Golden Age Trilogy

– The Golden Age Trilogy-

Volume I: The Golden Age

Volume II: The Phoenix Exultant


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Appendix 1: Dramatis Personae

MAJOR CHARACTERS, grouped by nervous system formation (neuroform):

Biochemical Self-Aware Entities:


Base neuroform:

PHAETHON PRIME of RHADAMANTH, Silver-Grey Manorial school.

HELION RELIC of  RHADAMANTH, Phaethon’s sire, founder of the Silver-Grey Manorial school, and a Peer.


TEMER SIXTH  LACEDAEMONIAN, Dark Grey Manorial school, an Advocate.

GANNIS HUNDRED-MIND GANNIS, Synergistic-Synnoint school, a peer.


UNGANNIS, daughter of GANNIS, also called UNMOIQHOTEP QUATRO NEOMORPH of the Cthonnic school, of the Nevernext movement, whom Helion calls the ‘Cacophiles’.


Nonstandard neuroforms:


XENOPHON of FARAWAY, Tritonic Neuroform Composure School, called the Neptunians.

XINGIS of NEREID, also called DIOMEDES, Silver Grey School.

NEOPTOLEMUS, a combination of Diomedes and Xenophon.


Alternate Organization neuroform, commonly called Warlocks:

AO AOEN, the Master-Dreamer, a peer.

AO VARMATYR, a Swan, Lord of the Silence.

NEO-ORPHEUS the Apostate, protonothary and chair of the COLLEGE of HORTATORS.

ORPHEUS MYRIAD AVERNUS, founder of the Second Immortality, a peer.


Cortial-Thalamically Integrated neuroform, commonly called Invariants:

KES SENNEC the Logician, a Peer.


Cerebelline neuroform:

WHEEL-OF-LIFE, an Ecological Mathematician, a Peer.

GREEN-MOTHER, the artiste who organizes the ecological performance at Destiny Lake.

OLD-WOMAN-OF-THE-SEA, of the Oceanic Environmental Protectorate.

DAUGHTER-OF-THE-SEA, a terraformer of Early Venus.


Mass-Mind Compositions:


The HARMONIOUS COMPOSITION, of the College of Horators.





OSHENKYO, an Afloat



SEMRIS of IO, an Ashore.

ANTISEMRIS, an Ashore.


An OLD MAN, gardener of a grove of Saturn trees, who claims to be of the Antiamaranthine Purist school, not otherwise identified.


Electrophotonic Self-Aware Entities:


RHADAMANTHUS, a manor-house of the SILVER GREY school, million cycle capacity

EVENINGSTAR,  a manor-house of the RED school, million cycle capacity

NEBUCHEDNEZZAR, advisor to the College of Hortators, ten million cycle capacity

HARRIER, consulting detective, one hundred thousand cycle capacity

MONOMACHOS, a barrister, one hundred thousand cycle capacity

AURELIAN, host of the Celebration, fifty thousand million cycle capacity

The ENNEAD consists of nine Sophotech groups, each of over a billion cycle capacity, including WARMIND, WESTMIND, ORIENT, AUSTRAL, BOREAL, NORTHWEST, SOUTHEAST, and others.

EARTHMIND, the unified consciousness in which all terrestrial machines, and machines in Near-Earth-Orbit, from time to time participate: trillion cycle capacity.


Simulacra, Fictional Persons, Constructs:

COMUS, an avatar of AURELIAN.


The Justices of the CURIA.

SCARAMOUCHE, an extract of Xenophon the Neptunian.

The Envoy of DIOMEDES of NERIED.


MINOR CHARACTERS, Including historical or fictional persons mentioned in the tale:

AO ANDAPHANTIE, Daphne’s name when she was a warlockess.
AYESHA, a cottage-mind used by Daphne, ten thousand cycle capacity.
CURTIS MAESTRICT, the Parliamentary Protonothary, and a friend and client of Daphne’s.
JASON SVEN SHOPWORTHY, whose odd behavior has piqued the curiosity of the Sophotechs.
KSAHTRIMANYU HAN, the First Speaker of the Parliament.
UTE NONE STARK, Daphne’s Mother.
YEWEN NONE STARK, Daphne’s Father.


