Archive for June, 2017

Lost on the Last Continent, Episode 02, The Unearthly Earth, is now posted on Patreon.

Episode 02 The Unearthly Earth

In this exciting episode, Colonel Lost is trapped aboard a sinking rocketplane, surrounding by a volcanic lake of boiling water, and menaced by dinosaurs both swimming and flying, poisonous centipedes, drowning, boiling, and being found.

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In Small and in Large

Posted June 13, 2017 By John C Wright

It is my habit to avoid discussion of personal matters in public, but I will make an exception when the event ties in to a broader matter.

This Sunday the scoutmaster of my sons’ Boy Scout Troop arrived unexpectedly and uninvited on the doorstep of my house, while I was at Mass.

He announced that, due to an anonymous complaint that my youngest son had allegedly made an “anti-Muslim remark” in a private conversation, therefore he and his brother were forthwith expelled from the troop.

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Policy Shift

Posted June 12, 2017 By John C Wright

Hitherto, I have only banned holocaust deniers from my site. However, my patience for any fashion of anti-Semitic remark has been worn out.

I have a personal interest in the matter. My father in law fought the Nazis in Europe during World War Two, and he won a purple heart while liberating a prison camp. He was also one of the reporters for STARS AND STRIPES, and wrote up Nuremberg trials, of which he was an eyewitness. He was Jewish by birth.

He himself, personally, has done more to aid this nation and protect Western Civilization than any number of random slanderers and chickens little eager to stir up enmity between the races.

If my choice is between honoring the family versus extending courtesy to an uncouth idea opposed to goodness, justice and reason, I chose honor. Those who make much ado about bloodline forming one’s primary loyalty should approve. Read the remainder of this entry »

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Last Crusade 22: The Debate is Over

Posted June 11, 2017 By John C Wright

If you were the Devil’s Advocate and wished to see his party prevail, one method you would advise the Prince of Darkness to adopt would be to find ways to silence objections. The witnesses must be silenced before they reach the witness box of public opinion.

One way of silencing objections is to accuse any objections of denying settled authority. This is the claim that the debate is over and that the science is settled [1]
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Green Knight’s Squire now in Hardcopy

Posted June 8, 2017 By John C Wright

IN PRINT: The Green Knight’s Squire

 Gilberic Parzival Moth is a strange and lonely boy who has grown up without a father, raised by a single mother who moves from town to town in fear of something she will not name. His only friends are animals, with whom he has always been able to speak. But when he awakens one night at the Thirteenth Hour, and sees for the first time the cruel reality of the secret rule of Elf over Man, he begins to learn about his true heritage, the heritage of Twilight.

And when his mother finally tells him the terrible truth of her past, he must choose whether to continue running with her in fear, or learning how to fight against ancient powers that are ageless, soulless, and ultimately damned. THE GREEN KNIGHT’S SQUIRE, the first volume of MOTH & COBWEB, is an astonishing new series about magical worlds of Day, Night, and Twilight by John C. Wright and consists of three books:

  • Book One: Swan Knight’s Son
  • Book Two: Feast of the Elfs
  • Book Three: Swan Knight’s Sword

John C. Wright is one of the living grandmasters of science fiction and the author of THE GOLDEN AGE, AWAKE IN THE NIGHT LAND, and IRON CHAMBER OF MEMORY, to name just three of his exceptional books. He has been nominated for the Nebula Award, for the Hugo Award, and his novel SOMEWHITHER won the 2016 Dragon Award for Best Science Fiction Novel at Dragoncon.

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Wonder Woman is Wonderful

Posted June 8, 2017 By John C Wright

Everything I heard about the movie WONDER WOMAN beforehand intimated that it would be terrible.

My daughter went to see it, and rolled her eyes in a typical teen girl scornful way when I expressed doubt, and she sternly and imperiously commanded me to go (despite that, as a father, I outrank her by more ranks than a brigadier).

Well, I am glad I let her guide me. WONDER WOMAN is wonderful. It is the third best superhero film I have ever seen (Brad Bird’s INCREDIBLES is first, Alexander Suskind’s SUPERMAN THE MOVIE is second).

