Archive for March, 2017

Jonathan del Aroz has done us the honor of adding his own words to the Last Crusade:

Last week, I popped into a gas station’s mini-mart and had a short conversation with the employee there. He was a really friendly older gentleman with an accent I couldn’t place, and I didn’t ask where he hailed from. We talked family, work, life, and it came away a positive conversation despite what probably were vast differences between us.

What I thought on the way out of there was, when he asked what was up with me, why didn’t I tell him I was on my way to church?

It’s a subconscious thing, but our society via media, the government, schooling has drilled into us for now 2-3 generations that our faith is something that should not be touched in public, not to be discussed in public, not to be displayed in public. We’re told we will be shunned if we do so, and as a result of that, the culture has self-fulfilled that prophecy by becoming more and more hostile to the concept of faith. I feel like I’m doing something taboo even writing about it here, but after thought and prayer, I feel compelled that it’s more necessary than ever to be discussing the good news.

And it’s so necessary because it DOES feel taboo.

Read the whole thing: Public Displays of Christianity

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Space Princess Art, Part 2: Thugs Grabbing Dames!

Posted March 7, 2017 By John C Wright

This is installment two, which features a lot of thugs, toughs, and ne’er-do-wells grabbing dames. Perhaps we will see dames with guns in a later installment valiantly defending themselves.
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Space Princess Art, Part 1

Posted March 6, 2017 By John C Wright

As part of the ongoing Pulp Revolution and Space Princess Literary Movement, it behooves us to take a moment and pause to admire the art of some of these pulp covers. Their like is not seen today.

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The Last Crusade 09: In The Kingdom of Witches

Posted March 3, 2017 By John C Wright

We are watching the towers of our civilization drowning in a rising tide of madness, and we wonder why none raises any effective dike against this unclean sea.

We should not wonder. As we have seen in prior columns, the enemy of modern Western civilization in general, and of America in particular, is not animating a political movement but a religious one. This movement is called by many names, for one of its successful tactics is forever to change from one deceptive name to another.

It is religious in nature, even though it proposes no worship of God, for the same reason Buddhism, Taoism, and Confucianism are religious in nature.

Whatever offers an answer to the fundamental questions of human existence, offers meaning and purpose to life, and hope for unity with something higher than the self. It is religious in nature for the same reason Satanism is religious: its ultimate enemy is not America nor even the West in general, but only those parts of Western civilization still loyal to the teachings of the Church.

The movement opposes Christ.

The movement is perfectly content to use Christian notions like compassion for the poor, for example, when it allows the state to overstep its traditional role, and take on the charitable acts which once had been the purview of the Church, and, by making them entitlements rather than charitable, to decrease the charity and goodwill in the world.

The movement is opposed to marriage in its every aspect and dimension, except when it comes to homosexual unions, whereupon the full panoply of Christian rites is demanded, and Christians are the preferred persons to bake the cakes, rent the halls, an take the wedding photos. There is no glee and no glory for the movement to hire Buddhists or Jews to do these things.

The inability of the political Right to halt any of these long, slow, ineluctable attacks should need no further clarification: since the days of David and Goliath we have known it. No one can beat a spiritual enemy with a political weapon. The reach and patience is insufficient. Politicians compromise for the sake of maintaining the worldly order. Prophets do not compromise. Their world is not this world. That is true as well for false prophets as true.

But what religion is it, then?

It is witchcraft. We live in the Kingdom of the Witches.

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Patreon Tiers Unveiled!

Posted March 2, 2017 By John C Wright

Jagi, here.

Here is John’s suggestions for Patreon rewards.

Patreon Tiers

Each tier includes everything from the tiers before it.

First Tier: $1
Our most sincere gratitude!
A   copy of the ebook of the serialized work, once it is available.

Second Tier: $5
Four times a year, receive emails with behind the scenes material from Mr. Wright’s work. This might included any or all of: background notes, short stories, unpublished material, sneak peeks into upcoming works.

Third Tier:   $10
Access to listen to the podcasts of the Inner Circle chats available to Fourth Tier members.

Fourth Tier: $25
Ability to join the Inner Circle—monthly, hour-long, online impromptu chats with Mr. Wright’s characters or, if you insist, Mr. Wright himself. Participants are encouraged to ask any questions they wish on any topic of interest.

Fifth Tier: $50
Twice a year, participate in a private Inner Circle chat.

Sixth Tier: $75
Once each year, Mr. Wright will draw you a picture of any character of his you desire and send you a .JPG, or a print on quality paper, or both. These are one of a kind, commissioned drawings.

Seventh Tier: $150
Same, except you can also pick to have any illustration available shipped to you on piece of merchandise from the Wright Stuff Zazzle Store.


Suggestions welcome!

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Superluminary, Episode 42 The Deadly Double Star

Posted March 1, 2017 By John C Wright

Superluminary, Episode 42 The Deadly Double Star, is posted on Patreon:

Episode 42 Deadly Double Star

In this exciting episode, battle is joined with the bizarre unlife of 9 Sagittarius : the continually mutating creatures on ever-melting worlds made of artificially unstable matter.


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Vote now for CLFA Book of the Year!

Posted March 1, 2017 By John C Wright

Jagi here.

The Conservative Libertarian Fiction Alliance have their annual Book of the Year questionnaire up. One of the books is John’s Iron Chamber of Memory, which is not eligible for a Dragon Award, as their cut-off dates go June to June, and it came out about a year ago.

There are other excellent books there as well, including Peter Grant’s Brings the Lightning and Marina Fontaine’s Chasing Freedom, and Brian Niemeier’s Souldancer, and two by Declan Finn.

So go by and vote! Voting ends March 31st.

Vote for CLFA Book of the Year here.


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