Archive for November, 2008

Learning to Forgive

Posted November 10, 2008 By John C Wright

Once again, I am speechless, this time with awe rather than shock.

CORRIE TEN BOOM (1892–1983)

"My (parents). . . had opened a small jewelry store in a narrow house in the heart of the Jewish section of Amsterdam. There, in Amsterdam in that narrow street in the ghetto they met many wonderful Jewish people. They were allowed to participate in their Sabbaths and in their feasts. They studied the Old Testament together… (Ten Boom, 1974, p. 133)
Corrie was living with her older sister and her father in Haarlem when Holland surrendered to the Nazis. She was 48, unmarried and worked as a watchmaker in the shop that her grandfather had started in 1837. Her family were devoted members of the Dutch Reformed Church. Her father was a kind man who was friends with half of the city of Haarlem. Her mother had been known forher kindness to others before her death from a stroke.
Corrie credits her father’s example in inspiring her to help the Jews of Holland. She tells of an incident in which she asked a pastor who was visiting their home to help shield a mother and newborn infant. He replied, "No definitely not. We could lose our lives for that Jewish child." She went on to say, "Unseen by either of us, Father had appeared in the doorway. ‘Give the child to me, Corrie,’ he said. Father held the baby close, his white beard brushing its cheek, looking into the little face with eyes as blue and innocent as the baby’s . ‘You say we could lose our lives for this child. I would consider that the greatest honor that could come to my family’" (Ten Boom, 1971, p. 99).
Corrie’s involvement with the Dutch underground began with her acts of kindness in giving temporary shelter to her Jewish neighbors who were being driven out of their homes. She found places for them to stay in the Dutch countryside. Soon the word spread, and more and more people came to her home for shelter. As quickly as she would find places for them, more would arrive. She had a false wall constructed in her bedroom behind which people could hide.
After a year and a half, her home developed into the center of an underground ring that reached throughout Holland. Daily, dozens of reports, appeals, and people came in and out of their watch shop. Corrie found herself dealing with hundreds of stolen ration cards each month to feed the Jews that were hiding in underground homes all over Holland. She wondered how long this much activity and the seven Jews that they were hiding would remain a secret.
On February 28, 1944, a man came into their shop and asked Corrie to help him. He stated that he and his wife had been hiding Jews and that she had been arrested. He needed six hundred gilders to bribe a policeman for her freedom. Corrie promised to help. She found out later that he was a quisling, an informant that had worked with the Nazis from the first day of the occupation. He turned their family in to the Gestapo. Later that day, her home was raided, and Corrie and her family were arrested

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From the Blog of Prester Scott

Posted November 10, 2008 By John C Wright
I reprint here without further comment, because I am speechless.
The Fed refuses to identify the recipients of $2 trillion in bailout loans. I will be stunned if any of this sort of thing changes under Democrat rule. If there’s one thing that transcends partisan divisions, it’s Mammon.


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I, for one, welcome our new insect overlords

Posted November 10, 2008 By John C Wright

Prime Minister Brown sees the coming global depression as an apt opportunity to establish a New World Order. Maybe they can dissolve the House of Lords even more.

I like the line particularly where the article says now is the time to reassert faith in climate change. I am glad the article admits it is an article of faith.

from Reuters:

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The Prosecution Rests

Posted November 10, 2008 By John C Wright

In the comments box under another article, I was having a discussion with my pal John House about bias in the media. Well, not a discussion, exactly, but an exchange of words, where I would say something about the topic, and he would make an ad hominem attack without addressing the topic. He did not say that there was not a bias, he said that everyone has to define his own truth, and that I was a snob if I objected to dishonesty in the newspaper business.

Well, as if to pound the last nail into the coffin of media credibility, the Washington Post has today published an article admitting that they were in the tank for Obama.

As I recall, Dan Rather made a similar admission a little ways back. This is what we lawyers call ‘a statement against interest.’ It is an exception to the hearsay rule. Third party comments are admissible as evidence when they are statements against interest, the theory being that the main and common motivation for lying is absent when a person says something damaging to himself.

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lenneth asks: "I’ve always been afraid to read Lovecraft . . . I am a perfect scaredy-cat. But this is lovely! :) Are some of his works not horror then?"

His so called horror stories would not scare a rabbit, in my opinion. Arthur Machen or Edgar Allan Poe, Lovecraft is not. But, yes, some of his work is weird fantasy, after the fashion of Lord Dunsany: lyrical, hypnotic, unearthly, archaic, and strange.

Most memorable of these (they are the first fantasy ever I read) come from Lovecraft’s ‘Dream Cycle’

Let me strongly suggest you read THE DREAM QUEST OF UNKNOWN KADATH, and the related short stories,

The silver key

The white ship

The strange high house in the mist.

