Archive for May, 2016

Superluminary Episode 01 Assassin in Everest

Posted May 18, 2016 By John C Wright


An internet magazine hired me to write an old-fashioned space opera in the mood and flavor of ‘World Wrecker’ Hamilton to run in fifty or so weekly episodes of two-thousand word each.

However, the magazine folded and returned the rights to me. It is my wish to bring it to my fan (Hi, Nate!) directly.


The plot is this: The sole survivor of an illfated expedition to Pluto finds the Infinithedron, a library of supertechnology from the alien race that created life on earth and guided evolution to produce mankind.

He returns to earth only to discover world war has decimated civilization. Rather than sharing the secrets, he uses them to conquer mankind, impose peace and order, but also abolishing aging, disease, famine.

Lord Tellus (as he calls himself) imprints each of his children with a different branch of the alien science, but the whole of it is taught to none. These Lords of Creation (as they call themselves) are commanded to create life on each of the worlds and moons of the solar system. Scores of artificial intelligent races are fashioned, who adore the children as godlike. The secret of faster than light drive Lord Tellus keeps to himself: mankind he keeps in the solar system. But what is his reason?

He goes mad, and his children rise up in rebellion, and he vanishes, leaving behind mysteries and guesses.

Aeneas Tell, son of Lady Venus, youngest of the imperial family, dreams of overthrowing the his family in favor of a republic, but when he introduces a rebel into the imperial palace for a coup, he is betrayed, and barely escapes with his life, and flees to Pluto.

Here Aeneas discovers the horrific secret his grandfather was hiding, and an ancient evil that sleeps beneath the eternal ice. Aeneas finds himself snared in a labyrinth of intrigue, striving somehow to convince his Machiavellian family to cooperate against a mutual foe none of them credit.

Read the first episode here:

Episode 01 Assassin in Everest

In which Aeneas Tell, the youngest member of the Imperial family of mad scientists who rule the solar system with an iron fist, is decapitated by a high-tech vampire.



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Book Bomb: NETHEREAL, or, Space Pirates in Hell

Posted May 18, 2016 By John C Wright

A rising, fresh-faced and deserving superversive author, Brian Niemeier, asked me to help promote his book, which I am delighted to do.

The inestimable Larry Correia, the Mountain the Writes, says he  read this a couple of months ago and the best way to describe it is Space Pirates Go To Hell. He adds “Only it is way cooler than that description makes it sound.”

Mr. Correia organized a Book Bomb for today, May 18th, and I urge anyone reading this to join in and support the effort.

My lovely and talented wife edited the book, and she describes it as akin to Roger Zelazny’s work, which is high praise indeed coming from her, as Mr. Zelazny is one of her favorite authors.

by Brian Niemeier

The goal of a Book Bomb day is to urge as many people as possible to buy an author’s book on the same day. The more books sell, the higher it gets in the rankings, the more new people see it.

If the book is one to your taste, buying it as the same time as other patrons enlarges the ratings on Amazon, which helps garner publicity.

A healthy Book Bomb will bring an author to the attention of hundreds of potential fans who not otherwise see his work. Amazon is preferred for its size and scope, but any purchase will help.

So please purchase a copy today, and urge your friends, allies, associates, and serfs and minions likewise.

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Ancient Epic and Future Fiction

Posted May 17, 2016 By John C Wright

Ancient Epic and Future Fiction
Epic Deprivation Syndrome

Here follows the notes for a speech given at Franciscan University of Steubenville an evening in April of 2016. The speech as given differs from these notes in several respects: for sake of time and clarity, certain segments were omitted, or words changed. The prose below is unpolished, for I present my readers with my raw first draft that I wrote that afternoon in haste.



This evening I would like you to entertain the proposition that as humans, we need epics, but that in the modern age, we suffer from what we might call Epic Deprivation Syndrome.

I propose epic depravation is a disease not of the mind or body, but of the soul, and it afflicts not one men or faction of men, but whole cultures and generations. Nations can go mad just as men do.

