Archive for May, 2015

Hugo Packet Ready

Posted May 18, 2015 By John C Wright

Spokane, Washington, 18 May 2015

A digital file of many of the Hugo Award nominees is now available for members of Sasquan to download at This free download is supplied by the creators and publishers of works that are nominated for the awards. It is free to all current Supporting, Attending and Young Adult members of Sasquan, and those who become members before 31 July 2015. Its purpose is to allow those who are voting on the Hugo Awards to be able to make an informed choice among the nominated works.

All of the short fiction and graphic novels are included in their entirety (((assuming Zombie Nation comes through!))). The packet contains the full text of three of the novels: The Dark between the Stars by Kevin J. Anderson, The Goblin Emperor by Katherine Addison, amd The Three Body Problem by Cixin Liu. Skin Game by Jim Butcher and Ancillary Sword by Ann Leckie are represented by extensive excerpts. One of the five finalists in the Related Work category is represented by an excerpt: Letters from Gardner, by Lou Antonelli. There is some material in each of the other categories except the Dramatic Presentations, but not everyone wanted us to include their work in this packet.

Voting on the Hugo Awards is open to all Supporting, Attending or Young Adult members of Sasquan. More information about voting and a ballot may be found at In order to vote, you will have to enter your membership number and Hugo PIN at Sasquan membership and registration information is available at

And may the best man win.

N.B.: If you are getting a PIN invalid message when you try to download, a reader tells me that the original number issued which looks like a membership number (e.g. SQ89773765280) is actually the PIN number. The Voter ID number (e.g. 7115) is actually your membership number.



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NR on SP

Posted May 18, 2015 By John C Wright

I am too cheap to spend the quarter it costs to read the article. From the opening paragraph, this writer sounds like he did his homework, however, and might produce something fair and balanced:

It turns out that pop culture doesn’t inexorably drift toward political correctness. The forces of “social justice” are not invincible, and conservative artists do have cultural power. Just ask the very angry, very frustrated members of the science-fiction Left. Conservatives are by now familiar with the depressing pop-culture script. Angry at perceived injustice or exclusion and eager to spread their particular brand of “social justice,” the Left targets for transformation an artistic medium that was previously not overtly or intentionally politicized. Within a few short years, the quality of art — or its popularity — becomes far less relevant than either its message or the identity of the artist. As part of this process, prestigious awards are no longer a means of rewarding the best work but rather a means of rewarding the best work from the list of acceptable choices.

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Posted May 18, 2015 By John C Wright

If you want to read some essays on the master of adventure, Edgar Rice Burroughs, including one humble contribution from yours truly, today is your lucky day:

Charles A Madison is the editor.

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Posted May 18, 2015 By John C Wright

A lamebrain and lazy Wall Street Journal article:

For any reader without the patience (or the nose-clothespin)  to wade through this, the summary is: “We asked two white guys with lots of awards and they said the system was fine and the Sad Puppies are pulp-writing carpetbagging  racists.”

First, the issue is not about literary fiction versus pulp adventure fiction. The Social Justice Warriors do not write literary fiction, they write boring lectures and finger-wagging trash. They are members of a clique who have controlled the awards for about a decade.

They excuse the poor craftsmanship of their meandering tales by claiming them to be written to erudite and aethereal literary standards beyond the grasp of the hoi polloi. (Or they would say, if they were literary enough to use phrases like the hoi polloi  (a Greek remark!), or drop Gilbert and Sullivan  allusions casually into their sentences.)

For the record, I write literary fiction, and Larry Correia writes pulp, and he and I are on the same team.

Second, the notion that the Sad Puppies are intruders or newcomers is risible. I am an established Tor author was over a dozen novels to my name. Jim Butcher is far bigger and better than I. Anyone whose looks at the titanic figure towering atop an asimovian number of books, namely, Kevin J Anderson, and calls him a newcome needs to have his head examined. And yet the lazy column writer passes along this ort of Morlock propaganda without bothering to check it. Perhaps he meant only that we are outsiders to the clique — but, if so, he should have said so.

Third, the notion that the Sad Puppies are racists or wifebeaters or flying purple people eaters is a routine and almost ritual accusation the sad old white men of the clique throw against anyone and everyone, Anglo, Portuguese, Red Indian, male or female, whatever, who troubles or challenges them.

It is a thought-avoidance reflex, as automatic as startled squid squirting out ink. It is as routine and unconvincing as the accusation of an official royal Witchfinder.

