Operation Vampire!

Jagi, here. John and I are thrilled to announce the publication of Operation Vampire, but our dear friend, Steven G. Johnson. If you enjoy mil-SF, you may well enjoy this hard-hitting mil-fantasy about an Elf-American in WWII. I have been delighted with how well it has been received by milsf fans so far.

Some of you may have read an earlier version of the first half called either Operation Renfield or King of the Hill.  Operation Vampire includes a new and improved longer version of that–including an eerie encounter with an American icon–and a whole new adventure for King Company, Operation Vulture.

Mick Murphy’s an Irish half-elf from Manhattan. His best buddy Dave is a dwarf from Brooklyn. Together with a company of misfits, screwballs and, well, trolls from the pit, they’ll take on anything Austro-Hungaro-Romania, or for that matter Hell itself, cares to throw at them.

But behind the vampires, werewolves and sky demons are the Big Boys, deep down in a pit of their own. The War won’t end until G.I.s plant their boots on the Devil’s throne and kick him out. Working their way up to this biggest of D-Days is going to tax the United States Army to its utmost … but the dogfaces on the Line are one step ahead of the brass, because they’re already halfway to Hell.

See Operation Vampire on Amazon.