Archive for November, 2016

Trump is President Elect!

Posted November 9, 2016 By John C Wright

What does this mean?

Our Supreme Court will be interpreters rather than legislators of the law; Hillary will be prosecuted and locked up; the News media has been utterly discredited in the eyes of every man who has eyes; the flood of Jihadists disguised as refugees ceases; the habit of calling everyone with an honest disagreement of opinion ‘racist’ will fall into disrepute; Wall Street will have to go to work for customers, rather than for DC; DC will have to go to work for voters, rather than for Wall Street; the electrical grid will be hardened; sanctuary cities will be cut off from the federal teat; Obamacare will go away, and my unprintable deductibles might come down out of the unprintable stratosphere; the stranglehold preventing America from being an energy independent energy producer will be removed; the president will not be telling all schools in the nation to let pervert boys into girl’s locker rooms; the unconstitutional and unamerican tax regulation preventing priests and pastors from speaking about public issues from the pulpit will be removed; the depleated military will be restocked and upgraded; war with Russia will be avoided; the unconstitutional and insane deal with Iran will be negated; Islamic Terrorists will be fought rather than coddled; the flood of illegals from the southern boarder will be stopped; all the illegal and unconstitutional executive orders issued by Sultan Obama will be rescinded; and I will not have to hear one word about Bill Clinton’s penis no hear one word from Hillary Clinton horrid Bene Gesserit screech owl voice at any point in the next eight years; a long overdue tax cut for businesses will be proposed, and, if the GOP maintains discipline, passed in short order; certain protectionist measures about which I am less enthused will be enacted; and our friendship with foreign allies, such as Britain and Israel, may once again be renewed.

No more insults from the First Family to the security detail; no more lecturing, hectoring lies from a Saul Alinsky radical buffoon; no more repugnant visions of mainstream journalists fawning and bootlicking over criminals and boobs and incompetents; no more constant Obamaesque slights, sneers, and slurs against this nation; no more government sponsored lied about the four dead men that Hillary abandoned to the enemy at Benghazi; no more use of the IRS to harass and hound conservatives; no more over-toleration and meek under responses to insults and provocations from Seventh Century Mohammedan barbarians; no more horrors provoked when the president uses the bully pulpit to encourage attacks on police, and abuses the Justice Department by harassing and punishing innocent policemen shooting dangerous criminals caught in the act.

And we get to keep our guns, our flag, and our God in public.

And that is if Mr Trump does only those things, of all he has promised, that would require almost no effort to do. Merely enforce the laws as written, and law the military do its job.

Not to us, not to us, O Lord, the glory, but thou. Read the remainder of this entry »

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Election Day!

Posted November 8, 2016 By John C Wright

But Gandalf lifted up his arms and called once more in a clear voice: ‘Stand, Men of the West! Stand and wait! This is the hour of doom.’

(My advice is to ignore the mainstream media until tomorrow. Their inevitable habit is to call close elections in a given district for the Democrat candidate early, in order to discourage late voters.)

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Returning to a More Important Topic!

Posted November 7, 2016 By John C Wright

While I am sure real life is important to some people, to those of us with one foot in fairyland and one head (of several) in outerspace, mundane affairs are something of a distraction.

I admit to being an unrepentant fanboy of this show, and I missed it deeply, and deeply wished for its return:

After years of campaigning and months of binge-watching by fans, Young Justice Season 3 is finally going to be a reality.

Warner Bros. Animation today announced that Young Justice Season 3 has begun production. According to the release, Young Justice Season 3 “promises new twists, turns and dangerous new threats for the team, but most importantly, the opportunity for fans to finally continue the adventures of some of their favorite Super Heroes.”

Warner Bros. Animation did not reveal a release date or a network partner for Young JusticeSeason 3 at this time but did promise that more details were on the way.

Young Justice was a critically-acclaimed and fan-favorite animated series featuring a large roster of characters from the DC Comics Univers. The series coupled attractive animation and character design with rich, textured, long-form storytelling. Young Justice was watched by 25 million unique viewers in each of its two seasons on Cartoon Network.

“The affection that fans have had for Young Justice, and their rallying cry for more episodes, has always resonated with us,” said Sam Register, President, Warner Bros. Animation and Warner Digital Series, in a statement “We are excited to bring the show back for this loyal fanbase and to provide an opportunity for new viewers to discover this excellent series.”

Perhaps I have accidentally found the magic ring of Aladdin, and can rub it for two more wishes. Instead of wishing for world peace, a resumption of the space program, or a cure for dyspepsia or something useful, I will wish for the return of City of Heroes, a brain addiction even we Vulcans cannot shake. The final wish involves Catwoman, and proves that mortals should never be entrusted with wishes.

