Wisdom Archive

The Final Heresy, or, Indifferent to Self-Contradiction

Posted September 26, 2019 By John C Wright

This text is from THE GREAT HERESIES by Belloc, where he described the character of the modern heresy that, having no one heresiarch, has no one name. He prefers the term ‘The Modern Attack’ but says that technically, the correct term is ‘The Anti-Christ’ since the attack is directed to the end of abolishing the Church, and the whole of Western Civilization which she built.

 The reader is invited to see if he recognizes anything from our own generation, to which we are all too often blind, that a man writing in 1938 was able to discern so aptly.

The words that follow are his.

Let us examine the Modern Attack — the anti-Christian advance — and distinguish its special nature.

We find, to begin with, that it is at once materialist and superstitious.

There is here a contradiction in reason, but the modern phase, the anti-Christian advance, has abandoned reason. It is concerned with the destruction of the Catholic Church and the civilization preceding therefrom. It is not troubled by apparent contradictions within its own body so long as the general alliance is one for the ending of all that by which we have hitherto lived.

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Belloc on Heresy

Posted September 24, 2019 By John C Wright

One of our regular commenters, here, Mr. Richard W Comerford, brings to my attention certain quotes from that most insightful and fascinating book, THE GREAT HERESIES by H Belloc (1938 AD).

He shows a correct insight about the generations after him shared only by CS Lewis and GK Chesterton. Ask yourself why Leftwing predictions, starting with the utopian daydreams of socialists, or their predictions of eco-doomsday, are ever so risible and wrong, whereas those of these writers so perternaturally accurate.

Belloc correctly categorized Mohamedanism as a heresy, not as a seperate religion. The words below are his.

*** *** ***

“It is, in fact, the most formidable and persistent enemy which our civilization has had, and may at any moment become as large a menace in the future as it has been in the past” (93).

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Islam is Not a Religion

Posted September 22, 2019 By John C Wright

Rarely have I heard so much insight so curtly put in words so few and so clear. This basically sums up everything I think about the current geopolitical situation.

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Two Quotes

Posted September 18, 2019 By John C Wright

HG Wells, in describing his proposed World State to be based on the dictates of his atheist, Darwinian worldview, said this:

To the multiplying rejected of the white and yellow civilisations there will have been added a vast proportion of the black and brown races, and collectively those masses will propound the general question, “What will you do with us, we hundreds of millions who cannot keep pace with you?”

HG Wells and the famed writer Joseph Conrad struck up a friendship, which, at least from external signs, seemed to have cooled after 1906 or so. In early 1918, Joseph Conrad would explain that his final quarrel with Wells had centered on their differing views about humanity:

“The difference between us, Wells, is fundamental. You don’t care for humanity but think they are to be improved. I love humanity but know they are not!”

Would that more men had the insight of Conrad, or lacked the deadly and impious pride of Wells.

Out of the Silent Planet closely copies an H. G. Wells novel in its plot, but it couldn’t be more anti-Wellsian in its themes. As a boy, Lewis had enjoyed stories by Wells (1866-1946), especially such classics as War of the Worlds and The Time Machine. But when Wells evolved from a science fiction writer to an amateur philosopher, which he did around the turn of the century, Lewis lamented that Wells had “sold his birthright for a pot of message.”

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A Comment Worth Repeating

Posted August 31, 2019 By John C Wright

I found this gem in my comments box, and thought it merited emphasis.

A reader with the onomatopoetic name of ThPlonk remarks:

A post or two ago someone raised the issue of whether we should do anything to stop the atheistic progressives from pursuing self-destructive policies – after all if our enemies destroy themselves our work is done isn’t it?

Reading this post, I realized something: Satan knows he is beaten. He isn’t trying to win – he’s trying to maximize harm. He therefore commands his troops in a way that will destroy as many of his own people as possible. The Radical Left’s marching orders become chillingly clear:

Babies are to be killed, preferably before they can cry for help. If they survive, they should have their sexuality mutilated both chemically and surgically as young as possible. Men are to be emasculated, silenced, and shamed. The women should be sent out to fight instead, preferably alone because this makes them stronger. Their fight should take the shape of mob lynchings and kangaroo courts – if we cannot find any elderly bakers or 15-year-old schoolchildren to prosecute they should turn on themselves and purge their own ranks.

