Puppy Sadness Syndrome Archive

Nominate Me, not Trump!

Posted February 24, 2016 By John C Wright

A fan wrote and asked which of my works are candidates for nomination to the Hugo ballot.

Unlike the year prior, where Castalia House published my entire lifetime of short stories, essays and so on, this year my output has been roughly the same as other authors. Nominating me for six awards is, hence, impossible this year. I will try to be more productive in times to come.

  • Scepter of Nowhere (short story) Dark Discoveries: Issue 31, ed. James R. Beach, Spring 2015.
  • ARCHITECT OF AEONS (novel) Tor Books (April, 2015)
  • SOMEWHITHER (novel) Castalia House (July, 2015)
  • A Reluctant Hero of Mars (essay) Edgar Rice Burroughs: The Master of Pulp Storytelling, Ed. Charles A Madison (May, 2015)
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Mocking the Dead

Posted February 18, 2016 By John C Wright

The persons over at File 770 have decided to mock the memory of the late, great Mr. David Hartwell by intimating that if I compliment the editing skills of Vox Day, and call him the best editor with whom I have had the pleasure to work, this means I am somehow diminishing Mr. Hartwell’s contributions.

These sentiments are expressed with such reckless contumely, and with such disrespect for the dead, that I cannot bring myself to repeat them. It is merely horrible what people will say about a man who is no longer here to defend himself.

Mr. Hartwell, almost singlehandedly, was behind the New Space Opera Renaissance, of which I have the honor to be a minor member. With the discovery and promotion of authors such as Greg Bear and David Brin, he brought Hard SF back from the outfield into the front and center of the genre. Few men aside from John W. Campbell Jr. or Hugo Gernsbeck himself had such a profound and beneficial influence on the field.

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Twitter Meets Orwell — an FAQ by Daddy Warpig

Posted February 17, 2016 By John C Wright

Twitter Shadowbans Briefing and FAQ by


What Is “Shadowbanning”?

Twitter has introduced a brave new way of screwing with users, which some have taken to calling shadowbanning.

Basically, this acts like a gag: you can send normal tweets normally, but people Following you won’t see them on their timeline. (However, people reading your profile will see them.)

The following restrictions also apply:

  • Your tweets won’t show up in certain hashtags (which and why is unknown).
  • Your tweets won’t show up in Search, either by keyword or by account name.

Tweets still show up normally in Lists.

Taken together, these restrictions have the effect of making you “invisible” to most others on Twitter, but you are never informed about them so you don’t know it. With shadowbans, Twitter censors you silently, for no stated reason, for an indeterminate period of time.

This is BOTH Kafkaesque and Orwellian.

[Indeed, the very existence of shadowbans is what makes people suspect that Twitter will use its new TL algorithm to silently censor “undesirable” users. It’s the next logical step.]

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Rabid Puppy Reading List

Posted February 16, 2016 By John C Wright

Is it that time of year already? Nominations for the Hugo Awards are being gathered, and those of you who hold memberships are being asked to submit your nominations to go on the ballot for voters to vote on in the fall.
Rabid Puppies_508
The Puppy-kickers are our ideological foes bent on replacing popular and well crafted sci fi tales with politically correct science-free and entertainment-free moping dreck that reads like something written by a highschool creative writing course dropout.

The Puppy-kickers have repeatedly and vehemently assured us assured us that soliciting votes from likeminded fans for stories you judge worthy was a “slate” and therefore was (for reasons not specified) totally and diabolically evil and wrong and bad, was not something insiders had been doing for decades, and was always totally inexcusable, except when they did it, and voted in a slate to grant ‘No Award’ to categories where they had lost their stranglehold over the nominations.

In that spirit, I hereby officially announce in my capacity as the Grand Inquisitor of the Evil Legion of Evil Authors, that the following list is the recommended reading list of our Darkest Lord only, and not a voting slate.

These are the recommendations of my editor, Theodore Beale, aka Vox Day, the most hated man in Science Fiction, but certainly the best editor I have had the pleasure to work with.

This list is not complete, and I will add to it as the Dark Lord of Evil issues decrees from Skullcrusher Mountain or Yuggoth-on-the-Rim.

