Archive for October, 2016

Rachel and the Many-Splendored Dreamland

Posted October 14, 2016 By John C Wright

Rachel and the Many-Splendored Dreamland is released today!

The is volume three in the Books of Unexpected Enlightenment, written by the beautiful and talented Mrs. Wright under her mysterious pen-name L. Jagi Lamplighter. People often ask me how to pronounce the name: the L is silent.

I wonder who did the great interior illustrations? I wonder who wrote the dialog for Sigfried Smith, boy felon? I wonder why these books are not more famous?

Go buy nine copies and donate them to your local libraries. Hijack buses and read the cowering passengers your favorite passages at gunpoint, until the SWAT teams shoot you. Or just tell your friends.


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The Suicide of Thought (Part Three)

Posted October 14, 2016 By John C Wright
Part Three: Strolling Down the Bookshelf

So to answer our greater mystery, the reader is invited to turn to his bookshelf. If the reader happens not to have a bookshelf to hand, let us imagine yours is stocked by Mortimer Adler. He has put handsomely bound editions of what he (and a great many others) hold to be the Great Books of Western learning, those with the most profound thoughts and the most profound influence on the course of Western history. Mr. Adler shelves the books in chronological order:

Look at the works of philosophy and ignore, for now, the literature, math, and astronomy. As you scan from the top shelves, where the ancient writers rest, and draw our eyes down the titles on the spines through the Middle Ages to the Renaissance, the Reformation, the so-called Enlightenment, and the Modern, a certain unease should come across you.

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The Suicide of Thought (Part Two)

Posted October 13, 2016 By John C Wright
Part Two: the Treason of the Clerks

To recapitulate, we are contemplating a smaller mystery within a larger.

The smaller has to do with why several educated men of passing acquaintance would all just to happen to believe the same self-evidently false proposition that geometry is empirical. The topic of geometry came up when we were discussing some other topic entirely, by way of example, but all of them, independently, voiced the same opinion.

This is a rather odd belief to have any opinion about one way or the other. It never comes up in normal conversation.

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Shanghaied by a grateful wife

Posted October 13, 2016 By John C Wright

You all may be the most wonderful fans who have ever read a book or blog.

Thank you all so much for your unprecedented generosity.


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Superluminary, Episode 22, Teradeath

Posted October 12, 2016 By John C Wright

Superluminary, Episode 22 TERADEATH, is posted on Patreon:

Episode 22 Teradeath

In this exciting episode, the world-vampire stirs to life, and a world dies. Aeneas is confronted by a foe who understands more of the nine supersciences of the Forerunners than he or his kin. The annihilation of mankind throughout the solar system is impending.
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Posted October 11, 2016 By John C Wright

We are overdue for some pictures of the Catwoman:

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Starving Artist Open to Suggestion

Posted October 11, 2016 By John C Wright

Of old, it was thought that poets were closer than other mortals to the gods, and heard the whispered echo of their revels on Olympos or Fensalir, or their clash of ethereal arms at Phlegra or Vidblain.

Myself, I think it is because men in my profession approach their beloved patrons in the same suppliant posture as pilgrims to a shrine. Poets know that no man lives without the charity of some superior power, because we have nothing else on which to rest but the good pleasure of our patrons.

This month, we at the Wright Household does not have enough to cover both groceries and mortgage, and so I thought I would beg my readers for tips.

I also thought, to add more incentive to my Patreon patronage, of offering something additional to those who pledged more, or to all, when certain goals were met.

I am a fair hand at cartooning, and can draw pictures of my characters, or could take an afternoon to write a personalized short story, or something else my readers might like. I’d like to throw the comments section open to suggestions of what that something else might be?

It is not unusual for Patreon artists to give out some token of thanks. Do you have a preference?

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Batman: Bad Blood

Posted October 11, 2016 By John C Wright

I decided to take an evening off writing and watch an animated movie. I have been particularly fond of the DC animated films in the past, and so thought I would give a recent one (you can stream it for three bucks, cheaper than a cup of Starbucks coffee).

Well, I am about halfway through an animated feature called BATMAN FIRST BLOOD. So this is half a review, not a full review.

The premise is that Bats is missing, and it is up to Nightwing, an annoying kid named Damian Wayne (Bruce’s son by Thalia Al-Ghul), Lucien Fox’s son Iron Batman, and an annoying sexual pervert dressed as Batgirl, but who uses a gun to find and save him.

She is named Batwoman (the second or third of that name, if my count is right) and she has the same origin story as the Huntress or, for that matter, the Punisher.

If the film makers had kept the sexual pervert stuff in the background, or even the annoying brat quality of how annoying she was, or made the rest of the film good, I would be more understanding.

