My Predictions for the 20’s

My prediction is that when the Left fails, it will shatter rather than erode.

The complexity and fragility of the worldview, and the interconnected nature of all their lies, requires an enormous maintenance effort, and an excruciating attention to detail.

Such over-complicated and interconnected lies are not robust. Disbelief at any one point of the structure tends to prompt disbelief in all the structure.

Once the congregation of evildoer and their sad dupes wakes up and starts laughing at the idea that science says men are women, for example, it will be hard for CNN to keep the worshippers in the pews.

In my youth, there were serious and sober men who upheld liberal viewpoints, and spoke of the need for more government regulation of the economy, and how we should mimic our moral and mental superiors, the Soviets. They were the way of the future!

They were wicked liars, but they at least voiced arguments to support their position.

The argument failed when the Berlin Wall fell. Anyone speaking that way now merely sounds like a harmless loon. So the argument shifted ground from economics to social justice issues, and a generation of purple haired childless weirdoes with pierced bodies and various sexual fetishes and malfunctions took center stage.

They surrendered the art of reason. They voice no arguments, merely level false accusations. They silence, they shriek, they ban, they cancel. This is not as useful a strategy, since it does not allow them to defend nor promote their worldview, except by intimidation. Such means only works while and when their victims are willing to grant them unearned moral authority.

Once that authority is questioned, the whole apparatus of violence, intimidation, and false moral supremacy comes crumbling down. If the only reason why anyone follows the Left is fear of the Left, what happens when that fear vanishes?

Why will women take lectures on feminism from Harvey Weinstein and his friends, or why will mothers listen to how leftism saves children from Jeffrey Epstein and his friends? Are the Satanists going to teach us about moral purity and tolerance?

With this in mind, here is what I predict for the coming decade:

Expect the Voice of Sauron, the monolithic leftwing news complex, to be dismantled over the next ten to twelve years. They could have saved themselves through severe reform and an application of discipline to promote honest reporting. They did the opposite.

Conservative judges will outnumber and overrule the traitors to law known (ironically) as “activist” judges, and eventually drive them from the midst of honest judges. While Dems dithered, the GOP won Governor’s mansions and the White House and the Senate and so busily filled vacancies with originalist judges. Such judges will interpret the laws the representatives of the people wrote, not interpret their own intellectual theories learned in left leaning law schools.

Roe v Wade will be overturned, and the matter returned to the states.

Then we can start work on dismantling the leftwing dominion in Academia. It will not be an easy process, but in the Information Age, the medieval method of teaching the young, without the medieval Church to man the professorships, that is, without the logic and the honesty springing from the Christian worldview is woefully counterproductive to a free and honest people.

But destroying the fake news media complex is a crucial first step.

Delenda Est Media Falsi