Agamemnon XIV of House Minos, Silver-Grey Manorial School.
Ao Prospero Circe of the Zooanthropic Incarnation Coven of the Seasonal Mind School, a warlockess.
Ao Sinistro, a Warlock, an intuitionist.
Asmodius Bohost Clamour of Clamour House, Black Manorial School.
Benvolio Malachi, the Mnemonicist.
Casper Halfhuman Tinkersmith of the Parliament of Ghosts.
Epiraes Septarch Fulvous of Fulvous House, Gold Manorial School.
Gan-Seven Far-Gannis of Jupiter, a partial demi-Gannis of Gannis Hundredmind.
Guttrick Seventh Glaine of Fulvous House, Gold Manorial School.
Harmonious Composition, the earliest mass-mind, from the dawn of the Era of the Fourth Mental Structure.
Hasantrian Hecaton Heo of Pallid House of the White Manorial School, an ascetic, and a Hortator.
Iron-Ghost Composition, a Warlock mass-mind.
Kes Satrick Kes, founder of the Invariant nervous system structure.
Messilina Secondus Eveningstar of Eveningstar House, Red Manorial School.
Nausicaa Burner-of-Ships from House Aeceus, Silver-Grey Manorial School.
Quentem-Quinteneur of Yellow House, Gold Manorial School.
Tau Continuous Nimvala of Albion House of the White Manorial School.
Tsychandri-Manyu Tawne of Tawne House, Golden Manorial School, an influential political philosopher, and a Hortator
Ullr Selfson-First Lifrathsir of the Nordic Pagan School, a parahistorian, and a Hortator
Viridimagus Solitarie of the (defunct) Green Manorial School.
Viviance Thrice Dozen Phosphoros of the Red School.
Ynought Subwon of  New Centurion House, Dark Grey Manorial School.
Ao Enwir the Delusionist, famous for his treatise, “On the Sovereignty of Machines.”
Ao Ormgorgon Darkwormhole Noreturn of the Black Swan Coven, captain-monarch of the multigeneration starship Naglfar, and culture hero who founded the Silent Oecumene at Cygnus X1.
Ao Solomon Oversoul, marshal of the jihad in service to the Witch-King of Corea, credited with orchestrating the defeat of the Bellipotent Composition during the Era of the Fifth Mental Structure.
Buckland-Boyd Cyrano-D’Atano, the first man to survive a Mars-landing.
Chan Noonyan Sfih of Io, explorer who accidentally set fire to Pluto.
Demontdelune, an unfortunate who came to grief on the dark side of the moon.
Enghathrathrion, a celebrated poet of the late-period Fourth Mental Structure.
Hamlet, a character from a linear experience simulacrum, William Shakespeare, Era of the Second Mental Structure.
Hanno, son of Hasrubal, of Carthage; sailed down the coast of Africa. The first explorer whose name is recorded by history.
Harlequin, a clown from the Italian commedia dell’arte, Era of the Second Mental Structure.
Jason, master of the Argo, who sailed to Golden Cheronese and returned with the Fleece.
Mancuriosco the Neuropathist.
Mother-of-Numbers, a Cerebelline mathematician, whose disquisition on Noetic Mathematics formed a foundation for Noumenal technology.
Neal Armstrong, first man to set foot on Luna.
Oe Sephr al-Midr the Descender-into-Clouds, early Jupiter explorer.
Scaramouche, a clown from the Italian commedia dell’arte, Era of the Second Mental Structure.
Sir Francis Drake, Master of the Golden Hind, discovered the Northwest Passage.
Sloppy Rufus, the first dog to survive a Mars-landing (Bucky-Boy Cyrano’s dog).
The Porphyrogen Composition, a noted sect of astronomers.
Ulysses, King of Ithaca, who sailed far to know the minds of men and their ways, and returned from the underworld.
Vandonnar, according to pre-Ignition Jovian poetry, a cloud-diver so entirely lost in the storms surrounding the Great Red Spot, that even death found him unable to locate the course to the afterlife, and therefore Vandonnar circles eternally in the storm, forever seeking, forever lost.
Vanguard Single Exharmony, survived the first manned mission into the Solar Photosphere.


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Appendix 2: Extent of the Golden Oecumene

The Era of the Seventh Mental Structure saw the rise of a civilization of unparalleled liberty, justice, and magnificence. So great were the intellectual and material accomplishments of this civilization, that she came to be called The Golden Oecumene, and the time of her greatest flowering was honored with the name, the Golden Age.