However, when life grants you what you would have wished for without warning, it is time to throw occult magic rings away and say a simple prayer of thanksgiving for small gifts and great.

(I am kidding about Catwoman, wishing rings and lamps or no. Really, occultism is a cheat, even if it were real. Once Christ has granted you eternal life of boundless and ever increasing joy and wonder in the realm of light, what else are you wishing for? A pony? A spaceship? The glorified body given the faithful after the Second Coming will be able to outfly the Enterprise, and you will be able to feel the stars brush by you like delicious sparks of pleasure on your skin, without harm to you or them, and hear the music they sing.)

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My Prediction for the Election?

Posted November 7, 2016 By John C Wright

Glad you asked.

I am not prophet, but when I heard the rumor that the Dems would not permit “USA! USA!!” to be chanted at Hillary rallies, on the grounds that this was “Trump’s chant” my nape hairs stood on end, and I whispered to myself, “She is doomed. He will win in a landslide.”

And I stopped listening to the polls (and to the pols) ever since.

Trumpslide cometh.

You will tomorrow see visions the likes of which eyes have not seen before, nor shall ever again! Smug leftist brains will explode like a scene from the movie Scanners; Wall Street socialists will fling themselves from towers; Jihadists will slash themselves with knives and call on their false and empty idol, Allah, to curse the day; and media moguls will drive their battery-powered eco-cars off the Golden Gate bridge and into the sea, exploding in midair from sheer Pauline Kael frustration, to strike the waves like a burning comet, or Lucifer falling from the zenith.

It will be wonderful.

And it will go on and on and on as each day America pulls herself free from the mire of Leftist policies and executive orders and regains her footing, strength and stature.

And the Left, like Rumpelstiltskin, will tear themselves in half in fury, and be swallowed whole into a flaming pit in the earth.

Bring popcorn. Bring Jack Daniels. Cause you ain’t seen nothing yet.

You thought the election was entertaining! WAIT UNTIL YOU SEE THE ADMINISTRATION!!

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For the Undecideds

Posted November 7, 2016 By John C Wright

If any of my dear readers have not yet resolved in your own mind for whom to vote in tomorrow’s election, if eight years of lies, scandals, murders, selling state secrets to foreign powers, deceptive news media, rising crime, falling employment, rising taxes, strangling regulations, weakened military, humiliations abroad and Jihadist terrorism at home, does not decide the issue for you; and if the prospect of an nuclear-armed Iran or war with a nuclear-armed Russia does not bestir you; if the insanity of endless executive orders, the lawlessness of an imperial presidency, or the sickness of commanding every school in the nation to allow perverted boys into the same locker rooms as underage schoolgirls to ogle them in the showers has not stirred you; if you have not been angered at endlessly hearing yourself and others being accused falsely of racism, sexism, Islamophonia, Homophobia, and an endless litany of phobias and mental disorders merely because you are a normal, decent, and sane person; or if a distaste for current globalist economic manipulations or an astonished terror at the prospect of unguarded borders being flooded not only with illegal migrants and drug dealers but with soldier and saboteurs in service of a deadly enemy during wartime does not persuade you; or contemplating the degree of utter ineffectiveness of a sitting president will display during wartime when she is continually under criminal investigation does not convince you; then please consider this.

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Equality and Egalitarianism

Posted November 7, 2016 By John C Wright

I write this on the eve of what may be the final free election in the long and troubled history of our republic.

The fact that the election is too close to call, when the differences between the candidates and the worldviews they represent is so clear, is an unanswerable condemnation of this generation.

How did we become so foolish and so wicked? The scandals of the corrupt are not only shameless and unreported by the news, but that when rumor of the lawless evils done do reach the public square, they are met with either counteraccusations of the same sort, or shrugs of indifference, or brutal rage directed, not against the wrongdoer, but against whistleblower.

Hans Christian Anderson in his famous fable of an Emperor who had no clothes sadly got the ending wrong. When the child cries out that the Emperor is naked, all that would happen in real life is that the Emperor’s loyal guards would beat the weeping child to death on the cobblestones with their rifle butts while the crowd cheers and laughs gaily.

In such times as this, the philosopher’s duty is to speak the truth humbly to all men, just and unjust, wicked and clean, foolish and wise. Philosophers do not speak for the sake of persuading Misosophists, if I may coin the term, haters of wisdom. The words will have their own force if they are true, and even if they are buried for a generation, or for ever, the truth will someday be justified, even if no mortal ear hears.