I propose that the primary symptom of Epic Depravation Syndrome is a social pathology something like colorblindness or tone-deafness, where the moral sense of the consensus of society can no longer register correct stock responses in the face of moral qualities: it is neither attracted to great good nor repelled by great evil.

If all generations need epics and this generation suffers from epic depravation, this leads to the additional questions:

  • First, what is an epic?
  • Second why do we need them?
  • Third, what is causing the current epic depravations,
  • Fourth, what has been done hitherto to alleviate the symptoms, and,
  • Finally and most importantly, should be done to cure it.

For the hour is late, and the prognostication is grim:

I fear the final result of this syndrome, if the disease is allowed further to grow unchecked, is the destruction of our civilization and the damnation of our souls.


Now, I hope this prognostication is so dire and dreadful that it will provoke your instant skepticism. If your scholarly minds have been properly trained by this wonderful institution, you should be thinking that it is impossible that something so frivolous as the lack of a certain type of poem or story would have such vast and morbid consequences.

Let us begin, as all proper skeptical scholars must, with a definition of terms. What is an epic?

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Pro-Islam Bias in the News

Posted May 17, 2016 By John C Wright

A reader, I assume as a joke, said that there was no pro-Islamic bias in the modern news media. But then he drew the joke on and on, asking rhetorical questions and filling in the answers he thought I should answer, and then asking questions about that, and putting additional answers in my mouth, to the point where I wondered if he were not joking, but delusional.

One of the pretend accusations is that I am parroting what my corporate masters wish me to parrot, as if, first, I am not parroting what my Vatican masters which me to parrot, and, two, as if I as an newspaperman and newspaper editor and therefore unable to notice the coverage slant.

But I recall the way the local and national papers covered of the Beltway sniper (the press universally speculated that it was an angry white male, and downplayed the religion of the shooter once it was discovered) I continue to see the way the press is unable to cover the rape epidemic in Scandinavia.

I recall the coverage from the Paris murders. Why did the Muslim terrorists go to a Jewish grocery? During the attack, a reporter for Sky News, one of the largest English-language news services in the world, said on Fox News: “Whether it was targeted specifically for its religious connotations it is difficult to know.”

A New York Times writer blamed it on Major Hasan’s “snapping” (in an article titled “When Soldiers Snap”). Chris Matthews said “it’s unclear if religion was a factor in this shooting.” NPR correspondent Tom Gjelten explained that Hasan, though never in combat, may have suffered from “pre-traumatic stress disorder.” (the world’s first example of a man being shellshocked who was never shelled.) And the U.S. Department of Defense classified the Fort Hood shootings as acts of “workplace violence,” not terror, let alone Islamic terror.

In the U.K. Between 1997 and 2013, at least 1,400 girls, as young as eleven years old, in the small English city of Rotherham (population 275,000), were repeatedly gang-raped and treated as sex slaves. The U.K. government acknowledged that these atrocities were allowed to go on due to the fact the perpetrators were British Pakistanis and the girls were white.

The author of a 2002 report identifying Pakistanis as the perpetrators and organizers of the Rotherham gang rapes and sex slavery was sent to diversity training.

Finally, why won’t the New York Times print even one Charlie Hebdo cartoon?

So: no media bias in favor of Islam, eh?

A delusion is a belief held contrary to fact held in defiance of any reasoning or evidence. For those of you who are not delusional, here is a partial list of some pro-Islamic media stories I found after one second of Googling, with links to the original.

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A Decline in Courage

Posted May 13, 2016 By John C Wright

This is the text of Alexander Solzhenitsyn speech delivered to delivered 8 June 1978, Harvard University.

I present it without comment: the thing speaks for itself. But I will direct your attention to one line, which is of particular weight and terror to me:

Such as it is, however, the press has become the greatest power within the Western countries, more powerful than the legislative power, the executive, and the judiciary.