Physically, the Golden Oecumene extended from engineering stations within the solar photosphere, to remote outposts, hermitages, and astronomical observatories within the Oort cloud beyond Neptune. Intellectually, the libraries and active mental configurations of the Sophotech segment of the population, embodied uncountable quadrillions of units of information, infinitesimal processing times and non-sequential semantic and symbolic arrangements no human mind, no matter how augmented, could understand.

There were isolated areas within the Solar System that did not recognize the political authority of the administration of the Foederal Oecumenical Commonwealth, such as certain Oort cloud hermitages, or Talaimannar on the island of Cylon; but despite their political separation, such minor enclaves were still part of the philosophical, linguistic and cultural milieu of the Golden Oecumene.

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Appendix 3: History

The historians of the Golden Age divide all previous human history into epochs characterized by qualitative revolutions in the organization of human thought. The seven periods these:

The first mental structure allowed for truly human as opposed to merely animal consciousness. The mental change involved produced a differentiation (at one time, called “bicameral”) between rational and hypnogogic states of mind. This era was characterized by the development of language and of abstract concepts. It allowed the communication of ideas beyond the scope of mere concrete signals.

The second mental structure evolved from the development of written language, which allowed communication beyond the range of immediate memory or oral tradition. This permitted the development of the calendar, of laws, of literature, and of civilized society. This era was characterized by the Agrarian revolution, monetary economy, organized warfare.

The third mental structure was characterized by the use of reason to investigate the original sources of reason, and by the growth of semantic and neuro-semiotic sciences. It was not recognized as a change in mental structure at the time, but the rational consciousness was characterized by an objective rather than provincial anthropocentric world-view. This era was characterized by the Scientific, the Industrial, and the Capitalist revolutions, as well as by the emergence of a political philosophy recognizing the rights of man. The first man on the moon landed during this era, and the evolution of a world-wide system of electronic media embracing Earth and her satellite colonies soon followed.

The neuro-psychology of the later part of this era allowed for the objective measurement of sanity. One benevolent outcome of an otherwise dark and tyrannous world-empire period was the reduction, through eugenics and genetic engineering, of strains of the human bloodlines prone to substandard intelligence or mental disease.

The fourth mental structure emerged when developments in the electronic and electrophonic interface with the nervous system permitted massive interventions into the human nervous system, albeit only of surface thoughts. The early fourth era was characterized by the widespread augmentation of certain routine mental functions by bio-cybernetic implants. The rapid ability to replace, retrain, redact, or to replay an entire lifetime of experience through electromnemonics rendered individual minds fungible, modular, and replaceable: at the same time, this technology allowed a degree of sympathy and understanding between minds which never before had existed. The late-period perfection of noösophy (mechanical telepathy) removed all questions of factual doubt from legal and political processes.

Much of the cruelty that marred an otherwise noble period in history, historians blame on the disappointment of the First Immortality. The Compositions were able to record and preserve surface consciousness information, and could electronically hypnotize certain members of their group-minds to act out the lives and thoughts of ghost recordings. However, the true essence of individuality were beyond the measurement or the grasp of the crude noösophic systems of the times.  The First Immortality was a severe disappointment, and, in certain nations and during certain periods, mankind fell into grotesque systems of self-deception, fundamental irrationalities which, in turn, led to grievous suffering.

The rise of the Conglomeration Networks, Mass-Minds, and, later, the Compositions, led to a violent suppression of individual human consciousness. Universal peace and universal stagnation spread through the triplanetary civilization. Early segments of the Eleemosynary Composition date from this period.

The fifth mental structure was triggered by the development of biological and biotechnical methods to grow novel deep structures in the brain, and reorder the traditional hierarchy of hind-brain, mid-brain and cortex.

Not merely new thoughts and sensation, but whole new methods of thought and sensation, radically different modes of interpreting reality, were developed by the zeal of Late-Era Cybernetic Compositions.

Three additional modes of cognition, used by the Warlocks, the Invariants, and the Cerebellines, were developed at this time.

However, the Mass-Minds, based on having large numbers of interchangeable and inter-operable subjects, could not correctly interweave the needs of these new mutually-incomprehensible populations. Deception, incomprehension, antipathy, and, eventually, war itself, became the normal means mutually antagonistic mass-minds had for dealing with each other.

