Archive for February, 2017

Not Tired of Winning Yet X

Posted February 8, 2017 By John C Wright

At the moment, this is merely a rumor. At the moment, I am skeptical.

But even to hear a rumor that this might be so gives my heart the wings of an eagle.

Marvel is thinking of cutting back the PC political dreck that has for so long made their titles unreadable.

Cosmic Booknews says this

… it’s being said that Marvel Comics is going to go the “DC Rebirth route” and bring back the iconic characters as well as dropping the political BS angles that’s infected their comic line for the past few years.

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Stefan on the Trump Travel Restrictions

Posted February 7, 2017 By John C Wright

Speaking as a newspaperman and a philosopher, I have to wonder why my brother newspapermen are not more shamed that their job is being done, and far more honestly and thoroughly than by they, by one of my brother philosophers?

It means that the news is making a fundamental hence philosophical mistake: they confuse true and false, moral and immortal, reality and wish, and are left without any metaphysical groundwork for their actions.

Only power counts now, and they think lies give them power over the gullible. They think hate gives them power to motivate the troops for direct action. They think victimhood justifies all and excuses all.

I would ask any of my Left-leaning readers to watch the whole video carefully before making any comment. Your continued mental breakdown into morlockery is hindering the direction of evolution I personally would prefer.

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Not Tired of Winning Yet IX

Posted February 7, 2017 By John C Wright

DeVos has just been confirmed as Education Secretary. That horrible noise you just heard is the sound of the spine of the beast called the Teachers Unions being broken. Those ghostly cheers are generations yet unborn who at last have a chance at a decent education, lauding heaven and their happy fate that the fetters and gyves of socialized education are falling off.


The GOP triators who jumped ship on this one should be remembered and upbraided, corrected, or punished.

Senators Susan Collins of Maine and Lisa Murkowski of Alaska.


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Razorfist on Elric

Posted February 7, 2017 By John C Wright

Elric of Melniboné,  whose exploits were faithfully recorded by the famed (if notorious) Michael Moorcock,  is one of those characters I am glad I read when I was young, because I do not think I could enjoy such stories today, as my tastes have narrowed.

But a luminary of the fantasy genre he certainly is. He is the anti-Conan, frail where Conan was brawny, overcivilized and decadent where Conan was hale and barbaric, etc., and hence is the godfather of all the dark fantasy antiheroes we now swamping the genre.

Bishonen Elric, aka Emo of Melnibone

Here is Razorfist (who I am glad to see shares beliefs with me not only on politics but on the far more important topic of comics and pulps) in his normal over-the-top and foul-mouthed way, giving the honest truth about the Elric stories.

He and Jeffro Johnson should talk. There is a strong Appendix N vibe to this video article.

Language warning! Razorfist swears like a sailor, so this clip is not safe for work or home. Or anywhere.

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The Last Crusade 05: Rip van Con meets Ganymede

Posted February 7, 2017 By John C Wright

Much of what is said these days, either on politics or on any deep matter, is misunderstood. An unhealthy portion of this misunderstanding is willful, or due to sloth, or haste, or some other form of negligence.

On my part, I wrote a column reporting the observation that Conservatism, being a political stance, could not meet with equal weapons Leftism, being a religious stance, on the grounds that religion is more fundamental than politics and determines it.

Nothing I have written has been misinterpreted so freely.

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Daughter of Danger

Posted February 6, 2017 By John C Wright

The nameless girl does not know who or what she is. She does not even know her name. But she quickly learns that she has enemies who are trying to kill her, as well as lethal skills that no girl her age should know. And, she inadvertently discovers, she can also fly.

Her only clue to her identity is the mysterious, shape-changing ring on her finger that appears to be alive. And the one thing she knows for a certainty is that she must find out who she is before the monsters chasing her are able to hunt her down. DAUGHTER OF DANGER is the fourth book of MOTH & COBWEB, an astonishing new series about magical worlds of Day, Night, and Twilight by John C. Wright.

John C. Wright is one of the living grandmasters of science fiction and the author of THE GOLDEN AGE, AWAKE IN THE NIGHT LAND, and IRON CHAMBER OF MEMORY, to name just three of his exceptional books. He has been nominated for both the Nebula and Hugo Awards, and his novel SOMEWHITHER won the 2016 Dragon Award for Best Science Fiction Novel.