I will also utter a note not about the speech but its audience. I observe the sad irony that, before his speech, the Powers That Be among our progressive elite master class hailed and praised Solzhenitsyn as a second Tolstoy, and, after, forbore to mention him at all. No opium-addled oriental potentate lolling on his divan surrounded by eunuchs and courtiers was ever so fickle or addicted to flattery as our modern Powers That Be, whose insolent rule over us lacks the least shred of honest authority.

A World Split Apart

I am sincerely happy to be here on the occasion of the 327th commencement of this old and most prestigious university. My congratulations and very best wishes to all of today’s graduates.

Harvard’s motto is “VERITAS.” Many of you have already found out, and others will find out in the course of their lives, that truth eludes us if we do not concentrate our attention totally on it’s pursuit. But even while it eludes us, the illusion of knowing it still lingers and leads to many misunderstandings. Also, truth seldom is pleasant; it is almost invariably bitter. There is some bitterness in my today’s speech too, but I want to stress that it comes not from an adversary, but from a friend.

Three years ago in the United States I said certain things which at that time appeared unacceptable. Today, however, many people agree with what I then said.

The split in today’s world is perceptible even to a hasty glance. Any of our contemporaries readily identifies two world powers, each of them already capable of entirely destroying the other. However, understanding of the split often is limited to this political conception: that danger may be abolished through successful diplomatic negotiations or by achieving a balance of armed forces. The truth is that the split is a much more profound and a more alienating one, that the rifts are more than one can see at first glance. This deep manifold split bears the danger of manifold disaster for all of us, in accordance with the ancient truth that a kingdom — in this case, our Earth — divided against itself cannot stand.

There is the concept of Third World: thus, we already have three worlds. Undoubtedly, however, the number is even greater; we are just too far away to see. Any ancient and deeply rooted, autonomous culture, especially if it is spread on a wide part of the earth’s surface, constitutes an autonomous world, full of riddles and surprises to Western thinking. As a minimum, we must include in this category China, India, the Muslim world, and Africa, if indeed we accept the approximation of viewing the latter two as compact units.

For one thousand years Russia belonged to such a category, although Western thinking systematically committed the mistake of denying its autonomous character and therefore never understood it, just as today the West does not understand Russia in Communist captivity. It may be that in past years Japan has increasingly become a distant part of the West. I am no judge here. But as to Israel, for instance, it seems to me that it’s been the part from the western world, in that its state system is fundamentally linked to religion.

How short a time ago, relatively, the small, new European world was easily seizing colonies everywhere, not only without anticipating any real resistance, but also usually despising any possible values in the conquered people’s approach to life. On the face of it, it was an overwhelming success. There were no geographic frontiers to it. Western society expanded in a triumph of human independence and power. And all of a sudden in the 20th century came the discovery of its fragility and friability.

We now see that the conquests proved to be short lived and precarious — and this, in turn, points to defects in the Western view of the world which led to these conquests. Relations with the former colonial world now have turned into their opposite and the Western world often goes to extremes of subservience, but it is difficult yet to estimate the total size of the bill which former colonial countries will present to the West and it is difficult to predict whether the surrender not only of its last colonies, but of everything it owns, will be sufficient for the West to foot the bill.

But the blindness of superiority continues in spite of all and upholds the belief that the vast regions everywhere on our planet should develop and mature to the level of present day Western systems, which in theory are the best and in practice the most attractive. There is this belief that all those other worlds are only being temporarily prevented (by wicked governments or by heavy crises or by their own barbarity and incomprehension) from taking the way of Western pluralistic democracy and from adopting the Western way of life. Countries are judged on the merit of their progress in this direction.

However, it is a conception which develops out of Western incomprehension of the essence of other worlds, out of the mistake of measuring them all with a Western yardstick. The real picture of our planet’s development is quite different and which about our divided world gave birth to the theory of convergence between leading Western countries and the Soviet Union. It is a soothing theory which overlooks the fact that these worlds are not at all developing into similarity. Neither one can be transformed into the other without the use of violence. Besides, convergence inevitably means acceptance of the other side’s defects, too, and this is hardly desirable.