An old philosophy was resurrected to serve the new needs of the times. The middle ages of the Fifth Era were characterized by an adherence to an absolute moral standard, and the unwillingness to initiate aggression, no matter the provocation. During this noble time, the mutual antipathies of the mutually incomprehensible neurostructures were obviated. Many paeleopsychorobotocists list this time as forming the deep structures of Earthmind’s rather callous and laissez-faire moral priorities. Certain nonsuperintelligent artificial minds, including administrative and police authorities, that were later absorbed into the core operating system of the Earthmind, date from this period.

Although remembered as the era that gave rise to the re-emergence of the individual & independent consciousness, in reality, it was only during the frantic colonial expansions of the later period of this era, that the advantages of individualism forced the unwieldy mass-minds to develop specialized subsections, and, later, to disband. Warlock based mass-minds were among the first to disband; Invariant among the last.

This also was the first era of the superintellects. Even Mentator, the largest and most cerebral of cybernetic Compositions of the previous era, was never able to achieve transhuman thought, even if able to think much more quickly and thoroughly, and with much mechanical assistance.

The crowning achievement of this era was the final comprehension of all geometric and scientific theorems as a whole. This epiphany is still on file in the museum, and most schola require its contemplation as a basic part of transobjective training (that is, the trained ability to suffer the imposition of thoughts and concepts beyond one’s own ability to comprehend).

During this time; a multigeneration ship, the Naglfar, Captained by Ao Ormgorgon, prompted by a dream, carried many thousands of his fellow warlocks, as well as contingents of Invariants and Cerebellines, to establish a permanent scientific base, and, later, a self-sustaining civilization, 1000 light years away, at Cygnus X-1.

The sixth mental structure embraced the first entirely artificial consciousness. The rise of artificial intelligence was long anticipated and long delayed, but, unlike every previous transition between eras, the transition from the Fifth to the Sixth era was achieved peacefully and without error, since the wise legislators from of the Unicameral and Polyhierarchical schola and the Maternalist biocompositions (such as Demeter Mother) had adjusted social institutions and political expectations to welcome the coming of the Sophotechs long before the first eletrophotonic artificial self-awareness passed the Descartean Cogito test.

The only true surprise was the universal rejection of the Sophotech Minds to positions of political power or authority. They politely refused even voting enfranchisement. Their own politics among themselves is swift and incomprehensible, based on the alterations of deep-structures and the adoption of priorities-trees and compromises to avoid conflict; and yet, the message to living minds is simple and ancient. Violence can be avoided if all parties place a higher priority on cooperation than on conflict. (Note that the sixth mental structure came to an end roughly 11000 years before the beginning of the Aurelian Transcendence.)

The Seventh Mental Structure is held to have begun when Sophotech investigations into Noumenal Mathematics (nonlinear yet non-chaotic models for uncertain complex systems, including, for example, human brain information) allowed the very-long awaited creation of a science of Noetics.

For the first time, mental information, both in whole and part, could be recorded, reordered, transmitted, saved, and manipulated in the same fashion as any other type of information. Downloads and Partials could be recorded and summoned, and Ghosts created from transcripts or speculative reconstruction.

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Appendix 4: Noetics

The early period of the Seventh Mental Structure is also called the Time of the Second Immortality, for the defects of the Compositional mental noösophic recording systems were cured. Noumenal Mathematics allowed for the modeling of essential and ineffable human memory characteristics, to such a level of fine detail, that individual human minds could be recorded, duplicated, and reproduced; and differences between the original template and the copy, were below detectable limits, both mechanical detection thresholds, and the intuitive and emotional threshold that allowed the revenants copies to be regarded as being one and the same as the originals by friends, family, and society.

While philosophers and Sophotechs might recognize that the dead, despite all appearances, truly were dead, nevertheless, for all practical and legal purposes, any mind that had sufficient continuity of memory with his original template, was considered to be that self-same person.

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Appendix 5: Political System

The political system of the Golden Oecumene had its roots in the era of the middle-period Fifth Mental Structure, and was inspired by the collective peace of the hive-minds of the Fourth Era, the civility of the Western Democracies of the early Third Era, the respect for law and discipline which informed the Roman Empire of the Second.

The political protocols which controlled the exchanges of mental information processing priority were mostly unchanged from the Fourth Era; the human government, likewise, was based on antique Third Era philosophical notions of separation of powers, checks and balances, between competing magistrates and administrative bodies of strictly limited mandate.

