Shapers of Worlds Anthology FINAL THREE DAYS

The Kickstarter campaign to fund Shapers of Worlds, an anthology of science fiction and fantasy short stories by authors (including yours truly) who were first-year guests of Canadian author Edward Willett’s award-winning podcast The Worldshapers (, is entering its final three-day push.

See Shapers of Worlds on Kickstarter

With a goal of $13,500 CDN (about $10,000 US), it’s currently 85 percent funded—which means it’s less than $2,000 CDN from its goal, which must be met by noon MDT on Monday.

If successful, the anthology will feature new work by Tanya Huff, Seanan McGuire, David Weber, L.E. Modesitt, Jr., John C. Wright, Christopher Ruocchio, D.J. Butler, Shelley Adina, and Edward Willett, plus reprints from John Scalzi, Joe Haldeman, David Brin, Julie Czerneda, Fonda Lee, Gareth L. Powell, Dr. Charles E. Gannon, Derek Kunsken, and Thoraiya Dyer — an impressive assortment of award-winning and, in may cases, bestselling authors spanning the gamut of today’s best writers of science fiction and fantasy.
Planned release date for the anthology to the wider world is sometime in August, to coincide with the second anniversary of the podcast.
The campaign URL is
Edward Willett’s website is