Archive for January, 2016

Interview with Wendell

Posted January 6, 2016 By John C Wright

I truly had no idea Wendell the Spokes manatee had so many aspects to him, not just the fierce warrior of puppy related sorrow justice, but also the loving father, bold exodimensional explorer, innovative scholar, agile Olympic synchronized swimmer, beauty queen, brain surgeon, rock star, and high-energy physicist. As a Kshatriya who hunts Sioux, he is both an Indian Fighter and an Indian Fighter.

In any case, Brian Niemeier was able to secure an interview with this most elusive yet celebrated of all celebrities.

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The Prussian Disease

Posted January 6, 2016 By John C Wright

If you have noticed how the Thought Police of SocJus, and various Leftists, Morlocks and Posthumans, regard all their foes, from Sad Puppies to Christian to Conservatives to Libertarians, to Caucasians and to Males as being simultaneously too stupid, foolish, weak, confused, and mentally crippled to be worthy of the time and effort needed to spit on us, and yet, at the same time and in the same sense, so clever, cunning, diabolical, overpowering, patient and ruthless as to justify that any blow struck against us by fair means or foul must be struck, truth, honesty, courtesy, and humanity be damned if it slows the blow.

Now, how can we be ants, easily crushed, if we are giants, terrors who footfalls shake the world?

Tom Simon, in addressing the question, has the good sense to quote GK Chesterton:

It’s the Prussian disease, as described by G. K. Chesterton inThe Appetite of Tyranny (from which Mike Flynn quoted on this very blog a few days ago). Here is an excerpt:

In considering the Prussian point of view we have been considering what seems to be mainly a mental limitation: a kind of knot in the brain.… it seems to amount to saying, ‘It is very wrong that you should be superior to me, because I am superior to you.’

The spokesmen of this system seem to have a curious capacity for concentrating this entanglement or contradiction, sometimes into a single paragraph, or even a single sentence. …  [In] is his more recent order to his troops touching the war in Northern France.

As most people know, his words ran, ‘It is my Royal and Imperial command that you concentrate your energies, for the immediate present, upon one single purpose, and that is that you address all your skill and all the valour of my soldiers to exterminate first the treacherous English and to walk over General French’s contemptible little Army.’

The rudeness of the remark an Englishman can afford to pass over; what I am interested in is the mentality; the train of thought that can manage to entangle itself even in so brief a space.

If French’s little Army is contemptible, it would seem clear that all the skill and valour of the German Army had better not be concentrated on it, but on the larger and less contemptible allies.

If all the skill and valour of the German Army are concentrated on it, it is not being treated as contemptible. But the Prussian rhetorician had two incompatible sentiments in his mind; and he insisted on saying them both at once.

He wanted to think of an English Army as a small thing; but he also wanted to think of an English defeat as a big thing.
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Dilbert’s Creator on Trump’s Black Magic

Posted January 5, 2016 By John C Wright

Hat tip to Praetorian

Reason magazine, always a favorite of mine (I am not a Libertarian but I love Libertarians and Objectivists) interviewed Mr. Scott Adams, the cartoonist famed for Dilbert. He is not a Trump supporter, but he has a theory to explain Mr. Trumps popularity.

I thought Mr. Adams’ remarks insightful and mildly interesting, but I thought that what he unwittingly revealed about his own philosophy very interesting.

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Terrorist Ranchers!!

Posted January 5, 2016 By John C Wright

You have perhaps heard that the national media is calling the armed protest in Oregon an act of terrorism, on the grounds that people who have harmed no one and expressed the intent to harm no one are exactly and precisely the same as people who murder the innocent from ambush and express the intent to murder the innocent from ambush.

No surprise, the national media lies.

Full story here:

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Beyond the Mist by Ben Zwycky

Posted January 4, 2016 By John C Wright

I just had the privilege of reading Ben Zwycky’s new book BEYOND THE MIST, which I must say kept me guessing even up until the last scene. Since I am an old and cynical reader, that is not easy to do. I liked the science fiction with a slight garnish of philosophical speculation thrown in.

He asked me to write the intro, which he would not have done had he known what an abominable procrastinator I am.

This work was previously serialized in SciPhi journal, the journal of philosophical science fiction, which I truly hope everyone reading these words has at least heard of.



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The Stormbunnies and Crybullies

Posted January 3, 2016 By John C Wright

With the weariness of a farmer facing another horde of bunnies seeking to climb his fence and chew his crops, once again I find my task is to fend off the various libels of the puppy-kickers. I have better uses for my time, but one does not counter lies with silence.

Over at File 770, Mike Glyer and all the usual suspects are beginning the process of talking themselves into hysterics in order to justify their hatred of all things Sad Puppy. The emotional level is low as yet, merely sneers and jeers, but the tone of voice is the same as during the dog-days of last August.

In this case, Mr. George R.R. Martin, one of the most respected names in our genre, wrote a column with the expression hoping for peace between our two camps, wherein he expressed a desire for the goal while being coy about the means to reach it. He admitted he thought the goal unreachable.

I, for one, am greatly disturbed to find myself opposed to a man whose work I have read and enjoyed for years, and whom I regard as among the most accomplished authors living.

I wrote a column agreeing with the sentiment, and putting forth my reason why, to my regret, I suspect he is correct that the goal is unreachable.

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Constant Discord from Imaginary Dragons

Posted January 1, 2016 By John C Wright

This is a quote from a Mr. Steve Davidson of Amazing Stories. If you have not heard his name before, neither have I. He has recently acquired rights to use the name of one of the most famous magazines of Science Fiction history, and has published two online versions to date.

Want to reconcile?  Here’s what puppies must do.

  1.     stop scamming the system.  If you want to recommend works that you think are worthy of the award, go ahead and do so.  But drop the political agenda (you’re [sic] dragons are imaginary) and eliminate the hateful, snarky commentary
  2.     stop attacking the very people who are offering you a bridge
  3.     please learn a little bit about the history of Worldcon and the Hugo Awards
  4.     if you want to be counted as Fans, then be Fans.  Fans who care attend Worldcon, nominate their conscience and attend the business meeting to effect change they think is needed.  They work WITH and within fandom – they do not set themselves up as a cabal that engages in fear and hate.

Good grief. Observe that by kicking up this smokescreen of false reconciliation, Mr. Davidson actually makes it more difficult for any parties wishing for true reconciliation (I believe George RR Martin is one such) to accomplish the task.

This advice is as illogical as it is dishonest.

After over a decade of commotion, crusade, and contumely created by the Social Justice Warriors, Morlocks, and Political Correction Officers insulting and savaging authors and editors for political noncompliance, we are told in a peremptory fashion that no such controversy exists.

Unless he means that we are dragons who are imaginary. The sentence as worded admits of some ambiguity.

For the sake of any undecided readers toying with the notion that the puppykickers have some sort of valid argument or same vestigial desire for peace, allow me to address Mr. Davidson’s four points in order.

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