible cause, whereas a factor present both when individualism is present and when it is absent is not a possible cause.

Was it the bloodline of the White Race that caused the predominance of Europe in the last millennium, and America in this?

Right now, there are three worldviews in contradiction with each other.

One is Christianity, which I take to be Jewish in conception and Greco-Roman in birth.

The bloodlines of the races of the Roman Empire were much the same after Constantine as before, but the spread of Christian religion led to a remarkable change in human history, and, I would say, the only true change in history worthy of the name: the poor, the weak, the downtrodden, the slave, the woman, the child, all were anointed as if with glamour, as seen as children of God. The pagan practice of exposing infants, of divorce, the paterfamilias right of a Roman father to kill a disobedient son, the institution of the gladiatorial games, the keeping of concubines and catamites, and the slave trade itself, died out where Christendom droves its roots and spread its branches.

The addition of Roman law to Greek Philosophy and Jewish religion is what gave the West during the last thousand, five hundred years, and this was rarefied and boosted in the Northwest by the addition of English Common Law, which I take to be a tremendous achievement in human history for civilizing fallen man. The particular genius of America was to rarefy and clarify those Common Law principles to an unparalleled extent, and devise a constitutional scheme prudently engineered to preserve those principles. But roots nourish the tree: one does not get the English notion of the Rights of Man absent the Roman and Jewish notion of Man as the Image of God.

Now, the other two worldviews strive with this, and peace is not possible with them.

One is called by various names which change from season to season, whenever its true name arises. I call it Morlockery, but Socialism or Secularism is as good a word, Leftism, Barking Moonbat Lunacy, Economic Illiteracy, or Social Justice Warfare.

Marx is its heresiarch, and even those who never read a word of Marx, abide by his dogmas. They despise Christ and worship Man; they scorn Greek philosophy and love nihilism, they trample Roman Law and Common Law and lust for Totalitarianism. Pederasty is their preferred vice.

The other is Mohammedanism. Mohammed is its heresiarch. They despise Christ and worship Allah; They scorn Greek philosophy and love the Hadith; They trample Roman and Common Law and erect Shariah, another brand of Totalitarianism. Again, their preferred vice is pederasty.

Both hate monogamy; one in favor of sodomy, the other in favor of polygamy.

Now, Marx was German and lived in England when he wrote his book. While it is true that Mao was Oriental, it is also true that the Stalin, Hitler, Mussolini were Occidental. Mao took his ideas and methods from Marx, not from Confucius or Lao Tzu. Red China is a redhaired stepchild of the West.

Marx was a Jew. Many a Jew is a Secular Humanist, Communist, SJW, Morlock, etc. However, the number of blue-eyed golden-haired Morlocks is immense. White skin is not proof from the disease.

Protestantism, if I may humbly say without offending my brothers in Christ, yielded to the seculars on this issue of contraception and divorce, and many a Christian (of all denominations) yields on the issue of abortion and sodomy-friendly laws. Whiteness has not fended off the crucial loss on that battlefront, nor has being Northeastern European.

Again, Mohammedanism spread through North Africa, the Near East, Asia Minor, Spain, the Balkans, but also south in sub-Saharan, that is, Black Africa and East into India and Indochina. You may divide the races by some other criterion, but I was taught that the Caucasians from the Caucasus were Caucasian, as were the Copts and Aryans from India. So, once again, Whiteness is no defense against Mohammedanism.

Indeed, the only lands to my knowledge which ever repelled the Paynim are Catholic Spain, where the Hispanics (whatever that word means) hail from, and Austrian lands, also Catholic.

So my conclusion is that race is not the cause of Western Civilization, and not its defender. The two enemies of the West, the Southrons and the Easterlings, are both as White as Constantine or Augustine.

For that matter, the Canadians are White as White can be, and they are enemies of free exercise of religion and free speech in the name of sodomy and socialism, and they are growing worse each day.

All of our current problems in America with Blacks and Mexicans and Mohammedans are either caused or encouraged by the Left, who are overwhelmingly White in Race and underwhelmingly unchristian in sentiment and education.

Whiteness is an abstraction. Western Civilization is a concrete thing, a reality. Christ is a person, and King. An abstraction cannot lead a crusade because it can inspire but self interest, but not self sacrifice. A king can.