Archive for December, 2008

On the same topic yet again.

Posted December 2, 2008 By John C Wright

Jewish Victims Killed in Mumbai Had Been Tortured (By Nirmala Carvalho) dated 12/2/2008

Autopsies show that the nine victims at the Jewish Center in Bombay were tied up and tortured before they were killed.

My comment:

I hope one and all understand that there is no military strategy involved in these various events. Tactically, they are carried out brilliantly. As a propaganda effort, as psychological warfare, they are dismayingly effective. Half the free world is now unwilling to oppose these thugs even in small things. Militarily, they are meaningless.

Their entire war strategy consists only of war crimes. The targets are always civilians. Not a single act in the Terror War so far has not been a war crime, except, perhaps, the resistance of the Iraqi regulars while fighting in uniform on the battle field.

If these creatures are not devils, or inspired of devils, they will do until the real Old Nick shows up. Not even Stalin at his worst, not even Hitler at his worst, violated each and every rule of civilized warfare, each and every rule of human decency, each and every rule written by right reason in the human heart.

What is it that we so admire in them that we want to defend them? The fact that they kills gays, put trashbags over the heads of their multiple wives whom they keep like chattel, train their sons to kill their daughters, or the fact that that hate Jews, hate Negroes, hate the West, hate the Hindus, hate everybody? Why are we pitying them, taking their side, placating them, and portraying those who fight them as monsters and villains in our public entertainments?

And yet some of my dear readers dismiss me as the bad guy, as the inflammatory hothead, if I pray to St. James to send us leaders who understand the art of war, or put heart into a craven, tepid-hearted people that cannot be convinced even to defend themselves, because they are too afraid the police might listen to their phone calls.

Do you understand what is happening in our world? The Mohammedans are torturing women to death, but at the same time protesting and rioting in Europe and America under the disguise of seeking their civil rights, as if they were followers of Martin Luther King.

But it is not equality for which they riot, but special privileges: no women allowed at the pools during Muslim hours, Sharia law rather than AngloSaxon law for Muslims living in England, and a de facto censorship over such things as Danish cartoons, fiction books by Sherry Jones and non-fiction books by Mark Steyn.

Your heads would explode off your shoulders and enter low earth orbit if any Christian group at any Ivy League university were awarded the special privileges and deference routinely granted these Moors.

The terrorists and agitators and their allies have no interest in living in peace with us. They do not want to live at all. They are not fighting so that we will give them something. What will it take to make this lesson have an impression?

I am willing, for the duration of the war, not to saying anything treasonous, or even tasteless, over the phone. Is my home not within her rights to ask me or my sons to fight and give up my life to fight these enemies of all mankind? How then can it be so outrageous to for my nation to ask me to endure a loss of privacy less than what he subjects of the Queen in Canada and Britain endure, or less privations than my parents endured during World War Two?

I do not see the sense of proportion here. It is as if some of you think this is a video game, and we get three extra lives if we put in another quarter.

Grant, O merciful God, that as thine holy Apostle Saint James the Greater, leaving his father and all that he had, without delay was obedient unto the calling of thy Son Jesus Christ, and followed him; so we, forsaking all worldly and carnal affections, may be evermore ready to follow thy holy commandments; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

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On the same topic again

Posted December 1, 2008 By John C Wright

"My proposal is that violence should only be used in defense. Offense, at least at this point in time, should remain in the realm of the mind only. We shouldn’t be embarking on any "end of all evil" crusades into other people’s countries unless they directly attack us or pose an immediate, physical threat."

Is that what Patton said? Is that what Sherman said? Is this what Washington, Adams, Jefferson and Franklin said when they rebelled? Is that what Don Juan said at Lepanto or King Ferdinand at Andalusia? Is that what Geoffrey of Bouillon said? Is it what Joshua said when he crossed the Jordan?

You are a dinosaur trying to fight a warmblooded rat pack. They have no central command; they need none. They move quickly from their rat-holes, and you move slowly with your police efforts.

You are not fighting a nation-state.

You are fighting ""hostis humani generis" the enemies of all mankind.

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On the same topic

Posted December 1, 2008 By John C Wright

Here is an article worth reading, for those of you who think fighting the Jihad is counterproductive for the worldly goal of killing Jihadists. Pay careful attention to the last paragraph, where the armed police officers refused to shoot back at Jihadist opening fire on a crowded railroad platform:


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