I am fearful I will not be believed when I say how much I liked this. Yes, it was made by the same folk who made the execrable and hideous MAN OF STEEL.

I will try to keep the review free of spoilers, but I will discuss the theme and the moral, and this may indeed spoil a major plot point. So, if you wish to be as pleasantly surprised as I was by all aspects of this film, read no more.

This film, unlike nearly every other superhero film I can bring to mind, was actually about the nature and use and shortcomings of heroics.

It was about what it means to have an ideal, and what it means once one decides that doing nothing in the face of the weeping of the world in pain is no longer an option.

Some, or so I hear, did not like the ending, because they did not like the answer to the paradox of the fact that one heroine cannot save the world, but she can inspire the world. So be it. This film is not for such as they.

But the film was for me. If my tastes overlap yours to any degree, this film is also for you.

I give it eleven stars out of ten, which is something I usually reserve for Hayao Miyazaki films. And also because I flunked math.

Go see it.

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Age of Hoaxes

Posted June 8, 2017 By John C Wright

A reader wrote and asked on what grounds I am skeptical about the claims of the Greens promoting the idea that socializing the world economy and curtailing the industrial revolution is the best way of combating the looming scourge of manmade Global Warming.

It is a fair question.

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Let the drums roll and the trumpets peal! A new weekly serial to please, astound and amaze the reader has been commanded by the combined voice of fans of the serialized free-to-read fiction provided for your edification and amusement in this space. New action! New thrills! Reliable and Time-Tested Cliches! All yours for the asking!

With LOST ON THE LAST CONTINENT, or, In the Days of Pangaea Ultima, we say farewell to the raging cosmic battles of space opera, and delve into the action and romance of the far future.

Colonel Preston Lost, a big game hunter, is catapulted into the far, remote future of AD Two Hundred Fifty Million. The single remaining landmass above the waves is the supercontinent of Pangaea Ultima.

Mankind is nigh extinct, barbarism is rampant, and science is magic.

Dwarfish posthumans called Grays maintain an oasis of cruel and tyrannical civilization, its decadence upheld on the backs of slaves.

Among these slaves are true humans abducted from all the lost cities of man, thought drowned, abandoned, or buried: the populations of Ys,  Togenkyo, Catalhoyuk, Aztlan, Atlantis.

Preston Lost must fight his way from slave pits to sky pirates, past dinosaurs and dervishes, samurai and six-fingered giants to destroy the Time Tesseract and preserve every eon from the evil at the end of time!

Please support my work on Patreon. My wife and creditors thank you! 

Lost on the Last Continent, Episode 01, A Hole in the Air, is now posted on Patreon.

Episode 01 The Hole in the Air

In this exciting episode, Colonel Preston Lost chases an unidentified flying object through an impossible, multi-dimensional midair maelstrom hidden in a thunderstorm over the Bermuda Triangle. His plane emerges into strange sky above a hellish volcanoscape, strikes a pterodactyl, and spins out of control.

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The Archangels are Hunting Him

Posted June 5, 2017 By John C Wright

A kind reader brought this to my attention. I found this conversation simply fascinating.

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Not Tired of Winning Yet XIX

Posted June 5, 2017 By John C Wright

It is perhaps premature to celebrate, but these rumors make my heart soar like a hawk.

Remember the HHS Mandate where an unelected bureaucrat, accountable to no one, decreed that the nuns of the Little Sisters of the Poor must pay for abortifacient drugs and contraceptives of employees.

I believe the bureaucrats also commanded the Little Sisters to trample the cross, spit on the statue of the Virgin, and sacrifice incense to divine Caesar, and worship the idol erected by Nebuchadnezzar or else be burned alive in a great furnace.  I could be wrong about that, but it sounds about right.

Let us hope the rumors are true.

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Pour Gas, Please

Posted June 3, 2017 By John C Wright

A stirring column, redolent with good sense and rich with schadenfreude called Liberals Are An Inferno Of Flaming Crazy And We Should Pour Gasoline On The Fire springs like Athena from the stormy brow of Zeus from the pen of one Kurt Schlichter:

Pity the Democrats, to the extent you can without bursting into hysterical laughter at their agony. America has thoroughly rejected them in every branch of the federal government plus out in the states, and on top of that they were utterly humiliated by the guy they all claimed was a complete moron. Which begs the question – what does that make the sanctimonious harpy he crushed in the Electoral College?

