Musings Archive

Thanksgiving: The Vanity of Plato’s Conceit

Posted November 23, 2023 By John C Wright

As a public service, we reprint last year’s column for any readers who may have missed it.

For this Thanksgiving, let us give thanks for the lesson learned by the Pilgrims in the first harsh years of their colony.

The real history of the Mayflower Pilgrims was recounted by their leader, William Bradford, in his book Of Plymouth Plantation (1647).

The words below are his, where he explains how, at first the colonists attempted to hold all property in common:

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The Anti-Cassandra of Overpopulation

Posted November 22, 2023 By John C Wright

Regarding the eco-scaremongering which has been a constant force and clamor in modern life since at least 1950, a reader with the leviathanic yet flatulential name of KrakenFartz observes:

Thomas Sowell coined the term “Teflon Prophet” to describe the scientaster, Paul Ehrlich, because even though his predictions have turned out to be wrong every single time, nothing sticks to his reputation.

My comment:

First, I salute the use of the term scientaster as a clever play on the underused word poetaster — referring to an overly self-important versifier with underwhelming skills.

Second, I suspect nothing sticks to Ehrlich’s reputation as a prophet simply because those who believe him do so for unadmitted emotional reasons related to earth-worship, to discontent with freedom and prosperity, and to the Gnostic world-view that inverts moral values. He tickles their ears with what they want to hear.

You would think folks would not want to hear that they are doomed, and more doomed, and most doomed. To the contrary, prophecies of Armageddon and Ragnarok quell quotidian worries, open a vision of life’s larger issues, and firm the resolve to heed and follow one’s prophet of choice. Such prophecies set the stage with a large picture of the war between Heaven and Hell, and the battle for the soul of the nation.

The only problem is that the false prophets are on the wrong side. Those who follow heaven obey the command to be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it. The opposition wants to subdue man, cull the population like cattle, and worship the earth as an idol, a Carthaginian idol that demands human sacrifice.

Paul Ehrlich is a false prophet. It  has not eroded his support one iota.

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Believing is Seeing

Posted November 15, 2023 By John C Wright

Jordan Peterson’s roundtable discussion on Exodus, has much to recommend it, not the least of which is a digression which addressed an error I have often made in my godless youth, which many Americans, also godless, also make.

  1. The  Vantage from Nowhere

The Idolatry of Reason — one unwelcome legacy of the Enlightenment Era — involves the idea that one stands apart from the laws and customs, mores and ideals into which one was born, and judges them as if from an objective standpoint: the vantage from nowhere, so to speak.

Right Reason, let us hasten to add, disapproves of the Idolatry of Reason as unreasonable.

Right Reason is humble, and rightly so. Idolatry seeks to dethrone the Most High in favor of an usurper. Whether that usurper is the faculty of reason, or the pride of man, or the vanity of some high-sounding ideal, is no matter.

Putting the lesser good above the higher good makes it bad. Even the brightest angel seating himself above heaven’s highmost throne becomes a devil.

In reality, reason only operates when grounded on first things themselves not open to reason.

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The Superversive World of Harry Potter

Posted November 13, 2023 By John C Wright

A trip down memory lane for my longtime readers. Here I reprint my first column where I used Tom Simon’s wonderful term SUPERVERSIVE. As one can see from the internal references, this was back a few years. Not much has changed.

September 15, 2014 By ISI Archive

In reality, the best way to find reality is through fairyland.

Fairy tales of any sort are more truthful about the eternal verities of the human condition than many a tale told in the realistic style. Stories about a bold champion of Camelot or the enchantress of Aeaea, or the great dragon beneath the Lonely Mountain, will tell you more of sin and salvation, love and loss and love found again, than a yarn about a cuckold in turn-of-the-century Dublin, or a decadent drunk living in West Egg, Long Island. This is because so-called realistic tales deal only with the surface features of life, what we see with our eyes, so to speak; fairy tales touch the mystery and wonder at the core of life.

This is true even of tales that treat the matter of ancient epics and ballads lightly, as when a young orphan discovers he is not of our world but a wizard from the land of magic hidden from human eyes.

Harry Potter somewhat cheekily, and with tongue in cheek, puts all the tropes of once-upon-a-time into modern garb, so that broom-riding witches play rugby in midair, and the sorcerer’s apprentice goes to boarding school straight out of Tom Brown’s School Days to face bullies as bad as Flashman.

But even a lighthearted treatment of the eternal things will brush up against eternal themes: Harry must face a Dark Lord who is a dark reflection of his own soul, and he bears the wound of his mother’s love, which saved him as a babe, upon his brow.

