Blogbegging Archive

Reader Poll! High Road or Low Road?

Posted September 10, 2018 By John C Wright

Dear readers, it is my habit, if a hitherto unknown reader leaves a comment that consists of an insult devoid of content, to return insult for insult in the hopes of amusing my readers and deterring the empty-headed incivility of the barbarians. Nonetheless, I suffer a qualm of conscience when I do so, since ad hominem is illogical, and beneath the dignity of the Houyhnhnm race to which aspire. And it makes Baby Jesus cry.

So, help me decide. One the one hand, I am tired of Conservatives, for reasons of misplaced chivalry, being harassed and libeled by villains and standing mute or answering politely in return. I believe this is the prime cause for the present degeneration of society: using Marquis of Queensbury rules in a knife-fight.

On the other hand, such antics are undignified and crass, and redound no glory to my household. Any fool can call a stranger a fool, after all, and looks a fool when he does it.

Which would amuse and please my readers more? If you humble host takes the lofty high road, or the brawl and broil in the gutter?

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Superversive Press Fundraiser switches platforms

Posted June 19, 2018 By John C Wright

Hello, all! Jagi, here

As some of you may know, Freestartr lost their Stripe account yesterday…out of the blue and for political reasons, so they cannot currently collect funds.

This should not affect John’s Freestartr account as they assure us that they are working on a solution and plan to continue!

But, it does affect the Superversive crowdsourced fundraiser, as it was a timely matter. So, Superversive is switching our campaign to Indiegogo.

If you donated to the now-defunct Freestartr campaign, Superversive would be very grateful if you considered signing up again. You can still pick all the same great perks, including the ultimate…have a Superversive author write a short story to your specs!

Either way, thank you all for your support!

Superversive Press goes to DragonCon




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Petition for Free Speech at ConCarolinas

Posted June 9, 2018 By John C Wright

ConCarolinas invited John Ringo to be guest at their Science Fiction convention. Politically Correct Morlock agitators pretending to be afraid of Ringo threw an unsightly temper tantrum, staged a Two Minute Hate, and browbeat the Con leaders into retracting the invitation.

Later, the ConCarolinas leadership grew a spine, realized the injustice done, not to mention the public relations disaster. Jada Hope and Luis Diza  apologized to John Ringo and to the fans for the affront, and vowed never again to bow to Politically Correct bullies, whiners and killjoys again.

Immediately the Politically Correct bullies and killjoys put on another act of false outrage,pretending to be outraged at this defiance of their false outrage: The Morlocks put out a petition to remove the leadership of the Con who penned the apology, and have Jada Hope and Luis Diza declared ritually unclean, or something. As of the time of this writing, the Thought Police petition has less than 120 signatures.

Dave Weber expressed willingness to be Guest of Honor at the ConCarolinas if they stood with the apology they had given never again to exclude writers based on after the fact political complaints. As of the time of this writing, this petition has two thousand signatures, including my own.

Please add your name. If you can afford it, buy a supporting membership.

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1791L Needs Support

Posted June 7, 2018 By John C Wright

The petty tyranny of private censorship:

These are polite and erudite conservatives making political commentary. YouTube demonetized every video on their channel without warning, without a word of explanation, and without answering requests for an explanation.

Like Alonzo Rachel, they are basically being put out of business because their political views are unpopular with the elite. They are begging for the support and help of the public.

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Help Needed — Fanboys to the rescue!

Posted May 27, 2018 By John C Wright

Hey folks,

Jagi, here.

So…several of you made excellent suggestions regarding the idea of us contacting Youtubers who are speaking out against SJW Star Wars and telling them about Starquest and our upcoming Starquest campaign.

John and I are good at many things but…apparently reaching Youtubers is not one of them. So far, our efforts have failed abysmally. ;-(

Do any of you interact with any of these folks? Would any of you be willing to contact them, leave messages on their blog, etc.? You can share the original post with them and the first episode. Let them know that it is being written up as a new series. (Also, it is easier to hawk someone else’s stuff than one’s own. )

The Review of the Movie We’ve All Been Waiting For

Starquest — rough draft one

Here were some reference links one of you kindly left for us:


Thank you in advance!

And God bless!

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From the Stars to the Stars

Posted May 4, 2018 By John C Wright

I need help with my Latin. A reader wrote and said he was guiding the composition of a military patch.

He wants the motto to read “From the Stars To the Stars” and is looking to translate it correctly to Latin.

I know I have some scholars among my readers. Anyone? Bueller? Anyone?

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Wright Wiki!

