Archive for August, 2019

Last Crusade 43: Lies, More Lies, and Leftism

Posted August 31, 2019 By John C Wright

To be Leftist is to lie, and to live a lie.

Falsehood is the core principle and the sole principle of their political philosophy.

Leftism is, and always has been, an attempt to return to the practices of ancient system of hierarchic privilege for the elite in the name of completing, perfecting or purifying the revolutionary abolition of that ancient system of elitism which took place in 1776, and ushered in the modern world.

The central lie of their philosophy is that the French and Russian revolutions were continuations and improvements upon the incomplete American revolution, rather than the direct opposite.

For this reason, they call themselves by all manner of false names, liberal, progressive, and radical, when they are not.

They are wolves who, once wolves became an endangered species, fooled the unwary shepherd by donning the skin of their victims. They preach tyranny in the name of freedom, elitism in the name of equality, injustice in the name of social justice, seek an abolition of all rule of law, all moral restraint, all courtesy, civility and decency, in the name of liberation, tolerance, and utopia.

It is all lies.

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A Comment Worth Repeating

Posted August 31, 2019 By John C Wright

I found this gem in my comments box, and thought it merited emphasis.

A reader with the onomatopoetic name of ThPlonk remarks:

A post or two ago someone raised the issue of whether we should do anything to stop the atheistic progressives from pursuing self-destructive policies – after all if our enemies destroy themselves our work is done isn’t it?

Reading this post, I realized something: Satan knows he is beaten. He isn’t trying to win – he’s trying to maximize harm. He therefore commands his troops in a way that will destroy as many of his own people as possible. The Radical Left’s marching orders become chillingly clear:

Babies are to be killed, preferably before they can cry for help. If they survive, they should have their sexuality mutilated both chemically and surgically as young as possible. Men are to be emasculated, silenced, and shamed. The women should be sent out to fight instead, preferably alone because this makes them stronger. Their fight should take the shape of mob lynchings and kangaroo courts – if we cannot find any elderly bakers or 15-year-old schoolchildren to prosecute they should turn on themselves and purge their own ranks.

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The Elf King Thanketh

Posted August 29, 2019 By John C Wright

And now for a note from my son, Elfking Wright, to give thanks for the generous help of patrons who donated to the cause.
The words following are his:

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The Battleplan

Posted August 29, 2019 By John C Wright

Someone asked me what Christians and conservatives could do to fight the rising tide of darkness which never ceases to attempt to make free speech into hate speech, honesty into bigotry, decency into homophobia, biology into nonbinary-sexophobia, perversion into sexual liberation, faith into Islamophobia into racism, Patriotism into White Nationalism into racism, fathers and husbands and heroes into toxic masculines, and lesbian witch baby killers into suffragettes, and all good into all evil.

My answer that we must do as we have always done.

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Lost on the Last Continent, Episode 98 The Narthex of the Eternity Gate , is now posted.

Episode 98 The Narthex of the Eternity Gate

Colonel Lost, separated from his friends, enters by secret means into the great dome where the Gate of Eternity opens its eye into the firmament of time. He sees the abducted bride passing by in eerie procession, and follows, silent as a hunting cat, his mighty elephant gun ready for action. He is taken unawares by a flare of light: all eyes turn and see him plainly. With a rush, the enemy falls upon the lone man.

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The Country is Not Divided. It is Decapitated.

Posted August 27, 2019 By John C Wright

People like to talk about how divided our country is today. I beg to differ. I am not old enough to remember the Civil War, but I remember what the Cold War did to the United States, when soviet spies infected the State Department, infiltrated Hollywood, encouraged the Youth Movement, and triggered race riots, the Weathermen, bombings, and put the national guard on college campuses, at times with tragic results.

And yet we are more divided now. Why?

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The Art and Craft of Writing — on Indiegogo

Posted August 27, 2019 By John C Wright

The Internet has made many things easy.

With a click of a button, we upload novels to Amazon for the whole world to read. No years waiting for a publisher to discover us.

But no distribution into bookstores either.

No one can stop writers from achieving their dreams of being published today, but will anyone buy it? And, if they do, will they want to read the next one?

The best way to ensure future sales is to offer your reader a really good book!

Superversive Press wants to help!