Harry Potter is the most successful book of all time next to Pilgrim’s Progress and the Sear’s Catalogue. And so, naturally, there is a certain cult, known in his world as Deatheaters, and in our world as Political Correctness, that seeks repulsively to claim that success as their own.

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Virginia Election Results

Posted November 8, 2023 By John C Wright

The Election results are in. Virginia lost.

The Dems retains control of the state senate, and regained control of the House of Delegates.

Meanwhile in Ohio, prenatal infanticide was enshrined as a right in the state constitution. Dems outspent GOP 9-to-1 on propaganda, and the corrupt matriarchy voted enthusiastically for Moloch.

That there are still a majority of voters sufficiently motivated to vote for openly self-destructive and irrational policies confirms fears of civilizational suicide.

Or perhaps there is still a majority of citizens insufficiently motivated to curtail voter fraud. In the modern age, which historians will one day call the Misinformation Age, truth is impossible to discern from fiction.

From Twitter aka X:

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Bretigne Shaffer on Amazon’s RINGS OF POWER

Posted November 8, 2023 By John C Wright

This is from the pen of   at Lew Rockwell. She writes, in part:

Why ‘Rings of Power’ Is So Terrible, and Why It Doesn’t Matter

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Unconditional Surrender

Posted October 26, 2023 By John C Wright

Jed is my college roommate and lifelong friend. This is his letter to the Review and Outlook section of the WALL STREET JOURNAL, Oct. 24. I share the sentiments. 

To the Editor:

In 1945, the Allied powers demanded unconditional surrender of the German government, and the total dismantlement of the Nazi regime.  Civilian households throughout Germany hung white sheets from their windows as a signal of acquiescence and defeat to the advancing Allied armies.  Russian soldiers raped two million German women.  This was the heartbreaking price that Germany had to pay for the choices of its democratically elected leaders, and its quiescent citizenry.

Because Israel is the Jewish state, there will be no rape of the Palestinians.  But bad choices, even democratic ones, have their ineluctable consequences.  The necessary corrective of fire and lead which will presently descend upon Gaza can properly end only with white sheets and the destruction of Hamas.  Like the Nazis in the final days of April 1945, Hamas won’t hesitate to slaughter its own citizens who show insufficient resolve.  Regrettably, this is a price Gazans must now pay.

Only then will the stage be set for a Palestinian Adenauer to arise, who can lead his people to the peaceful prosperity that Israel has unflaggingly offered since the day of its founding.

Jed Arkin
Tel Aviv, Israel

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Tucker re Trump

Posted October 19, 2023 By John C Wright

This brief political campaign advertisement is one of the most effective in recent memory.

It perfectly sums up the reasons why I, and countless like-minded individuals both at home and abroad, have more than merely a utilitarian and political attachment to Mr. Trump and to the America-First movement.

This is not because he is a flawless man. Surely not. In some ways, Mr. Trump, with his blustery talk and New Yorker boasting, is absurd.

We like him.

We like him because he keeps his campaign promises, the only politician in memory ever to do so. This is because he record actually speaks for itself: and we are not tired of winning yet.

We like him because he is funny. But we more than like him.

We admire him.

We admire him because he is the best politician in living memory, and the only statesman since Churchill worthy of the name. In this present darkness, he is the brightest torch of defiance.

We admire him because he is the first leader in a generation that opposed, slowed, and undid even one footfall of the downfall of the West. But we more than admire him.

We love him.

We love him because he loves our nation, as shown by what he suffers for the nation.

He has paid his dues.

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Posted October 17, 2023 By John C Wright

Upon a time a few year’s back, I saw a skit or commercial where the female characters from the television show MAD MEN, secretaries and office girls from the 1960’s, were confronted by the time traveling ambassador from their future, our present, portrayed by Ellen Degeneres. She is an untalented celebrity of some sort but known to me only because of her widely publicized sexual degeneracy.

In the little skit, Miss Degeneres exclaims to the benighted damsels of the allegedly remote past that women in the future have full equal rights. She includes “the right to get married” as the crown in the list of such civil rights enjoyed by the future women.

The writers of the skit intended this to be a triumphant rather than a ridiculous statement, and intended it to mean that women of the future have the civil right to get married to each other, that is, to have an unnatural lesbian liaison with one of their own sex called marriage, and treated with solemnity and legal recognition.

As I watched in awe at the perfection of tonedeafness parochialism involved in retrofitting modern Lefty echo-chamber sentiments to the generations of our mothers and grandmothers, I could not help but wonder: by what means have we come to this?

Whether the time traveling ambassador of female emancipation also mentioned the woman’s right to alter their bodies with carcinogenic chemicals to produce temporary sterility, or to kill their own beloved offspring in the womb, and to compel the public coffers to pay for both abominations, that I do not happen to recall, and I am unwilling, due to my delicacy of digestion, to move my finger the half-inch it would require to lookup the matter on the worldwide computer system we enjoy here in the future.