The words below are his. (But I second his recommendation of Andy Weir as best new writer, and Jeffro Johnson for Best Related Work.)


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Buy a Nick Cole Book IMMEDIATELY

Posted February 9, 2016 By John C Wright

I have no comment to make. The thing speaks for itself.


Banned by the Publisher

Or, Thank God for Jeff Bezos
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From the Gospel of the Evil Legion of Evil

Posted January 18, 2016 By John C Wright

The Hugos are months and months away, but the Morlocks are already stirring.

The World Fantasy Award is removing the bust of HP Lovecraft as its award not due to any shortcomings of the author or his influence on the genre.

HPL is being unpersonned for thoughtcrimes detected in his private letters and unpublished writings.

Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath is the first fantasy book I ever bought, perhaps the first fantasy story I ever read, and this was back when Ballatine was still putting out its Adult Fantasy series edited by Lin Carter. I can recite the opening paragraph from memory.

So, the Morlocks, instead of taking warning, have redoubled their efforts to vomit on us, spit on our beloved genre, and puke on the brilliant and daring pioneer science fiction writers whom they have never read.

Lovecraft had mental health issues. They are picking on a man who suffered from a neurological disease. They are also picking on one of their own: a humanist, a secularist, an atheist, a man who thought society was made of arbitrary mores and moral choices, and there was no ultimate meaning in the universe.

The fashionable thing for intellectuals to think in those days was that Darwinian evolution proved the inequality of races; the fashionable thing to think these days is not to think so, or indeed, not to think at all. But the science has not changed, only the fashions. Both are unscientific cult-beliefs of the cult of secular humanism. Both are dogmas from the Church of Christhatred. Both are different vectors of the fatalist-collectivist disease that Christendom has always rejected.

But facts do not sway the Thought Police of SocJus. Morlocks laugh their barbaric, harsh, ungainly laughter at facts. Appeals to justice and fairness they greet with dull, slow stares of open-mouthed incomprehension

They will never cease to abuse, demean, and insult us, and desecrate everything we love, and to slander and libel us with mouth-frothingly stupid and freakishly counterproductive lies.

So, you had your chance with the Sad Puppies, Oh hypocrites, sons of vipers, Social-justice propagandists, socialists, christophobes, Morlocks and morons. You decided to call a Spaniard, a Spanish woman, a Red Indian, and perfectly harmless and nice political moderate married to a Black wife White Supremacists and Woman-haters, and pretend that we did not mean anything we said.

But we meant it.

From the pen of Vile Faceless Minion 6306:

Woe! Woe to you, trufen and CHORFs, pedophiles! For you barricade fandom from readers. You neither enter into enjoyment, nor allow wrongfun to be had by others. Woe to you, SJWs and pedophiles, you waterlogged kindling and fagots unsuitable for the fire! You travel across sea and land to make a single convention, but won’t set foot on a treadmill. You leer likewise at your betters and the children abandoned to your care, and hope to drag us both to Hell.

Woe to you, blind authorities, who say, ‘If anyone likes a book, it is nothing, but if any book wins a gold plastic rocket, it is worthy of honor!’ You blind swine! For which is greater, the plastic rocket or the book that has made the rocket sacred? And you say, ‘If anyone swears by the author, it is nothing, but if anyone swears by the rigged award the author receives, the author is worthy of acknowledgement.’ You blind transhumans! For which is greater, the rigged award or the author who makes the award possible?

Woe to you, trufen and CHORFs, pedophiles! For you want fellowship and safe space and acceptance, and have neglected the weightier matters of fandom: justice and mercy and childhood. These you ought to have done, without neglecting the others. You blind guides, straining out a right-wing nut but swallowing the children!

Woe to you, trufen and CHORFs, pedophiles! For you wear a tuxedo one night a year, but inside are full of greed, cruelty and self-indulgence.You blind Toad! First clean out your rotten heart, then put on the penguin suit.

Woe to you, trufen and CHORFs, pedophiles! For you are like Jeff Dahmer’s freezer, which outwardly appears normal and functional, but within are the tortured corpses of all your victims. So you also outwardly appear to earn a rocket the right way, but within your greed has overtaken you.

