Archive for March, 2015

Book Bomb Time!

Posted March 4, 2015 By John C Wright

An announcement from Larry Correia, the Mountain that Writes. The words below are his:

Sad Puppies BOOK BOMB! Best Related Work and Campbell Award for Best New Writer


This is our last Sad Puppies 3 Book Bomb. Remember, you’ve only got a few more days to get your nominations in for the Hugo awards.

If you are just joining us, a Book Bomb is where we get as many people as possible to get a book on Amazon on the same day, in order to spike the sales rating as high as possible, so that it will end up on some bestseller lists and show up in front of all new readers who wouldn’t normally see it.  Success breeds success, and the author gets new fans.

The Sad Puppies bombs are special because these are the works in the different categories that the Evil Legion of Evil has put forth as suggestions for our Hugo nomination slate. The last two we did went amazing.

Note, not all of these are available on Amazon. If that is the case then we put a link to where you can get it, or something else, so that the author can GET PAID.

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The Archbishop and the Morlocks

Posted March 2, 2015 By John C Wright

A Catholic Archbishop named Cordileone asks Catholic schools to uphold Catholic teaching, by asking the schools to insert a morality clause in their contracts with teachers, so that those who openly violate Catholic teaching on morals, particularly sexual morals, cannot be placed in a position of authority over impressionable youngsters.

But sexual immorality somehow became a constitutional right while no one was looking, and so the the Morlocks, the same degenerate cannibal troglodytes who ruined comic books, are ruining science fiction, and trying (unsuccessfully) to ruin gaming, are also trying to ruin the Catholic Church, and are trying to gin up their tried and true zombie army of brainless shriekmonsters to harass, threaten, accuse, sue, vex and slander Emmanuel Goldstein.

Your enemies are my enemies, friends:

Here is the opening of the letter. Please click through the link and read the whole thing, and sign it:

Your Excellency,

We’ve been monitoring the recent controversy surrounding your decision to insert morality clauses into teacher contracts in schools in your Archdiocese.

Given the hostility to the teachings of the Church and growing attempts to coerce our institutions, your decision is perfectly reasonable. As you know, such clauses are nothing new and represent a commitment to fulfill a basic promise to those families who entrust their children to the care of the Church.

We want you to know that we are praying for you and support you 100%.

As the Archbishop of San Francisco, you are responsible for insuring that all schools including the children in their care are taught the faith. To avoid any confusion, it’s indeed crucial that all those involved in the care of these children act in harmony with the teachings of the Church.

Our country’s tradition of religious liberty has enabled generations of Americans to benefit from the rich tradition of Catholic education. Catholics are rightly proud of the academic, spiritual, and moral education offered in our schools. This is why so many parents sacrifice to send their children to Catholic schools.

Parents entrust their children to Catholic schools for a reason. Pope Francis recently said: “We need to provide an education which teaches crit­ical thinking and encourages the development of mature moral values.”

Mature moral values are, of course, thoughtcrime. Big Whiner, the sister of Big Brother, is well on her way to wiping them out entirely.

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Podcast Catholic and Enjoying It!

Posted March 2, 2015 By John C Wright

In which I tell my conversion story, and also urge Mark Shea to finish writing his novel.


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Brainstorming and Blogbegging

Posted March 2, 2015 By John C Wright

I’ve taken on the task of doing a series of columns for EveryJoe called ‘Help for the Historically Impaired’.

The conceit of the column is that every new idea is a bad idea in a new coat of paint, and that those who do not study history are condemned to repeat it. I plan to start each column with some popular bad idea of the present day, to point to the misunderstanding of history on which the bad idea is based, and give the true account to set things in their proper light.

An example might be to point out that Truman’s decision to drop the atom bomb on Japan was not based on racism, as is commonly asserted by the ignorant, but was a decision made in the light of the ferocity and dishonorable barbarism of the Japanese resistance on Okinawa.

Other examples: The Church’s opposition to abortion or human experimentation is not based on her enmity to science, and the examples so often bruited about, as Galileo, Hypatia, or Bruno, are not examples of Christian hatred of science, but examples of jealousy among scientists, of the tumultuous nature of politics in Alexandria, of the Church’s hatred of witchcraft and heresy. (This kind of column has already been done, and done better, by Mike Flynn, but since he is a friend of mine, I hope to steal all his ideas and examples.)

Of the Middle Ages in general and the Crusades in particular, the popular errors are so rife that such columns practically write themselves. The idea that the founding fathers of the United States, or, indeed, any other them aside from Thomas Paine, were Deists or Pagans is another popular error begging for refutation.

If any of my dear readers would like to volunteers an idea or an example, it would help me flesh out my list.

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