Posted January 23, 2018 By John C Wright

Some fans, not long ago, started a wiki page devoted to your works on Fandom (formerly Wikia) at

On fan wrote and asked this:

The site has languished for a few years, but in honor of your completion of Count to the Eschaton I’d like to spiff-up the site to make it a useful reference to readers of Eschaton and your other works, and an alluring enticement to potential new fans. I’ve already made a start on updating some pages related to the Eschaton series:

It takes an active community to maintain and expand a wiki. If you have no objections, I’d appreciate it if you would post a link to the wiki on your blog with an invitation to interested fans to visit the wiki and help improve it.

This post you read now is the post as requested, and the invitation is open.

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Life is Full of Tough Choices

Posted January 12, 2018 By John C Wright

I would like to keep writing weekly ‘Last Crusade’ columns, and also my Conan review column over at the Castalia House blog, but I am deep within the throes of creative labor trying to write 2000 words of publishable text per day for NOWHITHER, the sequel to SOMEWHITHER.

Do my readers have a preference? As friends, advise me. Should I slow the work on NOWHITHER and let these other tasks take away one day a week of available writing time?


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Latin Help

Posted December 21, 2017 By John C Wright

My vaunted education fails me. I need to translate the phrase “Great Secret of the Worlds” (note the plural) into Latin. The sense is that the secret is that there is more than one world. It is not referring to a secret kept by the worlds, in case this different sense would be declined differently.

Would it be magnum mysterium mundorum ? Or do I have a pesky declension wrong?

I ask my wise and well educated readers for help.

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Antediluvian Vegetarianism Poll

Posted July 17, 2017 By John C Wright

I am conducting an unscientific and informal poll. Any Christians or Jews in the audience, or anyone who knows a Christian or a Jews, is invited to answer.

Some Christians or Jews think that the passage in Genesis where God gives Noah permission to eat meat implies that those who lived before the flood were or should have been vegetarians.

Others think that those who lived before the flood were not forbidden to eat meat, and also not forbidden to eat animal living or drank their blood, but that the practice of eating live animals or of drinking blood was explicitly forbidden after Noah, and the eating of meat explicitly allowed.

For the purposes of this poll, I am lumping those who think antediluvians could not eat meat (were biologically incapable of it) and those who think antediluvians could eat meat but were forbidden by God to do so, as one and the same.

My question is this: how many Christians do you know who believe that the antediluvians were or should have been vegetarians? All? Most? Few? None?

Is this a majority, mainstream, widespread Christian belief, or is it an minority, rare, not-widespread Christian belief?

Let me emphasize that I am not asking you to argue for or against either proposition. This is a poll, not a theology quiz. Please, please do not tell me your opinion on which interpretation of Genesis you think is correct. I do not care about that.

I am trying to find out whether either interpretation is widespread or not widespread among Christians and Jews. I am NOT trying to find out whether the belief that antediluvian men were or were not vegetarians is or is not the correct interpretation of Genesis.

Read the remainder of this entry »

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Posted January 28, 2017 By John C Wright

Sargon is banned from Twitter for a clear violation of their perfectly reasonable rules, and I was fooled by not looking for more skeptically at his appeal for help than I should have been. I will leave this here as a warning sign to those as gullible as I not to follow in my footsteps.

And here I thought I had found the one remaining honest Leftist. Paging Diogenes! Read the remainder of this entry »

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A Pilgrim Stranger in Need of Aid

Posted January 23, 2017 By John C Wright

A reader writes and asks for help finding reviews:

I must make this small request of you. A writer whose works I very much enjoy, one Mark Samuels, recently self-published a novel with a Traditionalist Catholic theme. This is its blurb:
“Alfredo Salgado, Catholic schoolboy and proud Spaniard, wages his own personal offensive against the dictates of modernity and the ‘proglodyte’ enemies of Orthodoxy and the Old Faith.
Set in 1981 and 2015 against a backdrop of societal upheaval A PILGRIM STRANGER is an ebullient satire of contemporary values.”
Problem is that Mr. Samuels published only works of weird and horror fiction before, and unfortunately neither some of his peers in that field nor a good chunk of his readership are exactly enamored with his religious and political stances. In fact, he received a fair share of bile in the past.
In order to try and promote his novel, he made the following offer on his blog:
So, I must ask of you, if you know any of your fans or online acquaintances with some time to spare on reading and reviewing the man’s novel, please send this link to them.
It is not any sort of minor or novice writer that I try to promote here. Mr. Samuels’s work is highly praised in his field and his stories are oft reprinted.
His novel deserves at least this smallest of chances to find some sort of audience. as it shan’t find any among nihilist, anti-Christian readers of horror fiction who make the bulk of his existing readership.
I hope that I don’t presume overmuch by making this request of you.