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Applause Lines not Punch Lines

Posted May 13, 2019 By John C Wright

Today’s must-read Superversive SF article is from my lovely and talented wife, Mrs Wright, who writes under the name L Jagi Lamplighter


Recently, there was a quote going around about how late night shows no longer contained comedy, because comedians can’t get away with mocking anything anymore. Instead, they make political comments that agree with their audience’s bias and then pause for their audience’s reaction.

But instead of laughter, they get applause.

I was thinking about that while I was watching a new (to me) show. Friends had recommended it. The premise looked amusing. The show was funny. Lots of real comedy.

But occasionally, there would be some bit of Liberal doctrine tossed to the audience in exactly the way a story normally might use comedy.

In other words: It wasn’t part of the plot. It wasn’t part of the story. It wasn’t character development. It didn’t matter or affect the outcome.  It was merely standing all by itself as if it were waiting for a high five in exactly the way that comedy gets a laugh.

Watching this, I thought: and that is what we mean when we say we don’t like message fiction.

Please read the whole thing. 


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Quote of the Day

Posted April 19, 2019 By John C Wright

The Quote of the Day for today, Good Friday 2019, come from our own Great One, known as Zaklog the Great, and our own Good Wizard, known as RJ Wizard. From a conversation in the Comments Box. Together, they are like the Great and Powerful Wizard of Oz, but with less humbug.

First, from Zaklog the Great:

Let’s look at recent news: what is one thing that atheists have created that is one tenth as beautiful and enduring as the Norte Dame Cathedral?

Next, from RJ Wizard:

And… crickets…
The only lasting monuments of atheism are the gulags, Stalin’s execution lists, China’s Movement, the guillotine and French river of blood, the attempted Mexican extermination of Catholicism and other such monuments.

This is what groups that are explicitly atheist have done – these are their monuments. It is a fact so obvious that I knew it as such even when I was an atheist.

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The Seven Sacraments of the Religious Left

Posted October 16, 2018 By John C Wright

From the Pen of Matthew Bowman

The Seven Sacraments of the Religious Left

  • Taxes: The First Sacrament. (Envy.)
    Instituted a hundred years ago, this sacrament teaches that the rich are evil. The rich may absolve themselves of this sin by devoting their lives (at least publicly) to the Church of Leftism.
  • Government Spending: The Second Sacrament. (Greed.)
    Instituted during the Great Depression, this sacrament teaches that the proper role of government is to spend money. On what, it doesn’t matter; just keep spending or else the economy collapses.
  • Free Love: The Third Sacrament. (Lust.)
    Instituted during the 1960s, this sacrament teaches that the greatest use of the human body is physical pleasure. Anything that allows that to continue, including free birth control, abortion on demand, the denigration of abstinence and marriage, and the promotion of non-hetero, non-binary ideas of sexuality, is therefore holy and just.
  • Collectivism: The Fourth Sacrament. (Gluttony.)
    Instituted during the 1970s, this sacrament teaches that the proper role of society is to support government. All areas of society must therefore be regulated by bureaucracy, in order that no citizen fall into sin — and so that when they inevitably do, they can be put on trial for their transgressions against the Church. All citizens may preemptively absolve themselves, however, by removing any obstacle to the actions of the Holy Monks of Bureaucracy, especially by disarming themselves; and to loudly proclaim their virtuous beliefs at all times so as to encourage and inspire others.
  • Self-Loathing: The Fifth Sacrament. (Pride.)
    Instituted during the 1980s, this sacrament teaches that the human race is a disease, fit only for destroying the world it lives in. All things that have brought up the human species from barbarism must be denigrated, save for those which will aid their betters in leading their flocks through the form of bread and circuses. All non-human creatures are to be venerated, as they have not the human species’ fallen nature.
  • Government Assistance: The Sixth Sacrament. (Sloth.)
    Instituted during the 1990s, this sacrament teaches that the human species is so destructive even to its own that it is now impossible to succeed without government assistance. While taught as a faithful belief in prior eras, it is now elevated to doctrine with the advent of the Church’s School Lunch Program and other forms of benevolent assistance that, of course, necessitate the Holy Monks of Bureaucracy to regulate everyday life to ensure a fair and balanced society.
  • Violence: The Seventh Sacrament. (Wrath.)
    Instituted during the 2010s, this sacrament teaches that while violence never solves anything, the Church’s faithful are called to crusades against those who resist the Church’s benevolence. All true citizens are granted automatic absolution for any violence they are forced to commit when they witness unholy behavior.
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Demons About to be Exorcised

Posted October 6, 2018 By John C Wright

These quotes are taken from an article by  Jennifer Hartline entitled It’s Not Kavanaugh, It’s Roe. Her words are so wise, and cut so deep, I thought it best to amplify them, and to ask my readers to do the same.