If I were today addressing an audience in my country, examining the overall pattern of the world’s rifts, I would have concentrated on the East’s calamities. But since my forced exile in the West has now lasted four years and since my audience is a Western one, I think it may be of greater interest to concentrate on certain aspects of the West, in our days, such as I see them.

A decline in courage may be the most striking feature which an outside observer notices in the West in our days. The Western world has lost its civil courage, both as a whole and separately, in each country, each government, each political party, and, of course, in the United Nations. Such a decline in courage is particularly noticeable among the ruling groups and the intellectual elite, causing an impression of loss of courage by the entire society. Of course, there are many courageous individuals, but they have no determining influence on public life.

Political and intellectual bureaucrats show depression, passivity, and perplexity in their actions and in their statements, and even more so in theoretical reflections to explain how realistic, reasonable, as well as intellectually and even morally worn it is to base state policies on weakness and cowardice. And decline in courage is ironically emphasized by occasional explosions of anger and inflexibility on the part of the same bureaucrats when dealing with weak governments and with countries not supported by anyone, or with currents which cannot offer any resistance. But they get tongue-tied and paralyzed when they deal with powerful governments and threatening forces, with aggressors and international terrorists.

Should one point out that from ancient times declining courage has been considered the beginning of the end?
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Therefore the Law is Slacked

Posted May 13, 2016 By John C Wright

From the New York Times:

WASHINGTON — The Obama administration is planning to issue a sweeping directive telling every public school district in the country to allow transgender students to use the bathrooms that match their gender identity.

A letter to school districts will go out Friday, adding to a highly charged debate over transgender rights in the middle of the administration’s legal fight with North Carolina over the issue. The declaration — signed by Justice and Education department officials — will describe what schools should do to ensure that none of their students are discriminated against.

It does not have the force of law, but it contains an implicit threat: Schools that do not abide by the Obama administration’s interpretation of the law could face lawsuits or a loss of federal aid.

There is not even a scintilla of Constitutional authority for the President of the Union to be dictating school policy on how each local jurisdiction wishes to handle mentally disturbed and sexually perverted students. This is a naked power grab by a lawless autocrat.

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Soviet Three Stooges

Posted May 12, 2016 By John C Wright

I made a references in passing to the Soviet counterpart to The Three Stooges, and a reader wondered jokingly if I meant a politician.

While that is funny, I was actually talking about three comedians who did a number of films in the Soviet Union together, including one released in America as ‘Prisoner of the Caucasus’ or ‘Kidnapping, Caucasian Style’.

The three in this case are the “Coward” (Georgy Vitsin), the “Fool” (Yuri Nikulin), and the “Pro” (Yevgeny Morgunov). Aside from being three in number, and engaging in slapstick, I myself do not see any particular parallel to the Moe Howard & company. I have read, for example that Morgunov, big and bald, “represented a traditional character of Soviet satire – Byvaly, or Experienced, a slightly dull, strong-built drunk whose attempts to commit petty crimes always failed.” (That does not describe Shep or Joe or any Stooge of the Howard type.)

The premise of ‘Prisoner of the Caucasus’ (no relation to the poem by Pushkin) is that Shurik, a lovable boob and ethnologist, is sent into the Caucasus to learn their old folk customs, legends, including their old toasts — but no one will tell him the toasts without actually drinking it. Meanwhile the head of the local agricultural collective and the richest man in town  wants to kidnap a girl (Nina, described as a beauty, a member of the Komsomol, and an athlete)  to be his bride the old-fashioned (for hill-men) way, and tricks Shurik into helping him, telling him it is an old custom, and that her resistance is pretense.

Naturally, like anyone in a comedy, the villain hires three clownish rogues to do the business rather than competent crooks. The girl, being a new soviet style youngster, manages to escape mostly on her own, albeit Shurik does show up for the car chase at the end, and a kiss.