In that spirit, I take up the pen to remind a world that his lost its memory and a land that has lost its mind, the name and spirit of the land which we once loved, and for which our ancestors shed salt tears and bled red blood.

I name nameless virtue that is the center of the American soul and the source of American exceptionalism.

America is the land of equality.

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Dr. Strange

Posted November 6, 2016 By John C Wright


I will write a more complete review later, time permitting.

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Shortest Column Ever

Posted November 5, 2016 By John C Wright

A reader asks:

“Mr. Wright, I have a request. Can you provide your take on whats going on with the revelation that John Podesta was caught arranging to participate in satanic rituals.”

I can sum up my take in two words: not surprised.

I am a Roman Catholic. I believe the nameless archangel exiled from heaven who became the accuser and archenemy of mankind is real, and he has his angels and his martyrs willing to die for him, to do his works of malice.

If not witchcraft, what explains Hillary’s ability to mesmerize half the nation into gaily overlooking her crimes, murders, treason, not to mention a voice like a screech owl?

If the Clintons and the Dems ignore all natural laws and human decency, why should we expect them to respect supernatural laws and divine decency? As below, so above.

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Clinton v Turnip

Posted November 4, 2016 By John C Wright

From the irreplaceable and irrepressible Bill Whittle.

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Superluminary, Episode 25 The Lady of Love

Posted November 2, 2016 By John C Wright

Superluminary, Episode 25 THE LADY OF LOVE, is posted on Patreon:

Episode 25 The Lady of Love

In this exciting episode, Lady Venus, the mother of Aeneas, appears. The dark nature of mankind and the needs of power are shown. She urges the unwilling emperor to assume his rightful throne, while the fate of man hangs in the balance.
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IRON CHAMBER Now in Hardback and Paperback!

Posted November 1, 2016 By John C Wright

IRON CHAMBER OF MEMORY, a work I was commissioned to write under very odd and mystical circumstances, which came to me all at once, as if in a dream, is now available in hardback and paperback from Castalia House.

Please buy dozens of copies. My eldest children are reaching college age.

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Who Runs America and How

Posted November 1, 2016 By John C Wright

I am sorry to hear that Damien Walter, the original Morlock for whom all Morlocks are named, had apparently lost his post at the Guardian earlier this year. (The Guardian is the branch of Pravda newspaper operating in Anglostan, a Muslim nation once known as England, except with policy of less adherence to truth in reporting that its late Soviet predecessor.)

I am sorry not for his sake, but for mine.

The temptation to giggle unmanfully, while dancing with satanic schadenfreude an undignified jig, with elbows and knees jerking energetically, tongue lolling, had overwhelmed me in front of my family, and I lost face, not to mention my reputation for stoical reserve and dignified magnanimity.  

I laughed long, loud and heartily with jovial abandon, and should visit the confessional booth if I knew what was good for me.

After all, Tom o’ Bedlam may not have lost his job because he is a mewling and ineffective poof with delusions of adequacy who cannot do in years and on the coin the Queen exacts from her cowering subjects what any pro SFF writer can do in six months for a wage freely offered from free men, that is, write a novel.

He may have lost his gig due to the economics. Who am I to dance odd jigs, when my own gig at the girly website EveryJoe collapsed? He might have lost his job for some unrelated reason. But he is still a mewling and ineffective poof.

Now, having said that, I will not abjure the Guardian when it prints an article worth reading.

This is one of the more insightful takes on the whole Podesta WikiLeaks scandal and email scandal surrounding the Clintons. The English, who live and breathe a class structure, notice what most Americans miss. What Podesta emails show was a rare glimpse of what our ruling elite actually act and think like.

These are your rulers, you poor souls. These are the enlightened. The Gnostics, the Illuminati, the Self-Anointed.

This column is by Tom Frank. Below is his opening paragraphs. Read the whole thing here:

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SJW as Neurotic Nanny

Posted November 1, 2016 By John C Wright

A clip from Rebel Media worth your careful attention: where do SJWs come from?
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Why I am a Milodolator

Posted November 1, 2016 By John C Wright

Many of my Christian friends wonder why I have erected a nine-story tall idol made out of of radioactive protactinium atop Mount Erebus in Antarctica to my hero Milo Yiannopoulos, to which each dark of the moon I sacrifice thirteen lesbians and journalists and randy Ethiopian bisexuals, thereby violating four of the Ten Commandments and two amendments of the Bill of Rights.

It is not hard to explain. Read the remainder of this entry »

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