World Con! WORLD CON!!

Personal Appearance! John C. Wright will be attending Anticipation, the 67th World Science Fiction Convention, in Montréal, Québec. Thursday 6 August – Sunday 9 August, 2009. See you there! (The con itself goes to Monday, but I will be departing Sunday).

My beautiful and talented wife and helpmeet, Mrs. John C. Wright (who writes under her maiden name L. Jagi Lamplighter) — soon to ecclipse me in fame as Mary Shelly surpassed Percy B. Shelly — will also be there, celebrating the publication of her first novel, PROSPERO’S CHILDREN.

This will be the first time I will be going to a World Science Fiction convention, so I expect it will be alot like Ravencon, held in Hunt Valley, except with thousands of people rather than dozens.

You will recognize me instantly. Unlike most science fiction authors, I am overweight, bearded and weird-looking. Or …. actually … come to think on it…that is not a very distinctive feature in that environment. On second thought, look for a guy standing next to an attractive raven-haired women.

She will be carrying a book with this picture on the cover: