Archive for September, 2020

Not Tired of Winning Yet CXXXIX

Posted September 7, 2020 By John C Wright

Trump is keeping a promise he made during the Mount Rushmore speech. Russ Vought, director of the Office of Management and Budget, announced that the days of taxpayer-funded indoctrination that sow division and racism are over.

According to the text of the memo sent out by the Office of Management and Budget:

All agencies are directed to begin to identify all contracts or other agency spending related to any training on “critical race theory,” “white privilege,” or any other training or propaganda effort that teaches or suggests either (1) that the United States is an inherently racist or evil country or (2) that any race or ethnicity is inherently racist or evil.

“The divisive, false, and demeaning propaganda of the critical race theory movement is contrary to all we stand for as Americans and should have no place in the Federal government,” concludes the memo.

The full memo can be read HERE

My comment: Up your nose, 1619 Project.


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Last Crusade 47: Lust of the Eyes

Posted September 5, 2020 By John C Wright

We continue the exploration of strategies to undo the ongoing corruption of civilization. Here, we will look at how to reclaim popular entertainment.

There are three basic means to corrupt an institution.

The least effective means is coercion. It is usually reserved as a final step, to solidify informal power gained by other means.

Before coercion is persuasion, which, in this case, is more rightly called temptation. This is when whatever the evil policy being espoused is openly endorsed, and is promoted on the basis of  positive incentives, that is, on the basis of being reasonable, or inevitable, practical, rewarding, or lucrative.

Rhetoric, bribery, peer pressure, and so on fall under this means. Such things are used only when the corruption is accepted as a legitimate option, and can be discussed openly.

Before persuasion is subversion. Persuasion is only feasible when the evil is in the open, and is being presented as a reasonable alternative to the good. Before that point, when the evil cannot be named, deception, propaganda, and misdirection are the tactically sound means to move society closer to the brink. Confusion, indifference, and spiritual deadness is a necessary component of subversion.

The proper strategy to retake lost ground is to replace coercion with rule of law; to replace rhetoric with reason and temptations with incentives to virtue; and to uplift and glorify our ideals and institutions rather than demean them.

The same three strategies apply to retaking the Cinema, which is one of the most insidious, far-reaching, indirect and effective strongholds dominated by the Enemy.

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Biggest and Best Labor Day Book Sale Yet!

Posted September 4, 2020 By Mrs. Wright

Jagi, here.  Author extraordinaire Hans Schantz is running an enormous Labor Day Book Sale. All books .99 cents or free.

If you have been waiting to buy From Barsoom to Malacandra, The Last Straw, Transhuman and Subhuman, and The Lament of Prometheus, now is the time! They are all on sale for .99 and, as always, The Unexpected Enlightenment of Rachel Griffin is FREE (on Amazon and from Silver Empire)!

Check out the sale for an amazing number of other excellent books on a superb sale! (If you haven’t tried Declan Finn’s St. Tommy Series, this may be the time! Or Hans Schantz’s own series, which John loved and has promised to review soon.)

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Posted September 4, 2020 By John C Wright

(My comment: written on May 8th,  I only hear about it now.)


To Catholics and all people of good will

Veritas liberabit vos. Jn 8:32

In this time of great crisis, we Pastors of the Catholic Church, by virtue of our mandate, consider it our sacred duty to make an Appeal to our Brothers in the Episcopate, to the Clergy, to Religious, to the holy People of God and to all men and women of good will. This Appeal has also been undersigned by intellectuals, doctors, lawyers, journalists and professionals who agree with its content, and may be undersigned by those who wish to make it their own.

The facts have shown that, under the pretext of the Covid-19 epidemic, the inalienable rights of citizens have in many cases been violated and their fundamental freedoms, including the exercise of freedom of worship, expression and movement, have been disproportionately and unjustifiably restricted. Public health must not, and cannot, become an alibi for infringing on the rights of millions of people around the world, let alone for depriving the civil authority of its duty to act wisely for the common good. This is particularly true as growing doubts emerge from several quarters about the actual contagiousness, danger and resistance of the virus. Many authoritative voices in the world of science and medicine confirm that the media’s alarmism about Covid-19 appears to be absolutely unjustified.

We have reason to believe, on the basis of official data on the incidence of the epidemic as related to the number of deaths, that there are powers interested in creating panic among the world’s population with the sole aim of permanently imposing unacceptable forms of restriction on freedoms, of controlling people and of tracking their movements. The imposition of these illiberal measures is a disturbing prelude to the realization of a world government beyond all control.