Politics, which is the recourse to the use of force to organize interpersonal relationships, was unknown to the majority of the citizens of the Golden Oecumene. The Sophotechs, since the early Sixth Era, self-selected for mental architectures that would minimize irreconcilable differences of opinion; in effect, they had programmed themselves to make any self-sacrifice necessary to maintain the social order.

Following their lead, less intelligent artificial intellectual constructions had likewise embraced deep structures placing a high priority on compromise and harmony: mass-minds, composition or Noösophic Formulations, likewise, filtered their mental inputs or patrons to avoid those activities which might give rise to legal clashes.

For that moiety of the human population which existed outside of an electronic matrix, there was a Parliament (for humans) and a Meeting of the Minds (for independent machines and semi-machine consciousness), as well as a Curia, for the arbitration of legal disputes. These offices were rarely called upon, since simulations often anticipated their outcomes, and people relied heavily on the advice of the Sophotechs to avoid the economically wasteful zero-sum game conflicts of interest.

This is not to say, of course, that grief and passion were unknown to the Golden Age. The maneuvering and intrigue within the voluntary corporations and philosophical movements and unions known as ‘Schools’ were surrounded with the bitterness and zealotry that one might expect in any other forum. Unlike the political struggles of prior ages, however, these internal Scholastic struggles lead to frustration and loss of prestige but not to warfare and loss of life.

The Parliament was a diverse Composition consisting of partials, ghosts and self-aware entities granted representative power by the specific agency of specific constituents. Unlike the unwieldy political mechanisms of prior ages, the ability to create minds with the characteristics necessary to represent one’s own interests zealously and faithfully rendered the normal elective process an anachronism, although special elections, plebiscites, and votes of no-confidence were not unheard-of.

Surrounding the Parliament were the Shadow Administers, which consisted of a somewhat complex scheme of insurance companies and financial institutions, news-reporters, policy analysts and philosophers, and others who have an interest in the outcomes of political determinations. The various minds of the Administers were organized into Compositions, or ghosts-collectives, or simple standing instruction patterns.

The Shadow Administers had investors sufficiently able to anticipate the needs and desires of the constituents of the parliament members, to give clear warning to any parliamentarian who might otherwise pursue policies that would offend his electors.

Tradition allowed for special elections to be held, in such cases where the ability or honesty of these predictions were called into question. Unlike laws enforced by merely human agency, however, these computer-enforced rules and rights did not need to be exercised periodically to retain their force.

The severely limited powers of the government in the Golden Age, rendered government useless and unnecessary for the conduct of daily affairs of life. It had no power to aid or assist those who had, or who imagined, difficulties. Consequently, no one turned to it for aid in time of need; no social movement expended precious resources in an attempt to gain control of the organs of government, or the levers of power, because those organs were atrophied, and those levers were only connected to judicial institutions and volunteer-constabulary forces of severally limited operation.  Most of the Parliamentary debate turned on matters of taxation (i.e. Atkins’ salary) and in defining the exact boundaries of public and private intellectual property.

Hence, the main power of the Golden Oecumene is not in its official delimitation of powers. The main social power during this period in history lay with the College of Exhortation.

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Appendix 6: The Hortators

These Hortators (as they were called) were a response to the paradox of free government; namely, that free government is sufficiently limited in power to leave all nonviolent activities, i.e. the culture, in private hands; but that the cultural values allowing for such liberties must be maintained, and passed to the next generation, in order for the society to remain free. Unlike all prior governments, the Foederal Oecumenical Commonwealth could not use force to maintain the loyalty of her citizens to those values and mores she needed to survive; the unity of culture was maintained on a strictly voluntary basis.

The Hortators commanded a wide and precarious power, both economic and social, which they maintained by carefully retaining the goodwill of their subscribers. Many particular contracts had Hortator mandates written into the fine print, including clauses requiring the users to cooperate with embargoes and boycotts.

Because of the extraordinary lifespans of the Golden Oecumene peoples, the College could be staffed with what would have been, in earlier ages, culture heroes and historical figures, and, in the cases where no mental record survives, with ghosts or reconstructions.

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Appendix 7: Economics

The wealth of this era was so vast that it staggers calculation; and was distributed through a population, which, though it far outnumbered the population figures of any previous era, was miniscule when compared to the resources scientific enterprise and industrial speculation had made available. The molecular machines of that era made materials which would have been waste-products to men of previous ages into treasure mines. The amount of accumulated capital in the society, and the length of time over which capital ventures could extend before seeing a profit, increased the productivity of wage-earners to the point where an average laborer, in real terms, controlled an amount of energy and resources that would dwarf to the military budgets expropriated by governments of the warlike periods of the Third Era.