They did not, it was not, and I am not.

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Second Debate

Posted October 10, 2016 By John C Wright

For a second time, Donald Trump is debating against the news media. The news media is eager to destroy him for reasons best left to speculation, and he must overcome them to win the votes needed to win.

The person the news media is propping up is some sleazy criminal granny from Arkansas. She assures me that in her America “Diversity MUST be celebrated!” The mandatory nature of the commandment leaves me cold, if not repelled.

When confronted about her various lies, Hillary replies by chuckling and telling people to go to her website.

I did not watch the whole debate. Trump respond to Hilary saying “I wouldn’t want someone with your temperament in office” by saying “Because you’d be in jail.”

Aside from that zinger, nothing of substance was said, at least so far as I could stomach watching.

However, Trump’s newest campaign promise, to appoint a special prosecutor and investigate his opponent, is unique in presidential races. Had he not won my support with previous promises, this alone would have won me over. The idea that someone can merely scoff at a congressional subpoena, destroy evidence, and get off Scot-free is a blasphemy to the goddesses of law and justice.


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The Suicide of Thought (Part One)

Posted October 9, 2016 By John C Wright

Part One: the Murder of Euclid

Imagine you are a detective called to a crime scene. You unlock the room where the corpse, dead under suspicious circumstances, hanged, but also stabbed and shot. Outside the window, at the same time, you see skyscrapers dark, crumbling, cracked and empty, the streetlamps unlit, and corpses heaped in the silent streets. Churches are burned. All monuments and courthouses are coated with graffiti. The public parks are filled with smoldering rubbish, the rivers with floundering wrecks.

As a detective, your mission is not only to solve the murder mystery of the locked room, but discover what unknown force has destroyed the whole city.

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Excerpt from FEAST OF ELFS

Posted October 7, 2016 By John C Wright

Spy Dog

I think there is something pathetic about an author who laughs aloud at his own jokes, but, darned if this did not make me laugh. It is one of my favorite passages.
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Superluminary, Episode 21, The Black Ship

Posted October 5, 2016 By John C Wright

Superluminary, Episode 21, THE BLACK SHIP, is posted on Patreon:

Episode 21 The Black Ship

In this exciting episode, a dark and swift spy ship is detected, seen feeding the plutonian world-vampire. The ancient terror rears and wakes, and focuses primordial weapons toward the sun, in a bid to obliterate the solar system. Who in the Imperial Family is the betrayer?
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Shut Up and Sing

Posted October 4, 2016 By John C Wright

Below are contrasting video commercials showing something of the difference between Left and Right. Draw your own conclusions.
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An Excerpt from SWAN KNIGHT’S SON

Posted October 4, 2016 By John C Wright

In which Gil utters his new battle cry:

For those of you who are puzzled, here is a fragment from the same chapter.

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The New Leviathan

Posted October 3, 2016 By John C Wright

An article from the Guardian newspaper, home of Damien Walter, who in times past has been kind enough to give Larry Correia writing advice, and who is gifted with sufficient foresight to have predicted the end of my career just before I won the Dragon Award for Best Science Fiction Novel.

It seems their political writer, one Mr. Robert Shiller, brings the same sagacity to bear on national and international affairs:

“For the past several centuries, the world has experienced a sequence of intellectual revolutions against oppression of one sort or another. These rebellions operate in the minds of humans and are spread eventually to most of the world, not by war, which tends to involve multiple causes, but by language and communications technology. Ultimately, the ideas they advance, unlike the causes of war, become noncontroversial.

The next such revolution, likely to occur in the 21st century, will challenge the economic implications of the nation state. It will focus on the injustice that follows from the fact that, entirely by chance, some are born in poor countries and others in rich countries. As more people work for multinational firms and get to know more people from other countries, our sense of justice is being affected.”

Please reread that line to savor the implication:”It will focus on the injustice that follows from the fact that, entirely by chance, some are born in poor countries and others in rich countries.”

Translation: nature, by placing you at your point in time and space at birth when it did, committed an injustice, either by elevating you unfairly above your peers, or delivering you to parents, neighborhood, nation, continent or planet adorned with less wealth and fewer advantages.

Why, the very cosmos is unfair!

And it is both the privilege of omniscient man to foretell and yet undo natural woes and within his omnipotent power to do it! For who else can rewrite the laws of nature aside from the godlike beings our mental and moral superiors on the Left conceive themselves to be?

Why, I myself often brood over the remarkable injustice done me by requiring me to be born here on Earth, among humans, rather than on the island of Houyhnhnmland, my natural home, or planet Vulcan.

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