Woe to you, trufen and CHORFs, pedophiles! For you give awards out like candy, and you memorialize your giants, saying, ‘If we had lived in the days of Asimov, we would not have taken part with them in the groping of victims.’ Thus you witness against yourselves that you are the children of those who raped children. Fill up, then, the measure of your fathers. You monsters, you repugnant worms, how are you to escape being sentenced to hell?

By appealing to the mercy of the Vile Faceless Minions?

We have no mercy to give.

An eternity in Hell is your best alternative.

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From the Pen of Brad Torgersen

Posted January 16, 2016 By John C Wright

I heard this from our Puppy Pack leader from last year, the inestimable Brad Togersen. He represents the moderate wing of the Resistance. His words on the ongoing retaliations that followed:

what I’ve noticed (so far, for my part) is that certain small-time authors and certain small-time presses haven’t been shy about chinning me off.

I had one small press dump me from an anthology, despite a contract, after several other authors made a fuss. And I recently had one author walk off an anthology I am in; the editor stuck to his guns, and I was never asked to leave. So there is definitely a radioactivity taking place, against me, among some of my open-minded, caring, compassionate, ever-so-tolerant friends in the field.

It’s disappointing, but not unexpected. I knew (in April) that I was finished among the SF/F cognoscenti. Once the cries of racism (and
worse) began, with a full-court-press slander-laden media smear, it was
obvious that my betters in the field were evicting me permanently from
polite society.

Frankly, after long reflection, I welcome it. I’ve never felt more sure
of myself — of what I want to say, and what I want to do — in this business.

I had a wonderfully candid exchange with Orson Scott Card, who went down
this road (himself) a long time ago. Science Fiction *desperately* needs its conservative and libertarian voices. Speaking loudly, and proudly, unafraid of the liberal mob. Taking the arrows in the chest plate, then brushing them off, standing back up, and growling, “Is that all you’ve got?”

They (the cognoscenti) will never love us. We don’t need their permission.

We just need to tell the truth.

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Dialog with Amazing Stories

Posted January 16, 2016 By John C Wright

Forgive the length of this post. I wanted to present to my readers the situations of the ongoing peace negotiations between me, as the Grand Inquisitor of the Evil League of Evil, and a puppy kicker whose name I happen not to recognize. He is the editor of Amazing Stories, and, at the time of this writing, has posted two issues.

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Posted January 8, 2016 By John C Wright

Milo Yiannopoulos, as a fellow Catholic but someone with great hair, is willing to talk to the poor and rich alike, the high and the low, elf and dwarf.

Twitter has decided to harass him in the name of Political Correctness, Social Justice and general Mean Girlishness. They are so petty, that they decided to remove his confirmation checkmark.

They gave no explanation. Note also that when the Mean Girls suspended Vox Day’s account on Goodreads, it was also done without explanation. The psychology of that is not difficult to assess. Civilized men have laws. Barbarians have strength. Whatever they can get away with, they get away with.

twit violations

This is what the Leftists love: anonymity, arbitrary power, answering to no one, doing things for no reason. That is why they are so attracted to nihilism.

No power on earth would have gotten me to sign up for twitter, but this did, and I did.

We are all Milo now. I send out my first, and, if God is willing, only and last tweet.


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The Prussian Disease

Posted January 6, 2016 By John C Wright

If you have noticed how the Thought Police of SocJus, and various Leftists, Morlocks and Posthumans, regard all their foes, from Sad Puppies to Christian to Conservatives to Libertarians, to Caucasians and to Males as being simultaneously too stupid, foolish, weak, confused, and mentally crippled to be worthy of the time and effort needed to spit on us, and yet, at the same time and in the same sense, so clever, cunning, diabolical, overpowering, patient and ruthless as to justify that any blow struck against us by fair means or foul must be struck, truth, honesty, courtesy, and humanity be damned if it slows the blow.

Now, how can we be ants, easily crushed, if we are giants, terrors who footfalls shake the world?

Tom Simon, in addressing the question, has the good sense to quote GK Chesterton:

It’s the Prussian disease, as described by G. K. Chesterton inThe Appetite of Tyranny (from which Mike Flynn quoted on this very blog a few days ago). Here is an excerpt:

In considering the Prussian point of view we have been considering what seems to be mainly a mental limitation: a kind of knot in the brain.… it seems to amount to saying, ‘It is very wrong that you should be superior to me, because I am superior to you.’