Nina was played by Natalya Varley, who was a tightrope walker, and so could do the stunts, but her voice was dubbed in by another actress.

One funny bit of business is Yevgeny Morgunov teaching people how to do the American dance ‘the twist’ by showing them how to stamp out a cigarette.

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Animation Break

Posted May 10, 2016 By John C Wright

Every now and again, I come across a story or toon which I think could simply not be remade these days. Here is an homage to one such:

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Dr Strange v Dr SocJus

Posted May 10, 2016 By John C Wright

Doctor Strange is not only the first comic I ever read, he is the first comic book character I ever drew. In high school I had page after page of Doctor Strange comics I drew in pencil on white, unlined paper merely for my own enjoyment, hours and hours of work.

Marvel is doing damage control on their decision to give the role of the Ancient One (an old Tibetan man) to a young Scottish woman for fear of offending the Red Chinese, by publicly announcing that, no, indeed, their purpose was clear and honest:they wanted to offend all fans of the original comic, by implying the original Stan Lee/Steve Ditko yarns were racist bigotry, and we fans racist bigots.

“We make all of our decisions on all of our films, and certainly on Doctor Strange, for creative reasons and not political reasons. That’s just always been the case. I’ve always believed that it is the films themselves that will cross all borders and really get people to identify with these heroes, and that always comes down to creative and not political reasons. The casting of The Ancient One was a major topic of conversation in the development and the creative process of the story.

“We didn’t want to play into any of the stereotypes found in the comic books, some of which go back as far as 50 years or more. We felt the idea of gender swapping the role of The Ancient One was exciting. It opened up possibilities, it was a fresh way into this old and very typical storyline.

“Why not make the wisest bestower of knowledge in the universe to our heroes in the particular film a woman instead of a man?

“We made changes to some of the other key characters in the comic for similar reasons. Specifically, casting Chiwetel Ejiofor as Mordo….

“The truth is, the conversation that’s taking place around this is super-important. It’s something we are incredibly mindful of. We cast Tilda out of a desire to subvert stereotypes, not feed into them. I don’t know if you saw [Doctor Strange director] Scott Derrickson’s tweet the other day. He said we’re listening and we’re learning, every day. That really is true. As long as we’re starting on this topic, it means so much to us that people know that. We also know that people expect actions and not words in a Q&A, and I’m hopeful that some of our upcoming announcements are going to show that we’ve been listening.”

My Comment:

Ah, so the stereotype into which you did not wish to play was to portray the character that I have loved since childhood in a fashion that was dramatic, that made sense, and that is not deliberately offensive both to reality and to normal sensibilities.

A young man learns from an old man because generally old men know more about what a young man wants to know than a younger woman. And Tibetans know more about Tibetan mysticism than Scottish Calvinists. Just saying.

I am wondering what exciting possibilities are opened up by having the Ancient One be a Scottish woman. If the only difference between men and women is plumbing, then the only way for having a woman play a man’s role and play it in a mannish fashion to be new and exciting is to have the story line be about plumbing, not about personality.

And now that the decision is done, filming is done, and it is too late to change anything, now you are listening and learning, is that the plan? Now, when it is too late to change your mind, it is super-important for us to have a conversation?

You would have been better off claiming that the Red Chinese bribed you.

Then, at least, the fans would have known you had some principles, that you were willing to whore for money. The capitalist side of my soul would have disapproved, but understood.

SocJus makes men insane as well as stupid.

If you would rather subvert stereotypes than take the money a lifelong fan of Doctor Strange was willing to shove into your wallet, to the devil with you.

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Long Overdue

Posted May 9, 2016 By John C Wright

Excerpts from an article from Catholic World Report:

Why is this non-Catholic scholar debunking “centuries of anti-Catholic history”?

Dr. Rodney Stark has written nearly 40 books on a wide range of topics, incuding a number of recent books on the history of Christianity, monotheism, Christianity in China, and the roots of modernity. …  Raised as a Lutheran, he has identified himself as an agnostic but has, more recently, called himself an “independent Christian”.

