Not Tired of Winning Yet XLIX

Posted September 9, 2018 By John C Wright

If you have been following the news this week, you have noticed two stories receiving attention from myriad news outlets about two leftwing goofballs making fools of themselves in public.

Behold the Bold Resistance!

The first is one Senator Booker who, in an act of glorious pretend martyrdom, volunteered to be expelled from the Senate for violating its rules, except in reality he had not violated any rules.

In hopes of embarrassing Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, Sen. Booker released a document concerning the legality and propriety of what the Left calls racial profiling (which sane people call describing what your assailant looked like to the cops, so they can find the guy). However, the gesture was symbolic, since the document neither held any material in any way embarrassing to Mr Kavanaugh, and since the document had been released previously to the public, and therefore did not fall under any Senate rule forbidding anything.

The Daily Caller reports:

Bill Burck, a records representative for the George W. Bush presidential library, said in a statement Thursday afternoon that the documents were cleared last night and that Booker was already told he could use them publicly.

“We cleared the documents last night shortly after Senator Booker’s staff asked us to,” Burck explained. “We were surprised to learn about Senator Booker’s histrionics this morning because we had already told him he could use the documents publicly.”

“In fact, we have said yes to every request made by the Senate Democrats to make documents public,” Burck added.

The second story concerns an opinion editorial appearing in the pages of the New York Times, a former newspaper, allegedly from a White House staffer who claims to be protecting our democracy by doing his all to undermine the results of the last election.

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Protected: The Last Straw 08: Spacehorses and Codebreakers

Posted September 7, 2018 By John C Wright

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Signal Boost: Combat Frame XSeed on Indigogo

Posted September 7, 2018 By John C Wright

Boosting for fellow author Brian Niemeier:

Combat Frame XSeed Novel

Mobile Suit Gundam meets Tom Clancy.
The first book in a gripping new mecha/Mil-SF series!
The future is over.
Civilization on Earth has collapsed. Oligarchs have established a new order in man-made space colonies.
A group of powerful colonies form the Systems Overterrestrial Coalition to re-civilize the earth, but grounders view the colonists as hostile meddlers. The Coalition counters the rising violence with giant manned robots called combat frames.
Can earth’s nations protect their way of life against the deadliest war machines ever devised? Find out in the pages of Combat Frame XSeed!
See campaign, book trailer, and more on Indigogo
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The Theory of Spontaneous Moon Spores

Posted September 6, 2018 By John C Wright

Part of an ongoing discussion. A reader named writes:

I thought it might be more appropriate if I make my comment economical and elaborate my central claim, but we can get into the other questions as well, of course, sorry. Didn’t expect you’d be willing to take the time to have the full debate. I appreciate it.

My pleasure. I made the remark: “Indeed, the idea that life can arise from non-life, at this point in the history of science, is not even dignified enough to be called an hypothesis. It is not based on any observation.”

Mr. Toplak answered: “This is simply a false statement.”

My reply was: “If it is simply a false statement, please tell me who has ever observed life arise from non-life?”

His reaction to that question is below. My remarks are in italics.
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Klavan Reports On Kavanaugh Hearings Day One

Posted September 6, 2018 By John C Wright

As a public service, we here reprint this live report from the floor of the Senate building, from our ace reporter and supreme overlord of the multiverse, Andrew Klavan, know to history as Andrew the Bald. For more reporting of this type, please see


Kavanaugh Hearings Day One

by Andrew Klavan

Note: In case it’s not painfully obvious below, this is satire.

The first day of Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s Supreme Court confirmation hearing provided Americans a chance to hear arguments from Republicans and Democrats alike.

On the Republican side, Senator Orrin Hatch put forward the view that Kavanaugh is a constitutional originalist who would judge each case according to its legal merits.

On the Democrat side, Senator Dianne Feinstein set her hair on fire and ran around in circles making a squawking noise like a scalded chicken before she threw her skirt over her face and sobbed violently until she exploded, hurling gory fragments of herself in all directions.

On the Republican side, Senator Chuck Grassley said Kavanaugh would help lead the judiciary away from a legislative role and thus return the country to the rule of law.

On the Democrat side, a mob of villagers wearing Tyrolean hats and carrying torches stormed the capital screaming “Give us the monster!” while Senator Kamala Harris stood above them on a rock shouting, “Fly, fly, my evil ones, and unleash your hellish rage against those who would destroy your satanic right to tear the children from your womb and sell their body parts for cash,” after which Senator Harris transformed herself into an enormous lizard-like creature with leathery wings and flew up into the air clutching the souls of the unbaptized in her dripping fangs — which insiders say may provide an early clue to the 2020 Democratic presidential platform.

On the Republican side, Senator John Cornyn began to remark that court appointments should not be subject to mob rule, but never finished the sentence because Democrat Senator Cory Booker clutched him by the throat, screaming, “Everyone who does not agree with me must die!” before he was finally brought down by Capitol police firing silver bullets from a pistol blessed by a Gypsy woman.

The hearings continue today with Republicans filing a written statement declaring Kavanaugh to be qualified and Democrats filing a wordless shriek of anguish that echoes up from beneath the Senate floor and dies away to nothingness in the shocked silence that follows.

Your government at work.

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Lost on the Last Continent, Episode 64, Tumult at the Widow’s Tower, is now posted.