The spokesmen of this system seem to have a curious capacity for concentrating this entanglement or contradiction, sometimes into a single paragraph, or even a single sentence. …  [In] is his more recent order to his troops touching the war in Northern France.

As most people know, his words ran, ‘It is my Royal and Imperial command that you concentrate your energies, for the immediate present, upon one single purpose, and that is that you address all your skill and all the valour of my soldiers to exterminate first the treacherous English and to walk over General French’s contemptible little Army.’

The rudeness of the remark an Englishman can afford to pass over; what I am interested in is the mentality; the train of thought that can manage to entangle itself even in so brief a space.

If French’s little Army is contemptible, it would seem clear that all the skill and valour of the German Army had better not be concentrated on it, but on the larger and less contemptible allies.

If all the skill and valour of the German Army are concentrated on it, it is not being treated as contemptible. But the Prussian rhetorician had two incompatible sentiments in his mind; and he insisted on saying them both at once.

He wanted to think of an English Army as a small thing; but he also wanted to think of an English defeat as a big thing.
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The Stormbunnies and Crybullies

Posted January 3, 2016 By John C Wright

With the weariness of a farmer facing another horde of bunnies seeking to climb his fence and chew his crops, once again I find my task is to fend off the various libels of the puppy-kickers. I have better uses for my time, but one does not counter lies with silence.

Over at File 770, Mike Glyer and all the usual suspects are beginning the process of talking themselves into hysterics in order to justify their hatred of all things Sad Puppy. The emotional level is low as yet, merely sneers and jeers, but the tone of voice is the same as during the dog-days of last August.

In this case, Mr. George R.R. Martin, one of the most respected names in our genre, wrote a column with the expression hoping for peace between our two camps, wherein he expressed a desire for the goal while being coy about the means to reach it. He admitted he thought the goal unreachable.

I, for one, am greatly disturbed to find myself opposed to a man whose work I have read and enjoyed for years, and whom I regard as among the most accomplished authors living.

I wrote a column agreeing with the sentiment, and putting forth my reason why, to my regret, I suspect he is correct that the goal is unreachable.

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Constant Discord from Imaginary Dragons

Posted January 1, 2016 By John C Wright

This is a quote from a Mr. Steve Davidson of Amazing Stories. If you have not heard his name before, neither have I. He has recently acquired rights to use the name of one of the most famous magazines of Science Fiction history, and has published two online versions to date.

Want to reconcile?  Here’s what puppies must do.

  1.     stop scamming the system.  If you want to recommend works that you think are worthy of the award, go ahead and do so.  But drop the political agenda (you’re [sic] dragons are imaginary) and eliminate the hateful, snarky commentary
  2.     stop attacking the very people who are offering you a bridge
  3.     please learn a little bit about the history of Worldcon and the Hugo Awards
  4.     if you want to be counted as Fans, then be Fans.  Fans who care attend Worldcon, nominate their conscience and attend the business meeting to effect change they think is needed.  They work WITH and within fandom – they do not set themselves up as a cabal that engages in fear and hate.

Good grief. Observe that by kicking up this smokescreen of false reconciliation, Mr. Davidson actually makes it more difficult for any parties wishing for true reconciliation (I believe George RR Martin is one such) to accomplish the task.

This advice is as illogical as it is dishonest.

After over a decade of commotion, crusade, and contumely created by the Social Justice Warriors, Morlocks, and Political Correction Officers insulting and savaging authors and editors for political noncompliance, we are told in a peremptory fashion that no such controversy exists.

Unless he means that we are dragons who are imaginary. The sentence as worded admits of some ambiguity.

For the sake of any undecided readers toying with the notion that the puppykickers have some sort of valid argument or same vestigial desire for peace, allow me to address Mr. Davidson’s four points in order.

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Peace on Mars, Good Will Toward Puppies

Posted December 28, 2015 By John C Wright

Mr. George RR Martin expresses hope that the coming Hugo season will not be characterized by rancor:

So in the spirit of the season, I am going to say something nice about the Sad Puppies….