And the column ends with a smarmy quote chuckling over the fact that any Puppy winning a Hugo will get it from David Gerrold or an unknown named Tananarive Due—a gay man and a black woman.

As if any sane and normal person cared about where Mr Gerrold chooses to park his dick, or about the melanin content of a midlist Mystery writer.

We read stories, not skin colors, you cheap and lazy hack, and thank you for ending on a gratuitous yet childish sneer showing you just uncritically bought into the lamebrain and lazy libels our lamebrain enemies lazily tossed against us. Thank you for not doing your job in such a negligent fashion.

If I seem more irate than is my wont, please recall that I used to be a journalist. Dear heavens, am I happy to be out of that shameful field.



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From the Pen of Dan Hess

Posted May 16, 2015 By John C Wright

Allow me to quote this sobering remark without comment.

Suggested Reading for Sad Puppy Backstory

Dan Hess says this:

What developed in Germany was a weird attitude that intellectual things were valued according to who produced it rather than whether they were true or good. You had the weird phenomenon of “Deutsche Physik” for instance, which labeled the important discoveries of modern physics as ‘Jewish Physics’ and rejected them on that basis (never mind that they are empirically true). This was even worse than nothing scientifically speaking: Because Jewish scientists had discovered things that were true, the Germans literally took positions that were false just to be contrary. (On the bright side, the Germans put the Bomb out of their own reach.)

The German-speaking world lost intellectual and scientific leadership after World War II. There is little chance of repeating the most famous catastrophe of that era. But the intellectual catastrophe is certainly being repeated.

Choosing intellectual output based on who produced it is no way to achieve excellence. But it is worse than that. We are in an era when many of the left seek wholesale rejection our intellectual heritage, that is, what we have found to be true, based on who produced it. Plain old truth is considered white male truth and the left, like the Germans behind Deutsche Physik, actually embraces things that are not true in contraposition to what came before.

That this project cannot succeed is obvious. That the left is degrading itself by carving out an embarrassing place in history is becoming more so.

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Posted May 15, 2015 By John C Wright

Trailer below the cut.

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The First Monster is Free

Posted May 15, 2015 By John C Wright

Mr Larry Correia has an announcement over on his site, Monster Hunter International (

Monster Hunter International, is available for free right now. We just added MHI to the Baen Free Library.

My publisher follows the same basic marketing philosophy as crack dealers. The first hit is free! If you like it, there is a whole lot more where that came from.

My comment: I can give this book a strong recommendation if you are in the mood for action-adventure, guns and monsters. I liked this book. A lot. I read all the sequels in an extended ecstatic  spasm of biblioholic haste.

If you are looking for a thoughtful meditation on the melancholy nature of the human condition, this is not the book.

If you want to drop headfirst into a madhouse full of vampires and ghouls being blasted by loving-described heavy-duty firearms, free market bounty hunters, lawn gnomes with attitudes, werewolves with eating disorders, trolling trolls, men from the government who are not here to help you, hot girls with cool guns, not to mention Lovecraftian monstrosities from beyond space and time, then this is the book.

Here is the opening paragraph. If it hooks you, read the free book. It’s free.

On one otherwise normal Tuesday evening I had the chance to live the American dream. I was able to throw my incompetent jackass of a boss from a fourteenth-story window.

Now, I didn’t just wake up that morning and decide that I was going to kill my boss with my bare hands. It really was much more complicated than that. In my life up to that point I would never have even considered something that sounded so crazy. I was just a normal guy, a working stiff. Heck, I was an accountant. It doesn’t get much more mundane than that.

That one screwed-up event changed my life. Little did I realize that turning my boss into sidewalk pizza would have so many bizarre consequences. Well, technically, he did not actually hit the sidewalk. He landed on the roof of a double-parked Lincoln Navigator, but I digress.

My name is Owen Zastava Pitt and this is my story.

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Analog’s One Thousandth Cover

Posted May 14, 2015 By John C Wright

Analog magazine, originally Amazing Stories, came out with its one thousandth issue. Here is the original January 1930 cover, showing an aeronaut fending off a bug monster with manly fisticuffs from a cowering cavegirl:

analog old

Here is the June 2015 cover, , showing an spacegirl fending off a bug monster with Amazonian yet slender-wristed blow from a dull-faced cavehunk:

analog new

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Reviewer Praise for ARCHITECT OF AEONS

Posted May 14, 2015 By John C Wright

Reviewer Dave Hallquest gives the nod of approval to my latest humble offering: Against vast worlds of intellect, what can mortal man do?

