From the Pen of James Lindsay

A friend of mine brought this twitter thread to my attention. This is from the pen of author James Lindsay, who can be found, among other places at New Discourses.


Until you understand that Marxism is Gnosticism (of the Satanic mode) dressed in scientism, you can’t understand it at all. It’s revenge against God (and your parents, and the existing society, all of which made you without your consent and thus caused your suffering) for Being.


Marx compared Man to Prometheus, wrongly chained to the rock of Being and tortured thereupon, and said subsequently, quoting Prometheus from the myth, that he wished to cast down all of Olympus and the gods with it. He didn’t repeat the warning of Hermes that this is madness.


Marx believed that Man makes Society makes Man makes Society, so he sees himself as Prometheus bringing the Gnostic light to Man so this process can be made conscious and intentional (thus, eugenicist). Society, under the thumb of the administering State, becomes demiurge.

Marxism is a Satanic, Gnostic theology where Man is made to realize he is his own Creator, his own true Sun that revolves around itself. Marx sees himself as the light-bringer, Lucifer, the Morning Star, that awakens this Gnostic consciousness and rebels against God and order.

Rebellion is against the crime of Being itself, into which we are flung or thrown (Heidegger, Geworfenheit) without our consent or agreement, and which is a torment to us because we are suffering (as misfits). Marx sees God as false, a fiction created by Man to justify this state.

Ultimately, Marxism is an inversion of Christianity that replaces God as Logos with Man in his miserable Pathos, reason and truth to be replaced by the feeling of suffering and lived experience. Eyes come off the transcendence of Heaven and fixate upon the self-pitying navel.