An Article from the Church Militant

When British and Allied forces defeated the Nazis under the command of General Erwin Rommel in Egypt and North Africa in November 1942, Winston Churchill declared, “This is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is perhaps, the end of the beginning.”

The war would drag on for more than two long years with many more millions of casualties. But a bridge had been crossed, and all sides knew it. It was only a matter of time.

The same could be said of what happened this Election Day in America. President-Elect Donald Trump’s destruction of the Party of Death sent out a clarion call: Things have changed. The war has taken a definitive turn. What must clearly be understood, however, is that there is only one war being played out, but in two theaters: temporal and spiritual.

On a temporal level, the names and faces and philosophies are all familiar — Democrats vs. Republicans, Hillary vs. Trump, conservatives vs. liberals, capitalism vs. socialism, nationalism vs. globalism, limited government vs. the Nanny State and so forth. And the various sides are rather well defined, even if there are some points of murkiness when one digs into the details.

Where there are no points of murkiness, however, is in the larger war: the spiritual one. In this war the boundaries are extremely clear and the lines very bright. Good vs. Evil is the only demarcation.

Read the whole thing.

My comment:

The Press is the Mouth of Sauron. Its curses and promises have fallen dumb, and now it is reduced trumpeting staged riots and threats of violence. But its hands are off the levers of power.

Identity politics has failed. It never was real to begin with: the only people who formed black or hispanic, female or homosex voting blocs were Leftwingers. It was not Alfonzo Rachel, nor Ted Cruz, nor Ann Coulter, nor Milo Yiannopoulos the bloc voters supported.

If Identity Politics does not support your identity except when you conform to the leftwing ideology, it is Ideology Politics, not Identity Politics, isn’t it?

The whole idea of Identity Politics is a Frankfurt School idea, something invented to undermine the limited government free market free minded worldview the Marxists and socialists and Neo-Nazis all hate.

It is collectivism. And there is no such thing as individualistic collectivism, hence no such thing as K-selected collectivism (a wolfpack is not an beehive). hence no such thing as free men who yearn for it.

It is, in fact, the core of what the voters voted out of power in the current stunning election. Blacks, women, and other minorities crossed the aisle and voted Trump in numbers no other GOP politician had ever enjoyed. This is solely because he articulated, finally and for once, what the Republican Party stood for at its founding, but which the pretend-GOP wing of the Uniparty betrayed.

The Republican Party is dead. Good riddance. Long live the Republican Party. Shelob has been stabbed and retreated into the darkness. The quest has not failed.

But the Ring has not been destroyed nor the foundations of the Dark Tower toppled.