Last year’s Puppygate was an ugly affair. I am not going to rehash it here. My views are all on record, my original blog posts still up for anyone who wants to go back and read them. The last thing I want… the last thing anyone who truly loves science fiction, fantasy, and fandom would want… would be to have to go through the whole thing again in 2016. Whatever your view of how the Hugo Awards turned out at Sasquan, I think we can all agree that we would like MidAmericon II’s awards to be more joyful, less rancorous, less controversial.

And maybe… just maybe… we’ll get our wish. Call me naive. Call me an innocent. Call me too trusting by half, too nice a guy to see how things really are… but, really, I am starting to have some hope. All over the internet, people are already talking about the Hugo Awards, making recommendations, discussing the work… the WORK, the things we love, the stuff that unites us instead of the stuff that divides us.

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Liu Cixin to Sci Fi: Drop Dead

Posted December 1, 2015 By John C Wright

Within the same fortnight that David Hartwell announced that the World Fantasy Award trophy would no longer be a bust of Lovecraft, but instead be the head of someone whose sole qualification to represent all of fantasy literature is her skin color, Liu Cixin, the first chinaman ever to win a Hugo Award has publicly spit in the face of those of us who voted for him.

He was interviewed in the Global Times. The statements are so graceless and so ungrateful, that I am studying his hands carefully to see if his fingers are crossed, a sign soldiers videoed by the enemy are supposed to make to show they are speaking under duress.


GT: Some Chinese fans have said they want to band together to vote on the World Science Fiction website next year. What’s your opinion on this?

Liu: That’s the best way to destroy The Three-Body Trilogy. And not just this sci-fi work, but also the reputation of Chinese sci-fi fans. The entire number of voters for the Hugo Awards is only around 5,000. That means it is easily influenced by malicious voting. Organizing 2,000 people to each spend $14 is not hard, but I am strongly against such misbehavior. If that really does happen, I will follow the example of Marko Kloos, who withdrew from the shortlist after discovering the “Rabid Puppies” had asked voters to support him.

GT: Many fans believe that even if The Three-Body Problem had benefited from the “puppies,” it still was deserving of a Hugo Award. Do you agree?

Liu: Deserving is one thing, getting the award is another thing. Many votes went to The Three-Body Problem after Marko Kloos withdrew. That’s something I didn’t want to see. But The Three-Body Problem still would have had a chance to win by a slim margin of a few votes [without the “puppies”].

After the awards, some critics used this – the support right-wing organizations like the “puppies” gave The Three-Body Problem – as an excuse to criticize the win. That frustrated me. The “puppies” severely harmed the credibility of the Hugo Awards. I feel both happy and “unfortunate” to have won this year.

I don’t see any crossed fingers.

That means that this man is gullible enough to believe either what his translator, or Tor Books, or the mainstream news told him, namely, that we who voted for him were motivated by race-hatred against non-Whites. So we voted for a non-White because his book was good, not because his skin color was correct. Because we treated the award as if it were for the merit of science fiction story telling, not as if it were a political award granted to whatever most helped the far Left. We ignored race. By Morlock logic, that makes us racist.

I realize, my dear readers, that if you read THREE BODY PROBLEM, and weighed its merits, and in your honest judgment you thought it was the best SF novel of the year, that, by Morlock logic,  your judgment does not matter because you are not the correct sort of people to have opinions.

Even though your opinion in this one case agreed with our Leftist insect Overlords, the mere fact that the opinion was yours disqualifies it.

You are wrongfans.

Your love of science fiction is insufficient to make you a real science fiction fan unless you also hold a wide and ever changing list of political opinions on topics unrelated to science fiction, to science, or to reality.

It seems our votes were malicious on the grounds that we are right-wing, and that when my fans ponied up forty bucks to vote for me, you were not doing this because you like my work, but only out of the terrible and dark hatred in your hearts against… well, I am not sure against whom you have so much hatred. Who is the Victim of the Week again, this week? Eastasians? Oceanians? (Someone should send Wendell the Manatee upstairs to check).

I note our malicious votes were still counted, however.

And all this time, I thought we Sad Puppies were merely sick and tired of mind-numbingly dull novels about mind-swapping genderless AI’s in space rocketing straight to the highest echelons of science fiction’s critical acclaim, and that we wanted to rescue stories that were actually worth reading and have them rise from the ashes of brain-meltingly absurd uber-leftist ideological cliques and bask in the glory of the coveted Hugo Award.

