Archive for March, 2016

Fewer Bishoppesses, please. More Crusaders.

Posted March 8, 2016 By John C Wright


Sweden’s first she-bishop wants to remove crosses because they might offend Mohammedans.

Article in German:

Church of Sweden, by the bye.

And the Reformers thought that national churches, controlled by the secular power of kings and parliaments, would prove wiser and more Christian, a better shepherd,  than an international, universal, ecumenical one.

Saint James Matamoros, pray for us.


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Unimpressed and Undecided

Posted March 6, 2016 By John C Wright

I was so remarkably disenchanted by Mr. Trump’s performance in the last debate, that at the risk of seeming inconstant, I truly begin to wonder if his negatives do not outweigh is positives.

I would gladly pull the lever for either Mr. Trump or Mr. Cruz, but would hope to maintain concord with any fellow Republican who prefers the other one.

The deal is, I hold my nose and vote for your candidate if he wins the nomination if, in return, you agree to do the same for mine. We both agree to abide by the outcome of the nomination process. Deal?

There are some who renounce the deal. They will never vote for Trump, no matter what. They will never vote for Cruz no matter what.

Unwise. Because the “no matter what” still matters.

Come the general election, all who are not yearning with their whole hearts for the destruction of his nation at the hands either of the aging felon Mrs. Clinton or the aging Bolshevik Mr. Sanders, must rally around whichever candidate is nominated.

Better to vote for Cthulhu than for a democrat, because life in R’lyeh is better than life in the third world banana republic hellhole. That is where the nation is headed, and at full throttle. The economic and racial policies which made Detroit into one of the wonders of the world — from richest city on Earth to a garbage pile on one generation is truly a wonder, merely an appalling one — will do the same when applied to the rest of the nation.

I believe that in the areas which matter most to me, either Trump or Cruz will get done the basics they have promised, particularly if Republicans retain control of the House and Senate. Neither one can sign unconstitutional nonsense into law if the Congress does not pass it to him.

But Mr. Trump seems to lack certain basic bits of knowledge every candidate should possess. For example, his answer to a trick question about issuing unlawful orders to the military was foolish.

Him I do not blame for the crudeness, carnival barker and pro-wrestling atmosphere of this race. The Dems won election after election with such tactics and the majority of voters react positively rather than with disgust. That is the fault of the general crudeness of the American people, which in turn has it’s roots in the Youth Movement of the 60’s.

Ever since the Youth Movement in the 60’s we have lost dignity, tact, and charm each generation. And our ancestors were pioneer folk, none to refined to begin with. It is regrettable, even abominable, but I blame us, not him. Not wholly.

But crudeness is something from which the nation can recover, if we survive, repent, and vehemently abolish the only other rival religion to Christianity equal in strength to it, namely, political correctness.

Mr. Trump has greater charisma than Mr. Cruz, but no displayed loyalty to constitutional principles, and, seemingly, no loyalty to respect the constitutional bounds of the office.

The bluster and the undignified antics are unpresidential: he is a rightwing version of Barack Obama. Mr. Obama was, as it turns out, no more loyal to the Left than you or I would be.

I am disappointed and disheartened with him, but not to the point of supporting the vile betrayers RINOs and establishmentarians who seek to overturn the nomination process, and certainly not to the point of vowing not to support whatever candidate the party base picks.

But I hope they pick Cruz. He is a solid and principled conservative. He won a place in my heart when he filibustered for twenty four hours and more. And all the right people hate him.

I dismiss worry that one is more electable than the other.

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