His most recent book is Bearing False Witness: Debunking Centuries of Anti-Catholic History (Templeton Press, 2016), which addresses ten prevalent myths about Church history.

CWR: … What is a “distinguished bigot”? And how have such people influenced the way in which the Catholic Church is understood and perceived by many Americans today?

Dr. Rodney Stark: By distinguished bigots I mean prominent scholars and intellectuals who clearly are antagonistic to the Catholic Church and who promulgate false historical claims.

… For the most part I encountered these anti-Catholic myths as I wrote about various historical periods and events, and discovered that these well-known ‘facts” were false and therefore was forced to deal with them in those studies. These myths are not limited to some generalized Protestant culture—many Catholics, including well-known ones, have repeated them too. These myths have too often, and for too long, been granted truthful validity by historians in general. Of course secularists—especially ex-Catholics such as Karen Armstrong—love these myths.

… When I began as a scholar, “everybody” including leading Catholics knew the Church was a primary source of anti-Semitism. It was only later as I worked with materials on medieval attacks on Jews that I discovered the effective role of the Church in opposing and suppressing such attacks—this truth being told by medieval Jewish chroniclers and thereby most certainly true. Why do so many ‘intellectuals,’ many of them ex-Catholics, continue to accept the notion that Pope Pius XII was “Hitler’s Pope,” when that is so obviously a vicious lie?


CWR: How did the mythology of the “Dark Ages” develop? What are some of the main problems with that mythology?

Dr. Stark: Voltaire and his associates made up the fiction of the Dark Ages so that they could claim to have burst forth with the Enlightenment. As every competent historian (and even the encyclopedias) now acknowledges, there were no Dark Ages. To the contrary, it was during these centuries that Europe took the great cultural and technological leap forward that put it so far ahead of the rest of the world.

… The “philosophes” of the so-called “Enlightenment played no role in the rise of science—the great scientific progress of the time was achieved by highly religious men, many of them Catholic clergy.

CWR: The Crusades and the Inquisitions continue be presented as epochs and events that involved Christian barbarism and the murder of millions. Why are those myths so widespread and popular, especially after scholars have spent decades correcting and clarifying what really did (or did not) happen?

Dr. Stark: I am competent to reveal that the Crusades were legitimate defensive wars and that the Inquisition was not bloody. I am not competent to explain why the pile of fine research supporting these corrections have had no impact on the chattering classes. I suspect that these myths are too precious for the anti-religious to surrender.

CWR: In addressing “Protestant Modernity” you flatly stated that Max Weber’s thesis that Protestantism birthed capitalism and modernity is “nonsense”. What are the main problems with Weber’s thesis?

Dr. Stark: The problem is simply that capitalism was fully developed and thriving in Europe many centuries before the Reformation.

The column ends with:

The only axe I have to grind is that history ought to be honestly reported. As to your final point: I don’t think ‘most Americans’ will ever know that this book was written. I can only hope that I will influence intellectuals and textbook writers—maybe.

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Captain America Civil War

Posted May 8, 2016 By John C Wright

Just got back from seeing this three hour long extravaganza. It is an excellent movie, slightly dark in its theme, but otherwise a sustained ensemble piece that is among the best Marvel movies to date. This was everything SUPERMAN V BATMAN DAWN OF JUSTICE wanted to be, but was not.

I daren’t say too much, for fear of spoiling any surprises, but I do want to say one or two things anyone who plans to watch it should know going in. Read the remainder of this entry »

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Defining One’s Terms

Posted May 8, 2016 By John C Wright

“I’m very unhappy with this inability of conservatives to define what conservatism actually is.”

Because no one asked me.

The word itself is misleading, because, of course I am a conservative when and only when the principles I support currently are in force and currently are being eroded. But it is not the fact that they are being eroded that makes me want to conserve them, but, rather, the fact that they are good principles.

