Archive for May, 2018

Red Pill Religion: Sam Harris and Spiritual Truth

Posted May 9, 2018 By John C Wright

Please join us. Tonight we will be discussion a recent column of mine appearing in this space.

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Not Tired of Winning Yet XXXVIII

Posted May 9, 2018 By John C Wright

President Trump has not only kept more of his campaign promises than any politician who has served in my lifetime, he may have kept more than any politician in history. Perhaps this is because he is not a politician, but a businessman, who expects the terms of signed contracts to be carried out. Perhaps it is his personal integrity. Perhaps it is the grace of God.

One promise was to renegotiate the so called Iran Deal, or to rip it up. Yesterday he did so.

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More on the Same Topic

Posted May 8, 2018 By John C Wright

The controversy about Dr. Peterson’s reflections on whether truth must prove itself in action, I hope has been exhausted, and will die down.

I think the matter is too plain to admit of further debate. My own patience is exhausted, and my temper is short, so best if I withdraw from the discussion.

Here is one comment that seems to me to be exceeding wise on the topic, so allow me to quote it and step aside. This is from a reader with the exclusively egress-like name of Exit Only:

“When Peterson says you just a truth by its effect on life and healthy and happiness, critics jump on him. But when Christ says you will know true prophets and teacher from false by the fruits of their doctrines, that is, by the practical results when ideas are put in action, that is saluted as divine wisdom.”

I think the element of time, or better yet the word eternity, puts the definition of truth past beyond mere practical moral utility for this mortal life spent on earth. To be true is to have character, in and out of season, even when no one is watching, even at the cost of one’s time, convenience, or standing within a community.

Now why would anyone care to practice such truth, if no good deed, as Mark Twain once quipped, never goes unpunished? Unless we instinctively know we are preparing to go to a place to where character counts more earthly accomplishments?
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Literal Truth and Living Truth

Posted May 8, 2018 By John C Wright

Over the past two days, we have been discussing whether or not Dr. Jordan Peterson believes in truth and in what sense of the word.

One of my readers politely offered an extensive transcript of a conversation between Sam Harris and Jordan Peterson discussing the concept of truth.

Harris wanted to define truth as being literal truth: truth is what reality says it is, whether we say so or not. Peterson was talking about truth in a higher sense, in the older and broader sense of the word, to mean what is trusty or trustworthy, as we speak of a sword striking true, or as a jury of twelve good men and true, or as we speak of a man being true to his word or true to his country.

That is all the conversation is about. That is it.

Persons trying to read some deeper meaning into the exchange are missing the point, or, if I may, are being misled by dishonest rhetoric to miss the point.

Peterson made the point that if your worldview leads to widespread misery, disaster, and death, it is not true in the sense of it not serving the higher truth, the spiritual truth.

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The Last Crusade 42: The Saint and the Cynic

Posted May 6, 2018 By John C Wright

I have not done a Last Crusade column in quite some time, and I have four or five more topics to cover before I gather the columns together in a book format. (I had a publisher express interest, but he suffered fiscal setbacks, so the project is up in the air.)

As sort of a make-believe guest appearance, however, I’d like to post a link to a discussion between Jordan Peterson and Ben Shapiro, which touches on more than one topic the Last Crusade was called into being to confront.

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Starquest: Dark Suns Rising (Part 3)

Posted May 4, 2018 By John C Wright

Requests have come from more than one quarter to turn the imaginary movie review I recently wrote of a non-existent STAR WARS sequel into a real novel. If good fortune favors the project, and it does well, I will be happy to sell the movie rights, bringing the irony full circle.

As a very premature sneak peek — since the manuscript is not yet written, much less sold, edited, and published — I here give the third installment. The first is here.  The second is here. Read the remainder of this entry »

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John Anderson & Jordan Peterson

Posted May 4, 2018 By John C Wright

It was with delight that I that began listening to the online lectures of Jordan Peterson, and reading his book on rules for life to myself and my boys. He is smarter than I am, which (all modesty aside) is sadly a rare thing for me,  and his insights are as sharp and shocking as a plunge in a clear and icy mountain stream.

For your edification and enjoyment, here is his recent interview with John Anderson.

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From the Stars to the Stars

Posted May 4, 2018 By John C Wright

I need help with my Latin. A reader wrote and said he was guiding the composition of a military patch.

He wants the motto to read “From the Stars To the Stars” and is looking to translate it correctly to Latin.

I know I have some scholars among my readers. Anyone? Bueller? Anyone?

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A Question of Case Law

Posted May 3, 2018 By John C Wright

A commentor on my blog questioned the legal status of the Declaration of Independence.

Like most things in law, the answer is a balance of two principles: the Declaration, unlike the Constitution, is a statement of principles, not of laws, hence cannot be used as controlling precedent or statute. It is not law.

On the other hand, all acts of judicial construction, in order to find legislative intent, must take the spirit of the law into account, and constructions outside that spirit are erroneous.

At the grave risk of boring my readers with a wealth of evidence, I would like to offer the following as evidence that dismissing the Declaration of Independence as being “not law” is a hasty and erroneous conclusion.

It is quoted extensively in the case law.

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Not Tired of Winning Yet XXXVII

Posted May 3, 2018 By John C Wright

Have not done one of these posts in a while. I am behind, and I cannot catch up. There actually is too much winning, and I cannot keep track of it all.

The leader of South Korea, Moon Jae-in, credits Trump with bringing North and South Korea to the negotiation table.

North Korea, in recent years, has been firing missiles through the airspace of neighboring nations.

One of the items to be discussed is the denuclearization of the peninsula. Now, we all know socialists lie, since that is all they own, and Kim most likely has no intention of forswearing his nukes.

The Iran “Deal” is being undealt, as President Macron of France and then Chancellor Merkel of Germany accede to Donald Trump’s position, agreeing that the Iran deal cannot continue as-is. Obama, by funding Iran’s nuclear ambition, did more to push the hands of the nuclear doomsday clock closer to midnight than anyone in decades. Trump, by orchestrating peace talks between North and South Korea has done more to push that midnight away,

But President Obama was awarded a Nobel Peace prize as a participation trophy.

Will Trump be so rewarded?

Doubtful. The Nobel has gone the way of the Hugo, but there is no Sad Puppy movement to show the world how corrupt Nobel is.

Meanwhile, the national press Fake News in America failed to report on these events. Moon Jae-in’s remarks are not reported.

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Lost on the Last Continent, Episode 48, Descent into Disaster, is now posted on Patreon.

Episode 48 Descent into Disaster

In this exciting episode, Colonel Lost saves Cynisca, but the pair are trapped between upper and nether perils.

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Red Pill Religion

Posted May 2, 2018 By John C Wright

Our topic tonight: Cultural Godlessness and its effects

Please join us at 8.00 EST

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A Question for Neoconfederates

Posted May 1, 2018 By John C Wright

Recently, the debate about the legality of the Civil War has been raised here. The basic argument being made is that the Southern States, being sovereign, retain the right to secede from the Union regardless of the cause of the separation.

My counter argument is that the Southern States, back when they were Southern Colonies, bound themselves both in honor and in the eyes of the law, to the moral and legal principles which justified their own revolution against the British Crown.

In other words, if the secession from the Union contradicts the principles of the Declaration of Independence, then the Southerners’ rebellion against England was unlawful. If that rebellion was unlawful, then they are not now and have never been sovereign states, nor enjoyed any legal privileges  sovereign and independent states may exercise, including the alleged right to dissolve the Union unilaterally.

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