Any honest observer has to be repulsed by the histrionics displayed during Kavanaugh’s confirmation hearings. Screaming women raving like lunatics about one thing: abortion-on-demand. At the thought that they may not be able to extinguish the natural results of their sexual encounters, that the child they help create is a human being they are obligated to protect, the pelvic Left becomes absolutely unhinged. Unhinged is even too inadequate a word. It’s like the behavior of demons about to be exorcised.

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Larry Correia’s Russian Bot Review of Last Jedi

Posted October 4, 2018 By John C Wright

The esteemed and unconquerable whom the wise and the great in whispered tones revere as ‘The Mountain Who Writes’ whom the vulgar called Larry Correia, International Lord of Hate, has been disturbed in the throes of his muses by idiocy so severe that it registers on the Richter scale. Below is the opening.

By all means, go to his website, read the whole thing, and buy a few more of his books. Language warnings and spoiler warnings, etc.:


Okay, I should be working on the end of Monster Hunter Guardian, but then I saw this dumb ass article, and it absolutely demanded a response. I saw the Last Jedi. I talked about it a little bit on Facebook, but once I started optioning books to Hollywood I quit reviewing movies on my blog. But damn it, this has pushed me too far!


That’s right. Supposedly most of the people who hated The Last Jedi were Russian robots.

And so this was me, thirty seconds after I read that nonsense.

So today, don’t think of me as American novelist Larry Correia. I’m Lavrenty Krasnov, Cossack movie reviewer, who thinks that the Last Jedi was a dumpster fire of suck.
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Larry Correia on Brett Kavanaugh

Posted October 2, 2018 By John C Wright

Larry Correia, writer without peer, posted a brief statement on a controversial topic. With his permission, I reprint it here: Read the remainder of this entry »

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Laird Wilcox on Ritual Defamation

Posted October 1, 2018 By John C Wright

I heard this short essay being discussed recently. Written in 1990, it is remarkable in its prescience. I need not say to what topic, preoccupying the headlines of all newspapers, this pertains.

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More on the Same Topic

Posted May 8, 2018 By John C Wright

The controversy about Dr. Peterson’s reflections on whether truth must prove itself in action, I hope has been exhausted, and will die down.

I think the matter is too plain to admit of further debate. My own patience is exhausted, and my temper is short, so best if I withdraw from the discussion.

Here is one comment that seems to me to be exceeding wise on the topic, so allow me to quote it and step aside. This is from a reader with the exclusively egress-like name of Exit Only:

“When Peterson says you just a truth by its effect on life and healthy and happiness, critics jump on him. But when Christ says you will know true prophets and teacher from false by the fruits of their doctrines, that is, by the practical results when ideas are put in action, that is saluted as divine wisdom.”

I think the element of time, or better yet the word eternity, puts the definition of truth past beyond mere practical moral utility for this mortal life spent on earth. To be true is to have character, in and out of season, even when no one is watching, even at the cost of one’s time, convenience, or standing within a community.

Now why would anyone care to practice such truth, if no good deed, as Mark Twain once quipped, never goes unpunished? Unless we instinctively know we are preparing to go to a place to where character counts more earthly accomplishments?
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John Anderson & Jordan Peterson

Posted May 4, 2018 By John C Wright

It was with delight that I that began listening to the online lectures of Jordan Peterson, and reading his book on rules for life to myself and my boys. He is smarter than I am, which (all modesty aside) is sadly a rare thing for me,  and his insights are as sharp and shocking as a plunge in a clear and icy mountain stream.

For your edification and enjoyment, here is his recent interview with John Anderson.

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Which Magic School is For You?

Posted March 19, 2018 By John C Wright

A new series of columns from the beautiful and talented Mrs. Wright has made quite a splash since its debut. If you are not keeping up with the wit and wisdom, this column is a fine place to start:

Which Magic School Is For You: Roke

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