John Wright takes on a fantastic ride though time and space, showing us wonders and terrors. My principle issue is the one I often have with John Wright’s work: I wanted to see more of the wonders so briefly glimpsed and passed, shining for but a moment and then gone.

Always leave them wanting more.

And there is more to come: VINDICATION OF MAN is on the editor’s desk at the time of this writing, and as soon as I am done writing this sentence, I am going back to writing COUNT TO INFINITY, since, at the time of this writing, it is time for me to continue writing.

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Suggested Reading for Sad Puppy Backstory

Posted May 13, 2015 By John C Wright

Some of you came in to this theater late, and did not catch the first act.

For those of you puzzled or dazed or disgusted with the goings-on, allow me to provide a partial (and admittedly partial) list of the backstory on Puppy Related Sadness.

From Larry Correia you can get links to his original announcements of Sad Puppies 1,2,and 3. Allow me, at the risk of seeming egomaniacal, of listing only my own contributions to the movement and the columns leading up to it.

This is my recollection of the argument, rebuttal and counterrebuttal:

1. PostBinary Gender [sic] in SF by MacFarlane (

2. Larry Correia’s rebuttal (

3. Daimian Walter, a loathly fellow from the Guardian newspaper, leaps into the fray to slander Larry Correia here:
(The loathly Mr Walter references a fisking by Jim C Hines. I include it for reasons of completeness:
4. Larry takes up the moniker of ‘International Lord of Hate’ in reply here, and fisks the loathly Mr Walter: (

4. My report on the matter, and the origin of the word Morlock to describe the persons I later learned were called ‘social justice warriors’, that is, racist anti-liberals exploiting liberal vocabulary.(

5. Here is where I announce the creation of the Evil League of Evil (Later changed to the Evil Legion of Evil)
dated June 2, 2014
6. Here is my announcement of the formation of the Evil Legion of Evil as a particular literary movement with a particular purpose, initially called the United Underworld, later called the Sad Puppies.
dated June 3, 2014

At the risk of quoting myself, allow me to point out that I have been libeled by many persons for having untoward or vile motives, when my motives were announced at the outset, and repeatedly and clearly, and by no action and no word showed any insincerity to the statement:

This new movement shall be one where the writer is allowed to put a message in his story, provided it entertains the reader, and provided he does not sabotage or ignore the story trying to shoehorn a message into it. Story telling comes first in stories.
All stories will be judged on their merit, rather than on the skin color of the author or authoress.
The writers are the servants of the readers, who are their patrons and patronesses. We are not the teachers, not the preachers, and not the parents and certainly not the masters of the readers. We are not social engineers with permission to manipulate the readers, nor subject them to indoctrination nor propaganda disguised as entertainment.
In sum, the three ideas of the so-called reactionary Evil Legion of Evil are that that Science Fiction stories should be workmanlike, honest, and fun. Stories should serve the reader rather than lecture, sucker-punch, subvert, or hector him. Stories should give the reader what he paid for.

Dear reader, do you understand that these three principles, these three points of simple common sense and common decency, these three principles are what the Leftist ideologues, who untruthfully claim to be fighting for the underdog, untruthfully call evil?

These are the principles our foes reject, and why we (including you, our readers) are subject to shrill yet tedious tongue-lashings by the scolds and shrews of these craven and no-talent know-nothings.

Does that sound like a new literary movement? It is older than Homer.”

7. Sarah Hoyt joined in this announcement here ( and I amplified the comment and called us the World Crime League here (

8. She gives her reasons for supporting the movement here (

9. My general rebuttal to all the libels is here (

I need not to repeat the rebuttal, since not a single new argument has been leveled against me or the Sad Puppies which is not simply an assertion of hidden bad motives, racism, bigotry, homophobia, cheating on some alleged gentleman’s agreement to which I was never a party, and which conveniently never was mentioned erenow.

The idea of keeping a gentleman’s agreement with these dishonest and whining brats is less than risible. It is pathetic. My most recent column debunks that notion: (

The whole of the controversy consists of our adherence to one stated goal, stated at the outset, endlessly repeated, and the counterargument consists of the accusation, for which not an iota of evidence has ever been offered in substantiation, that our true and secret motive was something horrible.