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Help for Fredericksburg

Posted September 3, 2020 By John C Wright

I have friends in the area, which is a beautiful spot with ancient churches and handsome Civil War statues and monuments.
For tomorrow, Friday 9/4, BLM are promoting a demonstration, encouraging violence, fire, war.

We in Virginia have a Democrat governor. I fear nothing will be done. The criminals are openly organizing and announcing their intent to riot.

Unless a throng of bikers, gunowners, or other rough customers willing and able to form a militia to defend Fredericksburg, I am not sure what will happen to my friends, their home, their church, their beautiful neighborhood.

Prayer is called for. Let the innocent be vigilant and safe.

UPDATE 9/4: Three different sources, including the Fredericksburg BLM Chapter, and the Fredericksburg Park Authority, say this article is fake, the work of an agitator.

This is a false alarm.

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Posted September 3, 2020 By John C Wright

A reader with the rangiferine but hunting canine name of Rudolph Harrier comments:

The trouble is that many of the watchers have mastered doublethink. They can simultaneously believe:

  • That the riots are peaceful and unobjectionable.
  • That the riots are violent, but it’s okay because their cause needs violence to wake people up.
  • That the violence was caused by evil infiltrators from the right.

My comment:

Bravo. As Andrew Klavan puts it, “The Riots do not exist — and they are Donald Trump’s fault.”

Leftism is a mental disease. It is a disease of the intellect where one’s fondly favorite fixed idea, theory, or obsession, is rendered immune from fact, immune from correction, because it has become an idol. It is worshipped, not examined.

When the theory fails, that is, when reality fails to perform was theory predicts, instead of stoning the false prophets as religious fanatics would do — because religious fanatics are not all that fanatical, compared with this — an additional theory must be brought in to explain away the failure.

The Left currently claims that systematic racism infects all of our institutions. It is noteworthy that the Left has enjoyed unchallenged hegemony over all our institutions since the late 1960s, four generations of man.

If the systemic racism exists, why tell us? Revise your system.

I might recommend adopting the idea of being colorblind, judging men on the content of their character rather than the color of their skin, and I might recommend promoting, or, least, ceasing so vehemently to denigrate, the idea that all men are created equal.

But, no, the theory does not allow for self-blame or self-doubt. The core of the theory is the theory that the theory cannot be wrong.

So if the Left openly and visibly controls all cultural institutions, from the National News, Hollywood, Washington and Wall Street, Academia, Silicon Valley, to the American Council of Bishops, the additional theory to explain what thwarts utopia must be found in something clandestine and invisible, yet somehow more powerful than all open and visible cultural institutions.

Hence, the additional theory is always a conspiracy theory.

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All Men Dream of Earthwomen, Noetic File 10.0 The Heavens are Ours, is now posted.

Noetic File 10.0: The Heavens are Ours

After some romantic banter, the narrator kisses Amphitricia.

The deference paid to historical and ancestral figures requires that arch comments, whistles, caws, and drolleries be redacted from the applicable thought streams by any students whose minds are beneath the 95th level of mental pressure.

Likewise, reenactments or visualizations of the scene may not have a somatic component.

The student is cautioned that, as with all things, the ways of our ancestors were not as our ways, regardless of the respect filial piety demands.

Dispute remains as to whether the Janus statues of Grandmother Earth are indeed the Biform Monuments of Alpha Ceti.

The consensus of authorities holds that the tune here mentioned, which the narrator calls Greensleeves, is the Marian hymn What Child is This.

Authentic historical records show that this tune was written by Monarch and Alpha Male Henry VIII of England, due to England’s departure from the prior thought-structure of continental Catholicism, and the Virginian Mary, the chief priestess of the sacerdotes at that time, was offended, and, as the song says, “cast him off discourteously.” Henry VIII was then sent to Hell, the asteroid whose desolate conditions are described in the text, where he wrote this song by way of apology.

An appended file of the audio can be found here:

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Prosperous Communities

Posted September 1, 2020 By John C Wright

A reader with the magnificent name of Zaklog the Great asks:

You can find black communities who are doing quite poorly. You can find black individuals who are doing quite well. But where are the black communities of any significant size who are doing well? Where are the majority-black upper middle-class neighborhoods?

I found this after one second of internet search.

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