At the risk of repeating myself, here is a summary of my early EveryJoe articles on politics:

Conservatism is summed up in seven ideas. They are, in order: 1. truth, 2. virtue, 3. beauty, 4. reason, 5. romance, 6. liberty, 7. salvation.

These are specific contradictions of seven anti-ideas promoted by the Left (I say ‘promoted’ not ‘believed’ for no man can believe in them, any more than he can believe in a five-sided triangle)

1. Solipsism — the paradox that asserts that truth is personal, hence optional: “It is not true that truth is true.”
2. Relativism — the paradox that asserts that virtue is subjective, situational, relative: “It is wrong for you to judge right and wrong.”
3. Subjectivism — the paradox that asserts that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. As if putting a urinal in an Art Museum, and betraying the standard somehow proves the standard wrong, not the betrayal.
4. Irrationalism — the paradox that asserts reason is untrustworthy. Each man’s reason is too biased by upbringing, class self interest, sex, race, and background such that no one, aside from members of a given race and sex and victim group, can be expected to understand or advise other members of the victim group. Of course, reaching this conclusion from that premise is itself an act of reasoning, requiring the reasoner to trust his reason, despite the background and race and sex of the reasoner.
5. Pervertarianism — the paradox that asserts it to be licit to seek the gratifications of sexual union of the reproductive act without the union, without the reproduction, and, in the case of sodomites, without the act. The same insane paradox asserts that females should be feminists rather than feminine; and that sexual predation is more romantic than romance.
6. Totalitarianism — the paradox that asserts that freedom is slavery, war is peace, ignorance is strength. The Constitution is a living, breathing document, ergo it must be smothered and killed.
7. Nihilism — the paradox of that the meaning of life is that it has no innate meaning.

Politically, the original US constitution, which was meant for a loose federation of sovereign states and a minimal central government, was the best guarantee of continued peace and liberty, and therefore, since that state of affairs rested in our past, we should be reactionary return to it. If that state of affairs rested not in our past but only in the future, we should be radical, overthrow the current social order, and adopt it.

That said, I will add one other element to the definition of conservative: we believe changes should be gradual and organic to the social order, because the danger from social disorder is grave and lasting, and ergo such changes must be made slowly, cautiously, thoughtfully. Never tear down a fence until you find out for what reason it was first erected.

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Impersonal Appearance

Posted May 7, 2016 By John C Wright

Superversive Chat!

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Delenda Est 3: the Joke Police

Posted May 7, 2016 By John C Wright

The madness continues.

The line at about the 4.20 mark about the masculine-of-center genderqueer girl named Timothy who insisted on being called ‘he’ being refused her position as a diversity officer because she was now a white male sounds … it sound like a joke invented by sci-fi satirist Ron Goulart.

Tell me: do you want to live in the world where the Joke Police police your jokes? Well, the Sad Puppies do not want to live in the world of the Science Fiction Police police our science fiction, either.

The full speech is here:
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Morlock Eruption

Posted May 6, 2016 By John C Wright

Kukuruyo who was nominated for a Hugo Award, is being libeled and harassed by the Morlocks.

Kukuruyo draws commissions ( for $30+. If any of you need drawings of toon characters, it would be a nice way to show support for one of our own.

Here is the backstory:

“No one is targeting artists because of their politics”. That’s a line that I’ve heard a lot from the social justice circles every time an artist is censored, or is attacked so much that they self-censor. It’s a line I’ve read several times in the last week directed at me, when I have commented in social media about some new attack upon myself. I think my experiences over this last week are a clear example on how, yes, artists are being targeted because of their politics, everytime those politics diverge from the progressive ideology.

I’ve always been an artist who does adult content. My hentai creations have been placed on the internet for more than a decade, and I’ve never had any problems because of it. Yeah, sometimes I got a drawing banned from deviantart, but they were very sporadic things, and usually deserved; one every 2-3 years at most. No one ever wrote anything about what a horrible person I was for doing erotic fanarts and such.
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