Locus magazine since 1971 has been publishing a suggested reading list with the express purpose of influence the Hugo voting. They lean Left, hence none of our works appear on their list, regardless of merit. But no such outcry has been pursuing them since 1971.

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Atheism, Nihilism, Woe, and Ire

Posted May 13, 2015 By John C Wright

I think we have the answer to the question we have been pondering here these last few days. It is not a complete answer, but it will do for now.

One of the few people on the Internet with a human name, Mr Hess, writes as follows:

(Quoting me) “I would like someone to volunteer to show me, in simple steps, how to get from statement (a) there is nothing of eternal meaning to statement (c) there is nothing of meaning. ”

I can’t. But I can say if (a) there is nothing of eternal meaning then (b) the meaning one gets is dimmer and much less motivating or inspiring than eternal meaning.

This discussion is clarifying for me. I have a bit arrogantly taken the view that life without faith in the eternal is just meaningless. That is not correct, as this thread abundantly shows.

However, the meaning that most people can get without faith in the eternal is thin gruel as compared to what they can get with it. It has heavy short-term bias. It tends to lead one toward more selfish decisions. It tends to lead one toward smaller, more temporary goals. It tends to fail or be weak in the face of adversity.

Building nations or institutions or even families that will be good or great after one is gone is difficult, suffering work. Standing up for truth in the face of pressure and ridicule is difficult. I think experience shows that those with little or no faith in the eternal do not do as well as those with faith in the eternal.

Examples abound. Compare the Cathedrals of Europe with Communist-era architecture. Compare the Britain when it was gloriously animated by Victorian-era faith with the Britain of today. Witness the achievements of past scientists with the craven modern scientists who are unwilling to confront even the most ridiculous and easily-disproved things if it means confronting the left. Witness the fear of men to commit as compared to men of the past.

It is clear to me in these and many other examples that modern man with weak faith lacks greatly in drive, courage, ambition and much else.

My comment: hear, hear, and I completely agree.

I suspect if you looked through the lists of who commits suicide, and who performs self-destructive behaviors as a slow substitute for suicide, such as drug abuse, divorce, and indulgence in sexual deviancy, and compared it to the list of married couples with children who regularly contribute to charity, you will find the Christians living much more meaningful lives and toying with self destruction far less.

“However, the meaning that most people can get without faith in the eternal is thin gruel as compared to what they can get with it. ”

Thin gruel indeed, and it will not nourish.

Without God, you either end up as a Stoic, a man who is bitter but does his duty without complaint, or as a Hedonist, a man who seeks every fewer false pleasures with ever more fervor and ever less reward. At the end of either the Stoic road or the Hedonist treadmill is the same void, which can be filled only with wrath or sorrow. Read Homer. Read the writings of the Buddhists. Pagans are a grim people. They talk about resignation, renunciation, loss, sorrow, defeat, and the futility of pride. Atheists have not even the comforts of paganism.

“It is clear to me in these and many other examples that modern man with weak faith lacks greatly in drive, courage, ambition and much else.”


I think the case cannot be made that an atheism logically implies nihilism, but I do think it is easy to make the case that atheism is gray and damp and sad compared to the bright scarlet and dazzling white of the martyrs and saints, the gleaming gold of halos and crowns, the savor of the bread, the heady scent of wine, the flowers in a bridal bouquet, the laughter of the feast and lamentations of the fasts, the clatter of prayer beads in the solemn stillness, the peal of the bells in the steeple. Even their crusades are bland and inquisitions are dull compared to ours.

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Superversive Blog: the Age of Nagging

Posted May 13, 2015 By John C Wright

My lovely and talented wife has written an eye-opening column, and one that explains much of the madness of modern moral hypocrisy, now that we live in the Age of Nagging.

Read the whole thing:

The Victorians are renowned for their hypocrisy—but you have to shoot high, to have noble standards, to have whole portions of society bother trying to pretend to live up to them. And for all those who only pretended to be virtuous, or Christian, or caring, there were those who actually did live up to these noble goals. Those who helped fight slavery or poverty or a thousand other ills.

The Victorians might have been judgmental, but they valued rationality and carried themselves with dignity.

They had the virtues of their vices.

Not so the Neo-Victorians (Neo-Vics for short), by which I mean this new brand of social do-gooder that is so popular today. Like the Victorians, they make a career out of rushing around and trying to improve things by pushing their noses into other people’s business. Unlike the Victorians, they are totally lacking in dignity.