With robots to do all menial labor, and Sophotects to do all intellectual labor, the only category of economic activities open to mankind in the Golden Age was entrepreneurial speculation.  In effect, man only had to dream of something that might amuse his fellow man, or render some small service, ameliorate some perceived imperfection in life, and command his machines to carry out the project, in order to reap profits to more than  pay for the rental on those machines.

The immensity of the wealth involved, however, did not revoke any of the laws of economics known since antiquity. The Law of Association still proved that a superior and an inferior, when both cooperate and specialize, are more efficient working together than when working in isolation. No matter how wise and great their machines, humans always had more than enough to do.  An extremely fine specialization of labor, including ‘labor’ that, to earlier eras would seem quite frivolous, allowed for nearly infinite avenues of effort to be utilized. The high population of the time was nothing but a boon; an entrepreneur need only reach the most tiny fraction of the public in order for his patrons to be numbered in the millions and billions.

Wage rates (which, by and large, were the rental rates of laboring machines) were allowed to fall to whatever level needed to clear the market of labor; likewise for interest rates clearing the capital market. The evils and follies created by the interventions of governments into the market were unknown in the Golden Age, nor, among the long-lived people of that era, could doctrines based in an short-term thinking or short-sightedness take root.  There was neither unemployment (except as a penalty inflicted by the Hortators) nor capital lying idle, nor squandered. There was, of course, no central bank, no debasement of currency, or other mischievous intermeddling with the economy.

Every great achievement of the super-science of the era, rather than sating the human desire for accomplishments, led to a wider threshold of what ambition could accomplish; and these greater powers led in turn to the desire for ever greater achievements. Engineering efforts that would have been impossible in the poverty of prior eras, including engineering on a planetary scale, were practical in the Golden Age

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Appendix 8: Naming Conventions

The complexity of the possible social and neurological arrangements into which the peoples and self-aware artifacts of the Golden Age could organize themselves was reflected in the diverse information carried by their formal names.

This information was usually carried in a header or prefix of standard electronic net-to-net communication, to allow the recipient to translate the response into a mutually comprehensible format and language.  For humans using physical bodies, the names were translated into spoken syllables, usually in an abbreviated form.

The naming conventions were not entirely uniform, although most names would contain the same basic information, not necessarily in the same order.

For example, take the name Phaethon Prime Rhadamanth Humodified (augment) Uncomposed, Indepconciousness, Base Neuroformed, Silver-Gray Manorial Schola, Era 10191 (the ‘Reawakening’).

“Phaethon” is the name of his outward identity, his public character. This only roughly corresponded to the Christian name (or First name) of an earlier age; it was a piece of intellectual property that could be bought and sold, and might also have copyright-protected facial features and expressions, body language, slang-phrases, mottoes, or logos to go with it.

“Prime” indicates that he is the original copy of this mind-content, not a partial, nor a reconstruction, nor a ghost. Among sequential iterations of the same consciousness, this is a sequence number. By the final era of the Golden Age, this name had fallen out of strict use, and many people listed fanciful numbers, such as Nought or Myriad.

“Rhadamanth” is the copyrighted reference to his genotype, that is, what the ancients would call a family name.  In this particular case, Phaethon’s family is named after his mansion.  Both the genotype and mansion were created by his Sire. Members of other schools would employ this name differently, or would leave it blank; but in general it was meant to reflect on the creator or parent, whomever was responsible for the existence of the entity. Among electronic entities, a time-depth, indicating whether the entity was permanent or temporary, would be added here.

“Humodified” is Phaethon’s phenotype (modified human) which indicates he is a biological consciousness, not electrophotonic, of a standard human ground-shape, compatible with the three basic aestethics: Standard, Consensus, and Objective. The primary purpose of the phenotype name is to identify aesthetic compatibility.

An aesthetic identifies the symbols, emotional range, information formats, sense impressions, and operating speeds, and so on, with which the user is comfortable. Dolphins and Hullsmiths, for example, have additional ranges of vision, sonar, and hearing, plus several artificial senses that exist only in computer-simulation, and consequently their ideograms can be written across a wider range of the electromagnetic spectrum.

