Archive for November, 2021

The Leviathan of Time, Chapter One: At Mount Terror

Posted November 3, 2021 By John C Wright

Note: the following is a tale first published in  ALL MEN DREAM OF EARTHWOMEN AND OTHER AEONS, and is made available here as a courtesy to my readers.

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The Leviathan of Time is now posted.

In which Prince George leads two squads of King’s Own Royal Virginia Regiment against the Enemy, an ultramundane organism known as the Leviathan.

The field of battle is in eastern part of Ross Island, Antarctica, 77°31′S 168°32′E, between the twin volcanos of Mount Erebus and Mount Terror.

Despite uncommon valor in the face of insurmountable odds, the men gave a good account of themselves, but fail of their objective.

The date of the final revised version of these events, before subjective redaction, is estimated as the First Day of May of the Year of Our Lord Two Thousand Sixteen, which, in the unpruned branch of history, is Year Forty of the reign of George VII, by the Grace of God, King and Emperor of Britain, Australia, India, Dutch Pennsylvania and Greater Virginia, Lord Protector of the Holy Land.

Dates, as ever, are subject to revision. Nonetheless, the brave sacrifice of these good men, despite any subsequent imposition of ontological unrealization, ought not be forgotten by the contrahistorical record.

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Posted November 2, 2021 By John C Wright

Marxism is an ideology. An ideology, whatever else it is, is ersatz religion. It is religion for haughty and cynical Europeans for whom the idea of God is no longer amusing nor fashionable.

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Swami and McGuffin

Posted November 1, 2021 By John C Wright

The most skilled mathematician of Trantor, Hari Seldon, poses a question:

Quoting me:

For then there is no explanation to explain why this particular earth in this particular solar system and galaxy and continuum just so happens to be the one we inhabit, and not one where the moon was in a different orbit, earth’s core did not spin to erect a magnetic field, and Jupiter did not sweep the early solar system clear of planet-killing asteroids and meteorites, where chemical ratios and atomic behaviors were all exactly just so to give rise unintentionally  to men.

He asks:

“I don’t understand this part of the objection. In the atheist-multiverse worldview, there would be an infinite number of solar systems, and the solar systems where the Earth’s core didn’t spin up or Jupiter didn’t exist would be ones inimical to human-type life, and these solar systems would be much less likely to harbor human-type life. Therefore, most humans to evolve would evolve on solar systems friendly to them, and however many coincidences it took for humans to evolve, almost all humans would live in universes where those coincidences happened, in a cosmic survivorship bias.

“Positing an entire multiverse might well go against Occam’s Razor, but I don’t see how it wouldn’t be self-consistent. Unless I’m misunderstanding your comment.”

This requires, alas, a very long and involved answer. Please be patient.

Please keep in mind the argument and counterargument. I am not saying their answer is not self consistent. I am saying it is not an answer at all.

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