Any takers?

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Starving Artist Open to Suggestion

Posted October 11, 2016 By John C Wright

Of old, it was thought that poets were closer than other mortals to the gods, and heard the whispered echo of their revels on Olympos or Fensalir, or their clash of ethereal arms at Phlegra or Vidblain.

Myself, I think it is because men in my profession approach their beloved patrons in the same suppliant posture as pilgrims to a shrine. Poets know that no man lives without the charity of some superior power, because we have nothing else on which to rest but the good pleasure of our patrons.

This month, we at the Wright Household does not have enough to cover both groceries and mortgage, and so I thought I would beg my readers for tips.

I also thought, to add more incentive to my Patreon patronage, of offering something additional to those who pledged more, or to all, when certain goals were met.

I am a fair hand at cartooning, and can draw pictures of my characters, or could take an afternoon to write a personalized short story, or something else my readers might like. I’d like to throw the comments section open to suggestions of what that something else might be?

It is not unusual for Patreon artists to give out some token of thanks. Do you have a preference?

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Policy Question for the Readers

Posted September 3, 2016 By John C Wright

Gentle readers, hitherto, my policy was never to ban anyone who did not break one of my rules, printed clearly for all to see in the side column of this page.

However, I notice that there are now four men making frequent comments here whose comments I have no desire to read and no desire to answer. My eyes glaze over.

The frequency and size of these remarks seems large enough that there is now some danger of regular readers growing bored, or made to feel unwelcome, by the comments of these worthless and unreadable remarks.The internet version of Gresham’s Law threatens to be at work here: bad comments driving out the good.

All of them are men I have openly but politely not to make any further comments here, and whom I told were not welcome. I consider them pests.

They are Chris Gerrib, Camestros Felapton, Steve Schwartz, and the dishonest yet indefatigable meatpuppet Dr. Andreassen.

I do not put 1RW into this category. He seems to be sincerely trying to have a conversation on a topic of mutual interest, even though his bad habits of sneering and changing the subject make that more annoying that it need be. He is not a pest.

I would like to poll the readership and hear your reactions. Should I grant myself the authority to ban a commenter, after due warning, because and merely because I find him a pest? Such a rule would be subjective.

If the regular readers find their comments entertaining or interesting rather than foolish, hostile, and annoying, I will not grant myself this authority.

I am debating the matter in my mind, because I do not wish my sense of honor and propriety to be abused by men with no such scruples. And I do not wish my regular guests to be annoyed or discomforted by trolls and yammerheads and pests.

What do you say?

UPDATE and RESULTS: While many readers responded to the question by waxing philosophical about the First Amendment or the private property rights of blog owners, or expressed opinions about such matters as my reputation for fairmindedness and how to maintain it, only two readers actually answered the question I asked, which was whether these four men bored you or pestered you to the point of making you feel unwelcome here.

One voted aye, and one voted nay.

All the other comments, while I appreciate that readers took the time to voice opinions, I interpret to be abstentions.

Since, to my surprise, two of the pests voluntarily absented themselves, and since I know full well that talk about materialism invites reply from Dr Andreassen ergo in his case the legal doctrine of ‘coming to the nuisance’ applies, that leaves only one pest who is remarkably infrequent in his unsightly verbal litter being left on my metaphorical lawn.

I interpret the oracle of the replies to mean that readers are not bored or offended or bothered in numbers enough to make any change in policy needed at this time.

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Prayer Request and Charity Donation

Posted August 10, 2016 By John C Wright

David Marcoe, a longtime friend and ally, asked me to post a request for your prayers and donations. He writes:

My father lives in the Philippines with his wife. For some time his cancer had been lingering, but to all appearances was manageable. Now, it’s gotten more aggressive, such that he needs an operation as soon as possible. He and his wife didn’t know how they are going to pay for it. I’m reaching out to those that I can to raise the money, and every little bit helps.

Here is a prayer that I think is apt to this petition:

Glorious wonder-worker, St. Peregrine, you answered the divine call with a ready spirit, and forsook all the comforts of a life of ease and all the empty honors of the world to dedicate yourself to God in the Order of His holy Mother.
You labored manfully for the salvation of souls. In union with Jesus crucified, you endured painful sufferings with such patience as to deserve to be healed miraculously of an incurable cancer in your leg by a touch of His divine hand.
Obtain for me the grace to answer every call of God and to fulfill His will in all the events of life. Enkindle in my heart a consuming zeal for the salvation of all men.
Deliver the faithful child of God, Mr. Marcoe, from the infirmities that afflict his body.

St. Peregrine, pray for me and for all who invoke your aid.
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