“(augment)” specifies additional phenotype information, and indicates Phaethon carries standardized immortality nanomachines in his body.  Note that Phaethon’s name, when he opened his memory casket, would change to “(special augment)” to signify his  non-standard multiple modifications and adaptations for near-light speed environments.

“Uncomposed” indicates a person’s Composition or attachment to a cybernetic mind network—in this case Phaethon has none. Composed people who have independent or semi-independent consciousness would list their Composition name here. Fully Composed People list their Composition name as their first name, and might list here their function, or list here a designation describing the geometry of the Composition, i.e. radial, linear, parallel, serial, hierarchical, self-organizing, or unified.

“Indepconciousness” indicates Phaethon’s nervous system is entirely self-contained.  He is not linked into a mind-sharing scheme, a memory archive, a conscience monitor; he is not part of a mental hierarchy; he is not a synnoient or avatar; he is not emotion-linked, or sharing language midbrain structures. When Phaethon enters full communion with his ship, so-called Navimorphosis, this name would change to reflect the mind-sharing scheme used.

Note that these last two factors are actually independent variables.  A self-aware entity can be Composed into a network without loosing independence of consciousness (if, for example, he were sharing speech and perception, but not emotion or memory).  Note also, an entity can share some aspects or elements of consciousness without actually being part of a mass-mind. For example, one could share short term memories without sharing personality (called “likewisers”), or visa versa (called “avatars”), or sharing dream-structures and thalamic language-reactions without sharing cortex consciousness (certain daughter-groups of the Cerebellines do this). An entity with no instantaneous sharing of cortexual thought, perception, and memory is regarded as being legally independent, even if all other brain functions are shared.

The “Neuroform” name identifies the internal mental structures in the same way that the Composition name identifies external mental structures. The Neuroforms, for humans, tended to fall into one of four general categories.

Basic: hind-brain, midbrain and cortex are organized into a traditional hierarchy.

Warlock: cortex and midbrain interconnected. Allows for a repeatable form of intuitive and lateral thought, as well as controlled dreamlike states of consciousness.

Cerebelline (also called global):  cortex and hind-brain interconnected. Allows for a simultaneous integration of many points of view or data-streams. Thinking is spontaneously organized rather than linear, and relies on pattern-recognition rather than abstraction.

Invariant: true unicameral consciousness, all segments of the brain at all levels massively interconnected, allows for a tightly-disciplined mode of thought, where all emotions, instincts, and passions are integrated into dispassionate sanity.

The “School” identifies the particulars of a person’s culture, language, philosophy, and taste. In the time of the Golden Oecumene, all of these characteristics are voluntary. Traditions are adopted by individuals; individuals are not born into traditions.

The “Era” is the time of birth or deep-structure formation– though the custom of stating birth-date is suffers obloquy from reformers and egalitarians, it still is in use.  Those favoring the custom assert that the historical period in which a man is born tells you  much of his outlook, customs and circumstances; those opposing say it is a form of elitism, where elders are given undue prestige, and that the Scholastic name tells one all one needs to know about outlook, custom, and circumstance.

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Appendix 9: The End of the Golden Age

Naturally, the economic and political liberty enjoyed during the Golden Age, the wealth, tolerance, and splendor were sharply curtailed during the warlike colonial age that followed. A greater degree of uniformity in thought and conduct was required in order to preserve the Golden Oecumene from Silent Oecumene attacks, both physical and subtle; certainly the worlds terraformed and colonies established by Phaethon of Rhadamanth, and, later, by his brothers Bellarophon and Icarus, would not for many generations have the capital available to create the machinery needed to organize their affairs as efficiently and happily as their mother world; even maintaining the infrastructure necessary for individual immortality was problematic for the unsuccessful colonies.

It may be that the Transcendence of the Aurelian period anticipated the final outcome of these events, and knew whether they would, on the whole, involve the human race in weal or woe. But if so, no hint has descended from the airy realms of transhuman thought to tell the men who were to fight in that war, whether their efforts were doomed to futility and defeat, or would be graced with the plume of victory: even the Earthmind cannot see all outcomes.

But, no matter whether the future was destined to lead to joy or sorrow, after this period in history, civilization was destined to spread among the nearer stars; and no single disaster howsoever great, no war howsoever dread, vast and terrible, would any longer have the power to eliminate mankind from the drama of cosmic history.