Episode 64 Tumult at the Widow’s Tower

In this exciting episode, Colonel Lost performs a daring rescue of a fearless damsel, who has seen strange things in her dreams.

*** *** ***

Oddly, the link above is not working. In the meanwhile, I will post the episode below, and see if I can insert it into its proper place in the manuscript later.

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Fame at Last!

Posted September 4, 2018 By John C Wright

An author just wrote and told me he mentioned a science fiction book of mine in a footnote to his treatise on the so-called Fermi Paradox, which is, that if life arises by a natural side effect of the chemical composition of planets circling metallic stars, even if the event is very rare, the stars are so numerous — one is tempted to call the number astronomical — that many signs of their civilizations should be all around.

His treatise is called THE GREAT SILENCE, and my name is mentioned on page 276. The author is Milan Cirkovic of the Astronomical Observatory of Belgrade.

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Even More Lost Delay!

Posted August 30, 2018 By John C Wright

Apologies to my faithful readers: the next exciting episode of LOST ON THE LAST CONTINENT is not yet ready. I hope to do double service during the three day weekend.

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Megan Fox interviews John C Wright

Posted August 29, 2018 By John C Wright

Max Kolbe is on sabbatical, so there is no Red Pill Religion for this week, but I had the rare pleasure of being interviewed by Megan Fox for her podcast. You may hear my dulcet tones bloviating, pontificating, objurgating and rudely interrupting my fair hostess here:


She asks me about my conversion story, a topic I forever delight to dwell upon, and my opinions of the most recent scandal to wound the Church, a topic that provokes disgust and pity, outrage and horror, in all men of good will who hear of it.

In any case, as you can imagine, I was honored to speak with the famous Megan Fox.

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Not Tired of Winning Yet XLVIII

Posted August 29, 2018 By John C Wright

No trade deal with Mexico has been signed yet, but the celebration is perhaps not premature of the hope of things to come. Under the dreary days of the previous administration, there was no such hope for economic growth at any time.

All these wins will be reversed if the House turns Dem in the midterms. Read the remainder of this entry »

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Lost Delay!

Posted August 28, 2018 By John C Wright

Unless fate alters course, this week’s publication of LOST ON THE LAST CONTINENT will be on Thursday rather than the accustomed Wednesday. Sorry about the delay: I have been pretty regular about my weekly serial since I started in May of 2016.


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The Black Flag of Anarchy

Posted August 26, 2018 By John C Wright

A reader named Kevin Johnson opines:

Saying “the Left is a violent mob” is kind of like saying “the Right are all fascists.” It’s asinine virtue-signalling. How Americans fool themselves into believing they have actual alternatives in the GOP and DNC, I will never understand.

Keep on drinkin’ that establishment kool-aid and everything will turn out fine!

This is a rhetorical game played by Leftists of the Left and by Leftists of the Alt-Right alike, wherein two opposite things are said to be equal. It appeals to the natural egalitarianism in fallen man, all of whom fall short of the glory of God, to assume that not only are venal versus mortal sins somehow equal, but that virtue and vice are somehow equal.

False equivalence is a game because it is not serious. It is not a philosophical nor political stance: it it is a mouth-noise, what we call phatic speech, merely intended to signal the virtue of the utterer by lifting him above the fray, as he judiciously pronounces a curse on both our houses. Like saying that the Jews are equally at fault as the Germans for the Holocaust, on closer inspection, one can easily see which side of the issue is elevated by the comparison, and which is undermined. The comment by Mr. Johnson is not meant to bring the Right up to share in the high moral ground of the Left: it is to silence any criticism of the Left and its perennial violent mob mentality.

Saying “the Left is a violent mob” is exactly like saying “the Right are all fascists”, except for the tiny niggling detail that one statement is true as Gospel and the other false as Hell.

Let us see if we can see which is which, shall we?

Here is an article from the Origonian concerning a Bernie voter who brought an American flag to an Anti-Fascist protest rally, and was duly beaten in the head by a baseball bat by Antifas. For those of you not keeping score, both Antifas and Bernie voters are Leftwing.

Paul Welch came to the downtown protest Aug. 4 to let his political leanings be known.

With pride he clutched his U.S. flag as he moved among the crowd of like-thinking demonstrators.

Soon a group of black-clad anti-fascist protesters, also known as antifa, demanded he lose the flag, calling it a fascist symbol. Welch refused, and a tug-of-war ensued.

It ended with Welch taking a club to the back of the head, lying on the ground in a pool of his own blood.

Only Welch was not a Proud Boy, a Patriot Prayer supporter or among the other conservative activists who descended into the area that day, many from out of town.

He was one of hundreds of progressive Portlanders who had turned out to oppose the right-wing rally held at the Tom McCall Waterfront Park.

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Protected: The Last Straw 06: Dim and Dank On Planet Swank

Posted August 24, 2018 By John C Wright

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The Sin of Lucifer

Posted August 23, 2018 By John C Wright

In the ongoing and ever-losing battle with my own personal dragons of pride, I took to wondering: why is the proud man angry or peeved with the stupidity (real or imagined) of his fellows?

I ask because one would think a saint would be very patient with someone who was stupid, if it were honest stupidity, and not merely laziness in thinking. Whereas the devil (or Lex Luthor) is always in a state of haughtiest annoyance, because he is brighter than those around him. Their stupidity proves his superiority – yet it irks him. Why?

This is not a rhetorical question: I do not have a theory on the subject myself.

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