They still haven’t realized what’s going on. Their ego-driven drive to dominate normal people and shape us into New Socialist Nongendered Beings has blinded them to the bitter reality.

We think they, along with their minions in the media, in Hollywood, and on campus, suck.

They are baffled at our refusal to acknowledge their moral, intellectual, and political superiority. It doesn’t just compute.

Yeah, well compute this, geebos.

You look nuts. I mean wacko, zonked out, “Hey, that goldfish is firing a mind control laser at my brain and making me break dance” nuts.

But don’t stop. No, pump it up. You’re at “11,” and I say take it to “12.”

This is great! Read the remainder of this entry »

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Not Tired of Winning Yet XVIII

Posted June 2, 2017 By John C Wright

In a Rose Garden address on Thursday, Donald Trump announced his intention to withdraw from the Paris climate accord.

Ex-Imperator Earflap Obama I, speaking from his golden throne of Cloudcuckooland, uttered some windy blither of platitudes, including the elliptical and lunatic accusation that “ this Administration joins a small handful of nations that reject the future… 

Well, Orwell’s NINETEEN EIGHTY FOUR is no longer our future. When Lincoln Steffens praised Stalin’s Russia by saying “I have seen the future, and it works” he managed to tell three lies in eight words. And his future is no longer our future either, Earflap.

You would think these zealous futurians would find some new buzzwords and catchphrases to discuss the future. The future they are imagining, along with Ralph Bellamy, is the year 2000 as seen from 1887. They have not updated their ideas since the Queen Victoria’s day. Progressivism is 130 years past its sell-by date.

The Paris Accord, when analyzed to its root, allows unelected foreign bureaucrats to dictate the energy use of American industries, but not those of India or China.

The headlines should read ‘America Declines to Shoot Herself in the Head to Save the Unicorns.’

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I Feels Me Another Comic Book Rant a-Comin

Posted June 1, 2017 By John C Wright

Reading this insightful column triggered another spasm of postmodern stress disorder in yours truly.

The column compared and contrasted the excellent handling of certain themes in the anime MY HERO ACADEMIA versus the brain rot that has set in at DC and Marvel, where nothing matters because any comic character can be brought back from the dead, or ushered in from a parallel universe, or reset when the next round of now routine new reboots ramps up.

Now, in all fairness, I think any anime that has only a year or so of story telling under its belt has a bit of an advantage over Marvel or DC comic lines: it has not been going ever onward for 50 years.

For DC to avoid a rut or endless reboots or a multiverse solution to every problem takes more effort and imagination than a younger and more nimble story universe.

That said, I thought the column’s criticisms of the brainrot at Marvel are spot on. Marvel is not even trying to be imaginative and fend off the rut.

Marvel is addicted to temporary sales boosts garnered when the muggles hear about a new Political Correct character meant to shock the imaginary Victorians  all waggish Political Correctness is forever trying to shock. (Too bad the targets of the shock passed away a century ago.)

They have given up on story telling.

Hero stories are about agony, about overcoming failure, about getting up again when you have been knocked flat — Uncle Ben killed, born a hated mutant, home planet destroyed, parents shot in the alley behind the theater, exiled from Paradise Island, heart failure while captured by the enemy, shipwrecked on hellish island, car accident ruins brilliant surgeon career — need I go on?

Political Correctness is about treating certain people as mascots or pets and petting those people with endless affirmations of praise, but never praise that is earned. It is all about unconditional praise, and unearned reward. Or, worse, about getting praise for committing vices, usually sexual vices.

Well, gushing is not story telling. And flattering your mascots is impossible if the character has to suffer to grow.

And the praise always has to be taken AWAY from some ungood majority figure to be given to the mascot figure. It is not enough to have Marvel’s Valkyrie or Lady Sif kicking major Nordic butt, but Thor has to become Lady Thor.

It is not enough for James Rhodes to put on the armor and be Iron Man (for those of you old enough to remember Secret Wars). Nor is it enough for Pepper Potts to get her own suit of flying armor. Nope, Riri Williams has to put on the iconic suit and be Iron Man.