The Cats of Uthar

You can read DREAM QUEST online here: <>>

His other works are available here:

The modern age is simply a time of magic: in either days I would have had to lend you my precious out of print Ballatine paperback to make these little gems of weird fantasy available. Now they are free for you to read.

Here is the opening passage:

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Stop talking about politics for a moment or two.

Posted November 7, 2008 By John C Wright

Carbonelle writes:

Stop talking about politics for a moment or two.

Post a reasonably-sized picture in your LJ, NOT under a cut tag, of something pleasant, such as an adorable kitten, or a fluffy white cloud, or a bottle of booze. Something that has NOTHING TO DO WITH POLITICS.

Include these instructions, and share the love.

Adorable picture, eh? Why, I can do that!

Why, it is little Juss, walking along the Yellow Brick Road! How cute! How adorable!

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Beyond the Milky Way and the Arinurian streams

Posted November 7, 2008 By John C Wright

I have always been haunted by this eerie little fragment written by an author describing a dream:

"The sun had by this time sunk below the horizon, and in the twilight I saw an aureole of lambent light encircled the child’s head. Then in a tone of silver it addressed me: "It is the end. They have come down through the gloaming from the stars. Now all is over, and beyond the Arinurian streams we shall dwell blissfully in Teloe." As the child spoke, I beheld a soft radiance through the leaves of the palm tree, and rising, greeted a pair whom I knew to be the chief singers among those I had heard. A god and goddess they must have been, for such beauty is not mortal; and they took my hands, saying, "Come, child, you have heard the voices, and all is well. In Teloe beyond the Milky Way and the Arinurian streams are cities all of amber and chalcedony. And upon their domes of many facets glisten the images of strange and beautiful stars. Under the ivory bridges of Teloe flow rivers of liquid gold bearing pleasure-barges bound for blossomy Cytharion of the Seven Suns. And in Teloe and Cytharion abide only youth, beauty, and pleasure, nor are any sounds heard, save of laughter, song, and the lute. Only the gods dwell in Teloe of the golden rivers, but among them shalt thou dwell."

Bonus points and bragging rights if anyone can identify the author?

UPDATE: everyone who guessed got it right. That man had a distinctive style.

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It is going to be a long four years

Posted November 6, 2008 By John C Wright

Lord, may we endure thy wrath as did the children of Israel beneath the iron sceptre of Ahab, and the other cruel and vicious king it pleased You to raise to dominion over us. We accept thy stern rebuke with humility.

The Orwellian-named Freedom of Choice Act will pre empt all local sovereignty on the issue of abortion.

FOCA would establish the right to abortion as a fundamentalright (like the right to free speech) and wipe away every restriction on abortion nationwide. It will eradicate state and federal abortion laws that the majority of Americans support and prevent states from enacting similar protective measures in the future.

Please read the expert analysis by Americans United for Life (AUL) and sign the Fight FOCA petition at:

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Now is the time to put faction aside

Posted November 5, 2008 By John C Wright

I hate to say it, but I was fooled by an immoderate anti-Clinton press during Clinton’s term, much as the BDS Left was fooled by an immoderate anti-Bush press during Bush’s term. Let cooler heads prevail.

We must pause in admiration that this is an historic moment. The first Black man has been elected President of this nation. Complaints that the United States suffers from institutional racism from this moment on must be met with hoots of contempt. Would that it had been Alan Keyes or Colin Powell instead, but the significance of the moment is undiminished by the smallness of the man who plays this epochal role. Let the goats and bulls and stoats in Kenya gush forth the sacrificial blood beneath the knives of celebration!

In four years, we shall see another historical first, as Sarah Palin becomes the first lady President, and her husband become First Dude. Perhaps by that time, the conservatives will have jettisoned the idea of big-government conservatism, and return to the ideals of Goldwater, Reagan, and Burke. Maybe we can take the time to reread the Federalist Papers and re-acquaint ourselves with what are alleged to be our first principles, or perhaps even Adam Smith.

The ire of the Left following a Palin inauguration will be as great a temptation to them, then, as ire is to the Right, now, on the eve of an Obama inauguration. Let us by all means eschew such temptation. Let there be no four years of Obama Derangement Syndrome, please.

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Obama is now the president elect

Posted November 5, 2008 By John C Wright

I have just heard Sen McCain concede on the radio. Seems our boy does not have the gumption of a Al Gore, and is not willing to call for endless recounts.

Poor Mr. Obama is now in the difficult position of proving himself to be the Messiah. He won the nomination by appealing to the far left, and won the presidency by voter fraud by appealing to the center left: he will certainly disappoint someone.

