Archive for November, 2010

Election Day Tomorrow!

Posted November 1, 2010 By John C Wright

As a public service to my brothers and sisters in Christ, let me here list the Five Non-Negotiable points that must guide all Catholic voters and which should guide all Protestant and Orthodox, Nestorian, Coptic, and Monophysite Christians.

The basic rule is that you cannot call yourself a Catholic and vote for a politician who calls himself Catholic, if that politician supports, votes for, or fails to oppose aborticide, euthanasia, fetal stem cell research, human cloning, or homosexual so-called marriage, without committing a grave moral error and disobeying the teachings of the Holy Mother Church. So, no more voting for Pelosi, Biden, Kerry, Kennedy, Leahy, Kucinich, and so on.

The servants of Moloch and the supporters of prenatal infanticide should not and cannot be received into the communion of Christians without repenting and doing penance; and you cannot support them with your vote or your voice without joining them. This is not my opinion, loyal Sons and Daughters of the Church: Rome has spoken. The case is settled.

My fellow Christians who have broken with Rome have not broken with Christ–and we should all realize that abortion could be abolished from this nation in one election cycle, if only we Christians were serious about the issue, even without the help of other men of good will.

A firmly anti-abortion Congress could remove jurisdiction of the federal courts over this matter, return it to the states, and strike down any federals laws and regulations supporting or funding this hateful, inhuman, and abominable practice.

But other men of good will shall help us: human feeling is not dead in the hearts of Jews and Muslims, and human life is held sacred in the souls of votaries of Oriental faiths, Buddhist, Hindu, Shinto.

The Democrat party has become a hideous tower of Babel, a stronghold erected to defy and mock both the will of the common man here below and the wrath over heaven here above. Look at what that party has become: they are no longer the friends of Catholic social teaching. They are no longer the friends of the poor, or the blue collar worker, or any union that is not a political or quasi-political union.

Vote your conscience, and obey the iron voice of your conscience. Do not vote your feelings, your fears, or your family’s habits or old practice of voting. Do not listen to the soft, squishy, hot-tempered voice of your feelings. Listen to the cold and exact voice of your conscience within you, the voice that never makes you feel comfortable. As a Jedi might never say: Your feelings cannot be trusted; use your eyes.

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