More of the same

For your daily dose of hostility and arrogance from the Left toward Palin:

Follow some of the links in this entry, for example

Or read about Lynda Carter’s fear of Palin:

Or, from the same source, review a list of similar celebrity comments:

Including one from Roger Ebert

Here James Lileks is mocking a Canadian lady pen-pusher:

The beneficiary of Lilek’s attentions can be found here:

The money quote: 

[Sarah Palin] added nothing to the ticket that the Republicans didn’t already have sewn up, the white trash vote

More from the same

The conventioneers are nothing like the rich men who run the party, and that’s the mystery of the hick vote. They’d be much better served by the Democrats … I know that red states vote Republican on social issues to give themselves the only self-esteem available to their broken, economically abused existence.

For the sake of any liberals who might be reading my journal, let me assure you that I do not qualify as hillbilly hick white trash. I am a well lettered man of impeccable academic accomplishment, refined taste*, and a gentleman.

However, I am from the great Commonwealth of Virginia, home of George Washington and Thomas Jefferson, home also of the House of Burgesses, which is the oldest uninterrupted freely-elected body seated in the world, and we have a concealed carry law, which means you not know if I am packing heat before you decide to mock such men as my late grandfather. 


My grandfather was a faming man from a large, poor family, a God-fearing man who hunted. He was one who clung, as you might say, to his Bible and his guns. He was also brilliant, and self-reliant and self-made. My grandfather built his own house with his own hands, raised his own crops, raised his children to be smart and morally upright adults, and kept his family fed and housed through the Great Depression, and was a productive, beloved, and solid member of his community his whole life, as honest as the day is long and as tough as an old oak root. He never had more than a seventh grade education, but he was a self-taught amateur geologist, and something of an inventor. He was good with tools, a carpenter, a mason, a jack-of-all-trades.

He was what you might call a hick, by which I mean he was a better man than you.

In the face of such abysmal ignorance and ugly prejudice about what common men are like, the elitist snobs who hate the honest  workingman of this Republic are well advised to recall that elitist snobs are not actually elite, despite their airs.

A real elite has rank. Real noblemen fight duels. They are willing to risk an ugly death when their honor is impugned. In such an atmosphere, they tend to be polite. The words of real nobles therefore have a cost, and therefore, one hopes, might mean something. Their actions carry weight. Their families have traditions of military service.


In other words, a real aristocratic class have (or should have) certain standards that apply to their behavior. It is a system we Americans, by the grace of God, have been spared having to suffer. Why, then, should we suffer the arrogance of an aristocratic class, when that arrogance is not even connected to or restricted by the duties and traditions of a real aristocracy? They neither have nor should they have standards of behavior: If anything, the partisans of such art forms as Piss Christ and the Vagina Monologue delight in crudity, the mere opposite of what the refinement, nicety, politeness and courtliness many an aristocrat famously sought and supported.

Would even one of these sneering, scoffing, supercilious self-anointed of the Left be willing to speak so condescendingly of the common man, if they knew they had to answer for their words on a field of honor? So many of them speak of how they are afraid, so very, very afraid. Why should we listen to the counsels of the fearful?

No matter what the drawbacks of voting for McCain, whose credentials as a conservative are doubtful at best, I would now vote for him merely on the hope that Palin will stand for President once McCain’s term is up. My refined sense of honor as an elitist intellectual demands I stand up for the hicks and hillbillies of my homeland.


* Refined taste? See here for a refutation of this quaint claim. Mr. Wright admits in public that he likes Flash Gordon. He is clearly of the hoi polloi, and therefore an upstart – Eds.