Archive for October, 2012

Good News for Geeks

Posted October 9, 2012 By John C Wright

From the NY Times:

Houghton Mifflin Harcourt announced on Sunday that it had acquired the United States rights to publish a previously unknown work by J. R. R. Tolkien, “The Fall of Arthur.” The book, set for publication in May, chronicles the last days of King Arthur and will be edited by Tolkien’s son Christopher, who will also provide commentary and notes. Tolkien, the author of “The Lord of the Rings,” died in 1973. This is the first new work by him to be unearthed since “The Legend of Sigurd and Gudrun” was released in 2009.

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Syllabus for Scientifiction

Posted October 6, 2012 By John C Wright

The fine fellows over at SFSignal ask the musical question

If you were creating the syllabus for a high school (junior or senior) English Literature course, what SF/F stories do you think should be included?

I answer the question with more than my usually curmudgeonly charm here:

And writers who treat the question with more respect than I do no doubt give wiser answers than yours truly. Enjoy.

(My answer below the cut.)

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Protected: The Silent Planet of CS Lewis

Posted October 5, 2012 By John C Wright

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Neither a Faithful Catholic nor Patriotic American

Posted October 5, 2012 By John C Wright

Neither a Faithful Catholic nor Patriotic American can vote for an administration which upholds the HHS Mandate, an unelected bureaucrat’s command that the Catholic Church grossly violate her deeply held and sacred beliefs. The HHS Mandate is burning the flag, using the Constitution as toilet paper, and trampling the crucifix all at once.

Mr Hall of Mordecai’s Dragon puts it this way:

The HHS Mandate is a very foul and dangerous thing. Say what you wish about the overall Obamacare Plan; it is not the issue here. Many on either side of the political spectrum will attempt to make it seem as if it were. Some have even accused the U.S. Council of Bishops of despising Universal Healthcare. This is blatantly not so, they have been for the welfare and care of all peoples, however disadvantaged, for quite some time now, if there was ever even a time they were not. In fact, many are like myself, who oppose the Mandate, but not the idea that all men should be cared for and looked after when ill or injured. We oppose this loathsome  Mandate because of one reason: it forces people to act against their religious beliefs in a drastic and harmful way. Namely, it threatens any institution that holds Christian (and Islamic and Jewish and occasionally Buddhist and Hindu) pro-life values and is not exclusively run for and by members of that same religion. It hammers them with large financial penalties  if they do not grievously violate their own religious tenets. Basically, it forces the organization to pay for sterilizations, birth control pills (abortifacient), morning-after pills (distinctly abortifacient) and other such things. It forces the Catholic Church, among others, to pay for the murder of children and the degradation of human beings made in the image and likeness of God.

Naturally, this is intolerable to many in this country. “I’m sorry, you have deeply held religious beliefs about the sanctity of sexuality and human life? Violate them or we run you into the ground with fines.” This applies to every school (pre-school through University level), hospital, and social work organization that is part of the One Holy Catholic Apostolic Church. And, as I have said, many other churches besides. This act is an abomination…


We have three options now with the HHS Mandate

1) Comply. Act against our own beliefs in a horrendous manner.

2) Refuse to comply and continue to hold open our charities. We are then fined slowly to death or crippled to the point where we can do nothing.

3) Shut down.  Which leaves us at the bleak point of #2.

Now, if we shut down or are forced to close, this is what will happen: all the people we served, all the needy, the children who need schooling, the sick who need healing, all of them are suddenly cut adrift in the economy. What better people to use as fodder for supporting Obamacare? Or any other expansion of Government aid our dear President might want to ram through the legislature?

Read the whole thing here:

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The Challenge of the Ultimate Prime Number

Posted October 5, 2012 By John C Wright

Andreassen characterizes my previous discussions with him concerning eliminative materialism (the doctrine that nothing but matter exists) in this way:

I am happy to present the evidence and argument that convinced me, if only we could get past the jeer of “Meat robot!” that silences all serious discussion of the point.

Sir, if the only thing halting serious conversation on this topic is alleged untoward antics on my part, let me ask you ten questions on the topic. I make no statements and propose no arguments, and leave you free to answer however you will. They are questions, pure and straightforward.

Question One: Is there or is there not an Ultimate Prime number? That is to say, is there a prime number of which there is no higher number on the number line which is also a prime?

If there is no Ultimate Prime, is there an infinity of primes, such that given any prime number there is always another prime number higher than it?

Question Two: If you know the answer to question one, by what means do you know it?

Did you make an observation with your eyes at a particular time and place; or did you make a deduction from axiomatic first principles; or do you know the answer by some other means?

Question Three: If you made an observation at a particular time and place of the infinity of primes, please tell me where and when you stood, and what you looked at, so that I may look at this infinity of numbers with my own eyes for myself, and count them as you have done, and so confirm your observation.

If on the other hand, it is not an observation, is it something known by deduction from self evident first principles?

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Do Outrageous Claims demand Outrageous Acts?

Posted October 2, 2012 By John C Wright

Regarding a previous post, A reader named Vicq Ruiz writes:

What I would like to ask you is this. Do you continually confront non-Christians, using the same phrasing and sense of urgency in this article, in your face-to-face encounters with them?

…Do you often explain to your seat mates on the panel at a con (or better yet, the audience!!) how they are living in “the degrading slime and shit of sinfulness”?

If appearing at a book signing, do you make it a point to remind those in line at the table that “a perfectly just, loving, and benevolent super being can and will inflict a eternity of torture on you, and that you deserve it”???

If you can unhesitatingly answer “yes”, then my hat’s off to you. You have truly taken the argument made in your post with the deadly seriousness it deserves.

Mr Ruiz, I am not sure I understand the point of the question. The article you just read was a reaction or response to a statement I found shocking, namely, that one could agree in part with Christ and disagree in part. If someone said that to me on a panel, or while waiting in line for a book signing, or in an audience at a con, I would most likely say something along these lines, yes.

Would I bring up the topic out of the blue? Hm… (cue flashback harp music)….

Customer: “Hello, Mr Wright! That is a nice hat you are wearing. Why did you put a spanking scene in ORPHANS OF CHAOS?”

Me: “There is nothing that keeps wicked men at any one moment out of hell, but the mere pleasure of God.”

Customer: “I liked your portrayal of Oberon and Titania in MISTS OF EVERNESS, but I had a question about the ending. What ever happened to the changeling boy from India? Did you intend a sequel?”

Me: “By the mere pleasure of God, I mean his sovereign pleasure, his arbitrary will, restrained by no obligation, hindered by no manner of difficulty, any more than if nothing else but God’s mere will had in the least degree, or in any respect whatsoever, any hand in the preservation of wicked men one moment.”

Waiter: “Sir? Did you want a refill on your triple espresso with extra caffeine?”

Me: “There is no want of power in God to cast wicked men into hell at any moment. Men’s hands cannot be strong when God rises up.”

Fire Marshall: “We will have to clear the building. Proceed in an orderly manner to the fire exits.”

Me: “The strongest have no power to resist him, nor can any deliver out of his hands.”

… So was that the point of your question, sir? My answer is that I talk about Christianity about as often as James Morrow talks about Atheism, or Harlan Ellison acts like a jackass. A fair amount, but perhaps not constantly.

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