Moms Clean House in SC

Every now and again, while the stormclouds send torrents of flaming hail, thunderbolts, and brimstone down on the smoldering rat-filled ruins, the clouds part and a ray of sun descends to cheer the heart of those so parched of hope.

Here is news from Michael Knowles and Western Journal:

The Berkeley County school district in South Carolina just swore in its new school board members elected last week, six of whom were endorsed by the conservative group Moms for Liberty.

Moms for Liberty endorsed more than 500 school board members across the county, and achieved an astounding 49 percent success rate.

Within two hours, the board members replaced the board chairman with a staunch conservative; fired the districts woke superintendent; fired the district’s woke in-house counsel; banned critical race theory from the schools’ curricula; and established a committee to round up all the pornographic books infecting school libraries and ban them.

The establishment media, such as NBC, pretended to be shocked that the district’s “first black superintendent” Jackson was immediately fired. But the board replaced Jackson with Anthony Dixon, who is also black.

In a war, even the fall of a single foe is cause for celebration.