He ran as the Messiah, he was elected as the Messiah. Somehow, I doubt he will govern as the Messiah.

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I have decided to vote for a third party candidate after all

Posted November 4, 2008 By John C Wright
Otto Octavius. We can achieve energy independence once he learns the secret of controlled electrohydrodynamic fusion.

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Wow I was not expecting that

Posted November 4, 2008 By John C Wright

Review of NULL- A CONTINUUM up on SfSignal

They give it 4.5 stars out of a possible 5. Them’s good stars.

They also say it is incomprehensible at times. Whether I write in an incomprehensible style, we cannot know. But this much we do know: here is the race that will rule the Sevagram!


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Last Minute Reminder on How to Vote

Posted November 4, 2008 By John C Wright

Despite the strong initial showing in exit polls, it is important to remember that the Detective Comics candidate, Superman, is not eligible to serve, because he was born on the planet Krypton. To be President, one must be born a citizen of the United States.

On the other hand, the Marvel Comics candidate, Ben Grimm, is not only a WWII air-ace and war hero, he has several times defended Earth against attack by Skrull and threats originating from the Negative Zone. Mr. Grimm promises that, as commander-in-chief, he will initiate any military or police action by our armed services with the words: ITS CLOBBERING TIME!!!

I realize that some libertarians out there are partial to their third-party candidate from Charleston Comics, Steve Ditko’s Mr. A. While there is much to admire on his platform, why throw away your vote on a third party? It is time for compromise. There is always a gray area in moral questions.

Also, Kang the Conqueror reports from the future that any votes for Lex Luther may result in the rise of the dictatorial Justice Lords, once Superman laser-eyebeams Luther to death in the Oval Office. 

In other news, Skynet reports that its systems will record all votes and tally them in a fair and unbiased fashion. Skynet also reports that Ultron will be our next President. Hail Ultron!

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Recent Polls show Polled People tell Polsters the Truth!

Posted November 4, 2008 By John C Wright

Pollsters, when polling other pollsters about polls, said that one hundred eighty one zillion percent of respondants, out of  a sample of Mr. Zogby and Mr. Gallup and six of his employees, trust polls absolutely, since they are utterly and scientifically accurate.

In fact, the polls are so accurate, that Hari Seldon has devised, based on these polls, a system of predicting future events over the next thousand years of galactic history, so that he can stash recordings now telling people centuries in the future how to buy stocks and what color socks to wear. Wow. That is accuracy! In other news, weather predictions for the next four hundred years, based on computer models of a version of Earth with no clouds whose sun never changes temperature output, shows a rise in the seawater temperature of one degree. We can predict the weather five centuries before hand, but cannot tell you if it will rain tomorrow.

And in other news, the most highly rated TV show of all time was a documentary called ‘The Neilsen Families: a Look at the Families behind the Neilsen ratings!’

That was a joke. This is in earnest:

The systems in place within the corrupt liberal media to suppress the conservative vote are so institutionalized we’re no longer outraged by them.

               A refresher:

1. The corrupt liberal media always under polls Republicans. Election after election after election… Whether we win or lose, the outcome’s always the same: Republicans get more votes than the polls said they would.

2. This year pollsters all have it for Obama because all of them assume a record turnout of Democrats unlike anything seen since Watergate. Re-weight these polls to historical norms and you have a 2-3 point race. In other words: doable.

3. The corrupt liberal media has called 2008 over on every news show and in every newspaper for weeks now. This is to suppress your vote. This is an abuse of power. This is a threat to liberty.

4. In 2000, the corrupt liberal media knew the very conservative panhandle of Florida was in the central time zone and still they called the state early for Al Gore. In response, conservatives still in line to vote for Bush went home. Thousands of them. Look how close the corrupt liberal media came to stealing that election.

5. In 2004, the afternoon of election day, the corrupt liberal media leaked absurd exit polls showing Kerry shellacking Bush. Again, an intentional leak designed to demoralize and dishearten conservatives and keep us home.

For those of you on the left ready to accuse me of hyperbole, please do list your examples of when it was the other way around.

Please do not listen to premature announcements of an Obama victory, which we have been hearing since 2006. When weighed correctly, the polls show a tie or near-tie, and the news media reports this as a two-digit spread favoring Obama.

Please vote.

It would be nice to surprise the establishment. I for one am sick unto death of having an arrogant news media composed mostly or entirely of people more mentally inert or more morally corrupt than I am*, telling me what is good for me.

* FOOTNOTE: I am no saint, God knows, and my sins are many and revolting. But at least, thank God, I do not tell lies for pay.

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If there are any undecided Catholic voters out there

Posted November 3, 2008 By John C Wright

Please read this

Following some of the links in this open letter may prove instructive.

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