To this end, Superversive Press wants to provide courses on how to write—providing all the tools you need to bring your writing up to the next level!  Our first course is:\

The Art and Craft of Writing


What Our Students Are Saying:

Here are some responses from students who have taken the in-person version of The Art and Craft of Writing :

“The course is a treasure trove of practical, positive advice you can use immediately to improve your WIP or solidify your ideas for a new project.” author Marina Fontaine

“I  took L. Jagi Lamplighter Wright’s “Guinea Pig” writing class last November and it definitely upped my game. Since “graduating” her course, I’ve sold six short stories and am now working on my first novel. Thanks, Jagi.” James Pyles

“I especially liked how you simply laid out ideas about story and characters, which instantly made me go “Oh, yeah! I’ve seen that before!”. In particular:

  • The conflicting traits and goals in of character adding depth.
  • How you can use The Trick to evoke an emotional response.
  • The power of the Two Strings.
  • How you can use the Ultimate Secret to bring focus into the story.

I felt that these were techniques that would have taken me ages to work out on my own, and seeing them simply stated has seriously helped me as a writer.”  Billy Charlton

See The Art and Craft of Writing on Indiegogo

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Great News for XSeed Fans!

Posted August 26, 2019 By John C Wright

Jagi, here.  Great news for fans of Brian Niemeier’s XSeed.  Book Three is coming!
Here’s your chance to get in on the ground floor.

Book 3 in Brian Niemeier’s thrilling mech saga. The best parts of Robotech & Battletech collide!

Visit this campaign on Indiegogo!

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Coming soon…

Posted August 26, 2019 By John C Wright

Coming soon from the beautiful and talented wife: The Art and Craft of Writing indiegogo campaign  (to turn her writing course into videos.)


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My beautiful and talented wife and regular commenter Zaklog the Great and his friend Nate discuss Kipling’s poem, the Dane Geld.

Here is the poem:

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Supreme Macy

Posted August 21, 2019 By John C Wright

This is just a brief note to ask my readers that, if and when Supreme Macy oversteps the bounds of the rules of this website, please bring it to my attention. I have no reason to her notes, but therefore I cannot police them.

ADDED LATER: Well, that was quick. Someone pointed out a violation of my rules immediately. Supreme Macy, farewell. Banned.

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Lost on the Last Continent, Episode 97 Lambswool of the Lake of Light, is now posted.

Episode 97 Lambswool of the Lake of Light

Colonel Lost discovers a secret way into the great onyx dome where the lovely Cynisca is being held. He receives help from strange and unexpected hands, and a stranger homage.

Fyodor tells his tale, and Preston Lost learns of the eerie, otherworldly roots of the slave revolt, ignited by Fyodor, that lit the mighty imperial city afire.

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Not Tired of Winning Yet LXXXV

Posted August 20, 2019 By John C Wright

Murder, Incorporated, otherwise known by the Orwellian name of Planned Parenthood, is set to lose up to $60 million taxpayer dollars, which were going into the coffers of Moloch by an indirect means.

The federal government many years ago set up something called Title X in order to fund the moral abomination known as contraception, and also to help the poor with obstetric and gynecological medical costs. Title X explicitly said the funds cannot be used for abortion. Murder Inc ignored that rule, and fifty years of GOP and Dem administrations just let them get away with it.

Until Trump.

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Impossible Hope — the anthology, the fundraiser, the chat

Posted August 20, 2019 By John C Wright

Jagi, here.

John and I appeared on a Live Chat promoting the charity anthology, Impossible Hope, in which we both have a story.

Impossible Hope is an anthology which you can receive for free if  you donate to the Go Fund Me for Bonnie Oliver, a young woman in need of an expensive medical procedure.

Her brother writes: My desire is to help my sister in any way I can. Being a man of modest means and resources, aside from being there for her and assisting whenever possible, there is little I can do alone. However, with help, I intend to do more. I was able to get in touch with a number of writers, all of whom have donated their time and effort and art for an Anthology of short stories, entitled “Impossible Hope”. Anyone who donates through here will receive a copy of the book as a thank you for their generosity. 

You can see the fundraiser here.

And here is the Chat, with John, myself, the lovely A. M. Freeman, Ben Wheeler, and many more!

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Devil’s Quote of the Day

Posted August 19, 2019 By John C Wright
AUTHOR:George Bernard Shaw (1856–1950)
QUOTATION:You see things; and you say “Why?” But I dream things that never were; and I say “Why not?”
Senator Robert F. Kennedy used a similar quotation as a theme of his 1968 campaign for the presidential nomination: “Some men see things as they are and say, why; I dream things that never were and say, why not.”

Senator Edward M. Kennedy quoted these words of Robert Kennedy’s in his eulogy for his brother in 1968.—The New York Times, June 9, 1968, p. 56.

President John F. Kennedy quoted these words in his address to the Irish Parliament, Dublin, June 28, 1963.—Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States: John F. Kennedy, 1963, p. 537.

The original quote:

GEORGE BERNARD SHAW, Back to Methuselah, act I, Selected Plays with Prefaces, vol. 2, p. 7 (1949).

The serpent says these words to Eve.

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