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The Last Crusade 04: Rip van Con

Posted February 4, 2017 By John C Wright

One main reason why a Last Crusade must be called is that Conservatism, while perfectly sound when facing Commies in a Cold War, Nazis in a World War, or Slavers in a Civil War, has no defense to offer when the fascistic cultural Marxism seeps peacefully into the ivory tower, the theater, the press, the halls of power.

Imagine, if you will, the current bewilderment of the conservative, the neoconservative, the libertarian, the Whig. They have won every battle and every argument since AD 1776, and always against overwhelming odds. They grew in wisdom and power to the point where putting a man on the moon was possible.

And, as AD 2017 heaves in to view, they have lost everything, including the power to put a man into space.

To visualize this bewilderment, picture the conservative as he stood in AD 1945.

Imagine you are a man who believes with a quiet and steady belief that the laws should be made by an independent parliament, not by the will of a single monarch, or, better yet, by an elected congress with only limited powers.

Why should those powers be limited? Because men are sinful, and not to be trusted with power over those things that each man should and indeed must do for himself. The private things.

What are the private things? They are the things governed by a man’s philosophy, not by his politics. They are the personal and sacred things, the intimate things. They are his worship.

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Arming the Enemy with your Pen

Posted February 3, 2017 By John C Wright

A fellow writer wrote me, worried that a story he is writing, where he portrays a false cult that worships a deceptive god, would be read by Gnostics and Leftists as encouragement to slander the Church.

He did not want to write something that would encourage the enemy. I understand his concern; believe me, I do. I saw my best friend in college go from a man interested in the anthropology of the occult to becoming a practicing Witch (technically, an Asatru) largely because of Tolkien glamorizing a world where spirits walked among us, where wizards were wise and magic was real.

I thought my answer to him would be interesting to my readers in general.

My suggestion is that you drink a beer (or, if you do not drink, eat a bag of potato chips) relax, and do not worry about it.

There are two reasons not to worry: one is happy, the other is sad.

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Left Hates Free Speech, Girls, Selves

Posted February 2, 2017 By John C Wright

Well, well.

A smug Leftist was just lecturing me that the Left is a nuanced and complex political movement with a long and rich history, so my comment that the Left were a hate-filled monsters was too simplistic.

Oh..? Really..?


From today’s news:

Conservative firebrand and Breitbart editor Milo Yiannopoulos had to be evacuated from the campus of UC #berkeley after demonstrations turned violent on Wednesday evening. Far-left protesters, clad in black and wearing masks, threw fireworks at campus police, metal barriers were torn down, windows were smashed and one female Yiannopoulis supporter was pepper-sprayed in the face while giving an interview to ABC News.

CNN reports that the demonstrations– which are still in progress as of this writing– drew more than 1,500 protesters, who gathered outside the university’s student center. The university has stated that, so far, at least one individual has been injured.

Milo Yiannopoulos, who was scheduled to speak Wednesday evening, was evacuated from the scene “amid the violence and destruction of property and out of concern for public safety”, says CNN.

Yiannopoulis issued a statement after the evacuation, assuring his supporters that he was safe. He ended his statement by saying: “One thing we do know for sure: the Left is absolutely terrified of free speech and will do literally anything to shut it down”.

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Not Tired of Winning Yet VIII

Posted February 2, 2017 By John C Wright

Supreme Court saved. America gets another last minute reprieve.

President Donald Trump on Tuesday nominated Neil Gorsuch for a lifetime job on the U.S. Supreme Court, picking the 49-year-old federal appeals court judge to restore the court’s conservative majority and help shape rulings on divisive issues such as abortion, gun control, the death penalty and religious rights.

The Colorado native faces a potentially contentious confirmation battle in the U.S. Senate


I see that Rueters cannot even report the basics facts without a slant. This is partly lies and partly just a warped point of view.

The Dems have no leverage and cannot mount a serious defense, thanks to the change in Senate rules ushered in by the Dems when they had the majority, and abused their power, so that a supermajority is no longer needed to confirm appointments of this type.

The justice has the metallic tang of irony to it.