I felt a moment of vertigo as I contemplated the immensity of the gulf that stretched between (1) the rational creatures of the universe and (2) the creatures that had, in all seriousness, conceived and wrote and produced this skit and aired it to the public.

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Science Fiction and Simon the Magician

Posted October 8, 2023 By John C Wright

Here I reprint of a column from years past, but still pertinent, or impertinent.

Let me propose a rather long essay and a slightly droll theory:

The aliens behind the Monolith in Arthur C. Clarke’s 2001: A SPACE ODYSSEY are the same as the aliens signaling from Vega in Carl Sagan’s CONTACT. They both are part of the Galactic Overmind seeking the evolutionary transcendence of all life, and to elevate lesser races to maturity, as in CHILDHOOD’S END, also by Clarke.

On a less droll note, I am proposing that these works, and several others, are similar in their mood and theme and treatment of the plot elements, because they tacitly agree on a central myth.

It is a mythic thread that runs through much of science fiction from even before the golden age, and, if I am right about what this thread is, back two thousand years and more. Van Vogt and Heinlein and Asimov have all placed at least some of their stories in the service of this myth, the Great Myth.

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Net Worth

Posted October 6, 2023 By John C Wright

Net worth before his term as president and after.

  • Trump—3B to 2.3B, loss of 700 million
  • Obama—1.3M to 70M, gain of 68.7 million
  • Bush—20M to 40M, gain of 20 million
  • Clinton—1.3M to 241.5M, gain of 240.2 million

Notice who profited the most.

3 USC 102: Compensation of the President of the U.S. Code reads, in part: The President shall receive in full for his services during the term for which he shall have been elected compensation in the aggregate amount of $400,000 a year, to be paid monthly, and in addition an expense allowance of $50,000 to assist in defraying expenses relating to or resulting from the discharge of his official duties. Any unused amount of such expense allowance shall revert to the Treasury…


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Shockproofing Society

Posted October 3, 2023 By John C Wright

An updated reprint of a column from 2016, still pertinent today.

***   ***   ***

Ours is the Age of Willful Blindness.

We live in a time of utter corruption of the thought process. It is so bad that perfectly obvious looming threats are routinely ignored, whereas non-issues like Global Frauding occupy the full attention of our elite leaders.

It is regrettable that I cannot begin the discussion of how best to survive the coming collapse of the West without devoting an entire column to saying what the danger is.

Safety precautions are not meant to be perfect, merely to be worth the trouble. Wearing a safety belt in a car will not protect your life in every case, merely in enough cases that it is worth the minor trouble of buckling up.

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Earth Looked so Small as to Make me Ashamed of Our Empire

Posted September 29, 2023 By John C Wright

This is a reprint of a column from years ago, perhaps still pertinent to the modern day: 

This is more like a guest commentary than a question, so you, dear reader, will experience two opinions for the price of one. Let us hear first from Carl Sagan, then from the reader, then I will offer my own comment, and then, finally, the comment from an Roman ghost seen in a dream.

Unfortunately this is print, so I cannot wow you with my powers of voice impersonation. I do a pretty mean Carl Sagan, as well as an excellent Phil Silvers or Hans Conried.

Therefore, readers,  I ask you to use your powers of auditory imagination, and to hear in your mind’s ear Mr. Sagan pronouncing the following words with his signature explosive b’s and sibilant s’s, and the slight pauses before each adjective, as if Mr Sagan savors the taste on his tongue of the precision of his words.  Imagine a voice vibrant with good humor, almost joy, and the ever so slight musical pomposity of tone.
Carl Sagan:

“We succeeded in taking that picture [from deep space], and, if you look at it, you see a dot. That’s here. That’s home. That’s us. On it, everyone you ever heard of, every human being who ever lived, lived out their lives. The aggregate of all our joys and sufferings, thousands of confident religions, ideologies and economic doctrines…every saint and sinner in the history of our species, lived there on a mote of dust, suspended in a sunbeam.

“The earth is a very small stage in a vast cosmic arena.

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Sci Fi Thinks on the Roman Empire Alot

Posted September 23, 2023 By John C Wright

There seems to be gossip (told half in jest, half in earnest, like most gossip) that has come to tickle womenfolk recently, to discover how often their menfolk think about the Roman Empire. As all but our women know, men ponder about this topic often. How could one not?

Here is an example from Twitter:

But no one yet has asked how often science fiction folk think about the Roman Empire.

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32 Climate Hoaxes

Posted September 12, 2023 By John C Wright

A short video on a favorite topic of mine:

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