Hmmm. One would think that if this were our motive, we would have said so from the beginning. Oh, wait a minute. We did.
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Misstatements of What Saddens Puppies Makes Puppies Sadder

Posted November 14, 2015 By John C Wright

A reader in the comments box asked a question about the Sad Puppies that was so extraordinarily ill informed, I felt moved, once again, to state our position, which has not changed one iota since the inception of the movement.

So many lies so profoundly false have been spread so rapidly about us, that the gesture, if futile, is necessary.

This has been characterized as a conservative revolt against liberals. It is not. I am the only conservative among the four founding members of the Sad Puppies movement. (The rest are libertarian or mildly liberal).

This has been characterized as the intrusion of outsiders into a warm circle of science fiction fans. It is not. That is the exact opposite of the truth. All of us have been science fiction readers our whole lives, writers for years, and involved in fandom at every level.

Indeed, it is this notion that science fiction must serve political correctness as a tool for social reform that is the intrusion. No trace of such a notion is seen among the award winning stories of our field before twenty years ago.

This has been characterized as an attempt by readers of lowbrow but fun adventure fiction to shoulder aside the deeper and more literate works that address profound social messages. Absurd. What I write is literate in the highest degree, whereas Larry Correia writes pulp fiction, and so we cover the whole spectrum from highbrow to lowbrow and back again. The idea that poorly executed hackwork that serves the dull politically correct lecture of the day is somehow loftier in literary value than my work is risible. These costermongers would not recognize a literary allusion if it bit them on the cullion.

This has been characterized as an intrusion of politics into science fiction. The opposite is true. We Sad Puppies are attempting to remove the political litmus test of ideological purity from the Hugo Awards: remove, not impose.

This has been characterized as ballot-box stuffing, logrolling, and a violation of the gentleman’s agreement not to solicit votes. This again is the opposite of the truth: the previous twenty years are rife with such corrupt practices. We were and are scrupulously honest, obeyed both the letter and the spirit of the law.

This has been characterized as an attempt by White Males to exclude minorities from science fiction. By no possible Orwellian contortion of language can this possibly be true. I am the only White Male among the four founding members of the Sad Puppies movement. (The rest are Hispanic, Hispanic Female, Red Indian, for those of you who are keeping track).

The Sad Puppies slate indeed contained a broader diversity of minority authors than their opposition. Not only is this not our purpose, it runs directly counter to our mission statement and our observed behavior. And it is impossible on its face: how are four writers going to set about excluding anyone who wants to read or write science fiction?

To set the record straight, here is my announcement of the formation of a particular literary movement with a particular purpose, initially called the United Underworld, later called the Sad Puppies. http://scifiwright.com/2014/06/united-underworld-literary-movement-manifesto/

At the risk of quoting myself, allow me to point out that I have been libeled by many persons for having untoward or vile motives, when my motives were announced at the outset, and repeatedly and clearly, and by no action and no word showed any insincerity to the statement:

“This new movement shall be one where the writer is allowed to put a message in his story, provided it entertains the reader, and provided he does not sabotage or ignore the story trying to shoehorn a message into it. Story telling comes first in stories.

“All stories will be judged on their merit, rather than on the skin color of the author or authoress.

“The writers are the servants of the readers, who are their patrons and patronesses. We are not the teachers, not the preachers, and not the parents and certainly not the masters of the readers. We are not social engineers with permission to manipulate the readers, nor subject them to indoctrination nor propaganda disguised as entertainment.

“In sum, the three ideas of the so-called reactionary Evil Legion of Evil are that that Science Fiction stories should be workmanlike, honest, and fun. Stories should serve the reader rather than lecture, sucker-punch, subvert, or hector him. Stories should give the reader what he paid for.

“Dear reader, do you understand that these three principles, these three points of simple common sense and common decency, these three principles are what the Leftist ideologues, who untruthfully claim to be fighting for the underdog, untruthfully call evil?

“These are the principles our foes reject, and why we (including you, our readers) are subject to shrill yet tedious tongue-lashings by the scolds and shrews of these craven and no-talent know-nothings.

“Does that sound like a new literary movement? It is older than Homer.”

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