By Lawrence Hurley and Steve Holland | WASHINGTON
President Donald Trump on Tuesday nominated Neil Gorsuch for a lifetime job on the U.S. Supreme Court, picking the 49-year-old federal appeals court judge to restore the court’s conservative majority and help shape rulings on divisive issues such as abortion, gun control, the death penalty and religious rights.

The Colorado native faces a potentially contentious confirmation battle in the U.S. Senate after Republicans last year refused to consider Democratic President Barack Obama’s nominee to fill the vacancy caused by the February 2016 death of conservative justice Antonin Scalia.

The Senate’s top Democrat, Chuck Schumer, indicated his party would mount a procedural hurdle requiring 60 votes in the 100-seat Senate rather than a simple majority to approve Gorsuch, and expressed “very serious doubts” about the nominee. Liberal groups called for an all-out fight to reject Gorsuch while conservative groups and Republican senators heaped praise on him like “outstanding,” “impressive” and a “home run.”

Gorsuch, the son of a former Reagan administration official, is the youngest nominee to the nation’s highest court in more than a quarter century, and he could influence the direction of the court for decades. He is a judge on the Denver-based 10th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals and was appointed to that post by Republican President George W. Bush in 2006.

Announcing the selection to a nighttime crowd in the White House East Room flanked by the judge and his wife, Trump said Gorsuch’s resume is “as good as it gets.” Trump, who took office on Jan. 20 and has sparked numerous controversies, said he hopes Republicans and Democrats can come together on this nomination for the good of the country.

“Judge Gorsuch has outstanding legal skills, a brilliant mind, tremendous discipline, and has earned bipartisan support,” Trump told an audience that included Scalia’s widow.

“Depending on their age, a justice can be active for 50 years. And his or her decisions can last a century or more, and can often be permanent,” Trump added.

Gorsuch is considered a conservative intellectual, known for backing religious rights and writing against euthanasia and assisted suicide, and is seen as very much in the mold of Scalia, a leading conservative voice on the court for decades.

“I respect … the fact that in our legal order it is for Congress and not the courts to write new laws,” Gorsuch said, as Trump looked on. “It is the role of judges to apply, not alter, the work of the people’s representatives. A judge who likes every outcome he reaches is very likely a bad judge, stretching for results he prefers rather than those the law demands.”

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The Measure of Beauty

Posted February 2, 2017 By John C Wright

A question most puzzling to the modern mind is how it can be possible for beauty not to be in the mind of the beholder. How can beauty be objective, there is nothing to measure?

Some objective truths are not measured.

Measured objects are only those objects that have a repeated characteristic, such as length, such that every inch of length is equal in length to every other inch. Only equal ratios can be multiplied.

What I mean by beauty is what men commonly mean by beauty.

I attempt no technical or philosophical definition: it is that which draws one’s thoughts out of one’s own selfish absorption, and makes one breathless with wonder. Men can survive without it, but not enjoy life without it.

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Patreon Query

Posted February 1, 2017 By John C Wright

Hey Folks, Jagi, here. (John is sitting across the room but doesn’t know I’ve snuck in and shanghaied his blog!)

Some months ago, some of you made a bunch of suggestions about John’s Patreon account. I am, finally, trying to act on them.

First, I will try to add a goal–assuming I can negotiate the maze that is Patreon. (For any of you who don’t have a Patreon account, they have changed their creator interface about five times since John started late last spring.)

Second, We want to add some rewards on Patreon, but never really got a clear idea of what people might want. So if there is some kind of reward you would like to see there–let us know! (For anyone who is new to this, by reward, we mean something like: “everyone who pledges $X-amount a month or more gets Y”.

Third, I haven’t forgotten that we’ve promised you a picture drawn by John on the wonderful drawing pad we received. It will happen!



Suggestions so far:

Get to Google Hangout with John once a month
A hoodie
picture of your favorite John C. Wright character
previews of upcoming projects

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Superluminary 38 War Plans

Posted February 1, 2017 By John C Wright

Superluminary, Episode 38 WAR PLANS, is posted on Patreon:

Episode 38  War Plans

In this episode, the plot and counterplot clash in epic conflict between the throne and traitor. The final assault is planned against the dreadful space fortresses of the space vampires at Luminous Blue Variable 1806-20.

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