Catholic Culture on Gene Wolfe

Fans of Gene Wolfe (of which I am the biggest, at least in girth) may be interested to hear  Catholic Culture interviewing Fr. Brendon Laroche and Sandra Miesel (described here as a “Catholic historian & sci-fi knowledgeable “) on the foremost novelist of our generation. Please note I do not restrict my praise to call him the foremost science fiction novelist or foremost Catholic novelist. I mean to single him out above all men of letters penning fiction the Postcoldwar Era.

The link is here:

and here:

I had the honor once to be interviewed by Mrs. Miesel alongside Gene Wolfe and Tim Powers and Mike Flynn, a cornucopia of science fictional talent amid which mine was the humblest.

You can read for yourself whose answers contain the least insight. I can only suggest this was earlier in my career. And a dog ate my homework. The sun was in my eyes.