You’ve Got Open Mail

Matthew Surridge who writes at Black Gate address yours truly in an open letter, concerning a piece I wrote here, where I argued, among other things, that High Fantasy revolves around nostalgia for virtues and beauties now lost from the world, and for shining truths now called hateful.

I admit to being mildly surprised that my comments would inspire any controversy at all.  I would have written a more serious and thoughtful piece had I realized I would be called upon to give a line-by-line defense. It is a call time does not permit me to answer.

I will instead made a general denial. Mr Surridge is misreading or misinterpreting what I wrote. There are misreadings and disconnects in several places: but his main argument is against the position that one must agree with the author’s political views to enjoy his works, or arguing against the position that one must agree with my views to enjoy High Fantasy.

This, I assume he is aware, is a straw man, as nothing I said even remotely implies either position.

At least one other critic of this article attempted a similar straw man argument, but upon inquiring, I found out that he was not aware and could not be made aware.  As you can imagine, this somewhat limited my options for reply.

No doubt the fault is mine for not being more clear.