Iron Girl. Iron Afroamerican. Iron Twofer. Whatever. Who cares?

Falcon has actually always been a favorite character of mine, and so has Luke Cage, and so has (not ashamed to admit it) Night Thrasher. Not because they are Black, but because they are awesome.

Is Night Thrasher an absurd ripoff of Batman? Yes, so what? Batman is an absurd ripoff of The Shadow. He is a guy who is so hardcore that he goes out to fight supercriminals armed with nothing but his kick-but ninja skills and his — wait for it — razor edged bulletproof skateboard! Say what you will, the guy sasses off Juggernaut while armed with a skateboard. He’s got cajones.

And this was not some sidekick or whatnot. He was the leader of the team. What made him a good character was his attitude, not his powers. He was cut from the same dark cloth as the Punisher, and maybe once or twice he stepped over the line. (I also liked the design of his hightech ninja armor).

In the movie Falcon was twice as cool as in the comics — I like the winged jetpack and never liked the pet bird. He was even cool when Ant Man was kicking his butt.

But sticking Falcon into the Captain America suit, and calling him Cap? Why not just have him be Falcon?

Miles Morales? Really? Why not call him some other name, Electroshock, or whatever, and make him cool on his own, if you have what it takes to make him a cool character.

What does it take?

It takes an understanding of human emotion and the innate tragic insight into human nature.

Stan Lee, believe it or not, had it, and so did Jack Kirby and Steve Ditko. It is a crucial mistake, a snob’s error, to think that illustrated stories aimed at a juvenile audience automatically lack a storyteller’s genius. Indeed, since juvenile stories need to be stripped down for an inexperienced audience to understand, some approach the elegant simplicity of mythology.

Superman is Hercules from Space; Aquaman is Neptune, and, in recent incarnations, complete with trident; Flash is Mercury and the first incarnation put Mercury’s winged cap on his head. Green Arrow is Robin Hood and dresses like him.

The Marvel pantheon mingles modern with mythic. Hulk is both Frankenstein’s Monster and Dr. Jekyll. The Thing is the Beast from Beauty and the Beast, with his monstrous outside and heart of gold. And Thor? Thor is Thor. He started as mythic from the get-go.

Spiderman suffers as much as Odysseus, and he even gets mocked and hated in his own home and workplace as Odysseus did when he returned disguised as a beggar. (But Spiderman is also more typical of the American ideal than any Old World mythical character: he is unique.)

Iron Man likewise is a New World mythic character. He is what technology makes the modern man: a superhuman and invincible power, but his heart, his life now depends on it, and traps him.

The understanding of human nature can reach down to characters previously bland and ignored, and give them the depth and charm to attract the reader. It is hard work, but it can be done.

Of of the least well known and well regarded characters in the entire Marvel pantheon was Rocket Raccoon. No one, except for the most hard core of hard core fans, knew what he was. (And I was a regular reader of GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY back when you young whippersnappers where in knee pants). But the movie made him awesome. Now he is A-List. Everyone knows him.

You want good minority heroes? You want good heroines? If so, you would write them to be good.

But they do not want to make new character as true and heroic and sound as Iron Man, Captain America, Spiderman, Thor.

No. Political Correctness just wants to tear down, to slander, to mock, to destroy. Is is a philosophy of nihilism.

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An Error as Old as Epicurus

Posted June 1, 2017 By John C Wright

Our own Stephen J, a frequent commenter here, makes a trenchant observation:

One of the single biggest arguments against the nihilist thesis of Thomas Ligotti’s philosophical tract The Conspiracy Against the Human Race, I have always thought, is the fact that the book exists at all — for if Ligotti truly and wholly believed the argument for meaninglessness which he sets out in the book, I contend he would not have bothered to write the book in the first place.

Ah! I agree with all my heart, and I sigh with Solomon’s sad wisdom to note that there is nothing new under the sun.

Epictetus the Stoic in the Second Century made the same pithy observation about Epicurus and the Hedonist of the Academics whom the Stoic soundly criticized.

Allow me to quote at length. This man was my master before I found Christ. Those who know me will no doubt recognize all my arguments  in him.

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