They do not have the virtues of their vices.

But there is another way in which the Neo-Vics are like their predecessors. Victorian women are famous for their delicacy. Women of earlier eras did not faint away at the sight of a mouse or at an uncouth word. (Pioneer women, for instance, did not faint away at anything.) Nor did the ladies of, say, Queen Elizabeth’s day.

Fainting spells and hysterics came from two things: one, tight corsets—not a problem we have today. (Thank, God!) Two, hysterics were a way to show disapproval. If one fainted away at the very mention of something, men at least had to keep it out of the drawing rooms.

Sadly, we are seeing that again today.

Colleges used to be a place where people went to confront daring ideas and learn from them. Now, even 2000 year old Ovid’s Metamorphoses is so objectionable that students are demanding that they not be asked to read it unless the university provides them with atrigger warning, to prepare them ahead of time for the vile humanity reflected within.

But is it really a trigger warning they need…or smelling salts?

My comment: The tight corsets things is a myth, by the way. Victorian women fainted because they were proud of their delicacy, in order to be proud of the manliness of their menfolk.

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On the Unwritten Code

Posted May 13, 2015 By John C Wright

A meme currently circulating among the Social Justice Warriors in their relentless attempts to made poor, poor big-eyed puppies sad with their heaping awards upon talent-free uberleftist message fiction is that Larry Correia and Brad Torgersen and Vox Day, merely by asking fans to read and nominate worthy works, have violated the strict and scrupulously observed unwritten code of gentlemen forbidding the crassness of asking for votes in public.

Asking for votes in private, or if you are a Politically Correct leftist in good standing, of course, provokes no furor, as it is evidently not a violation.

I call it a meme because it is a thoughtless and absurd white noise of words, a self replicating sentence phrase that means nothing and says nothing. It is an accusation leveled because the accusers have run out of other, more credible, accusations, and they are not well behaved enough to shut their mouths with dignity after their case has been argued and lost.

Need I answer this hairball of absurdity they have coughed up?

No, but I shall:

I do not consider myself to be bound by an unwritten code that binds only me and leaves rivals and illwishers free to work their will as they see fit.

The unwritten code did not protect me when I and mine were grossly libeled in the Guardian, Slate, Salon, io9 and Entertainment Weekly with the most outrageous and perfidious defamation imaginable.

My crime is that I have a sufficient number of fans who admire my work to put me on the ballot. It was all aboveboard, scrupulously honest, legal, cricket, and according to Hoyle.

In return, I am accused of being a White Supremacist motivated by race-hatred, being a sexist motivated by misogyny,  being a homophone (or whatever their make-believe word is) motivated by a psychopathological paranoia, and being a flying purple people eater motivated by aerial aubergine anthropophagy.

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An Answer

Posted May 12, 2015 By John C Wright

From a disappointed fan of mine:

“I remember discovering your fantasy novel Last Guardians of Everness with a
great deal of delight. Here was a new author who could write with a fine
and imaginative hand. Then I came upon the Golden Oecumene series and was
totally blown away. What a great vision! This was classic stuff. I wondered
why I hadn’t heard more about you. So I picked up the Eschaton books and
read on.

Then came the Rabid Puppy/Sad Puppy debacle and I was heartbroken. Not
because your beliefs and mine are so different, but because you and your
fellow Puppies were so *rude*. You, Vox, Day, and Torgenson tore into the
heart of fandom out of sheer cussedness and that’s it. Your arguments for
nominating a slate and violating the unwritten code underlying the Hugos
were irrational and make no sense outside of the right-wing “reality

And as I use No Award to wipe the Hugo Awards clean of the lame and useless
Puppy nominees that you claim are “award-winning” (and I looked too), I
look back at the Golden Oecumene and remember when you were someone I


Rob Thornton
Catonsville, MD”

It is a hard letter to read. I aim to please by readers, and when I fail, the fault is mine.

Nonetheless, it merits an answer. My answer is this:





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Attach Watch – Reprise

Posted May 12, 2015 By John C Wright

The denial of service attack launched by parties unknown against my site has been fended off by the bravery and persistence of my webgoblin. However, host has not done what he requested as yet, so it’s possible that some of the recent commenters will not be able to log in. We hope that can be fixed tomorrow.

At the moment, we are back open for business.

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