Archive for September, 2015

Liquid Water on Mars

Posted September 28, 2015 By John C Wright


From a Rueter’s Article:

For the first time, NASA has confirmed the existence of liquid water on the surface of Mars, according to new research announced Monday. The finding stems from data and analysis by NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter.

The Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) has verified that dark, seasonal streaks that have appeared on Mars’ surface come from briny water flows.

MRO found evidence of narrow channels containing water cut into cliff walls through Mars’ equatorial band, though the source and chemistry of the water is yet unknown. The streaks, or recurring slope lineae, appear during warmer, summer months on the Red Planet. They disappear when the temperature drops.

Scientists had previously run into difficulties analyzing the streaks, which measure less than 16 feet, or 5 meters, wide. The orbiting MRO’s instruments were able to process trace measurements, and scientists successfully observed the findings thanks to a computer program that can focus in on individual pixels. MRO’s data was then compared with high-resolution images of the slopes. Scientists found a match between their locations and the presence of hydrated salts.

Some scientists express reservations, since the findings may have another interpretation, but it is still fascinating.

We tend to forget how much we don’t know. Liquid water on another planet means life as we know it may be possible there.

So far, the evidence of life beyond Earth has been exactly zero, zip, nothing, nada, a situation we science fiction fans find intolerable.

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A Lost Chapter: Descendants and Emulations

Posted September 26, 2015 By John C Wright

As an offering for my reader (hi, mom!) below is what had once been Chapter One of THE HERMETIC MILLENNIA. The scene takes place immediately after a tower falls on Montrose, interrupting his first duel with Ximen del Azarchel. 

The scene was cut for reasons of space, but I regretted having the significant historical character of Thucydides Montrose go unrecorded. Also the fragment of the poem by Peerworthy that Scipio the Cryonarch later quotes at greater length is here recited for the first time. The character of Rada Lwa perhaps takes on a heavier significance. 

But, alas, it was a trifle long for an opening chapter, with too much history, and it slowed the pace of the whole book. I thought it Better to start in the era of the Sylphs, with the old world already in ashes, and the First Men already things of legend, and to give the more prominent place of first chapter to Sir Guy. 

In honor of the recent (at the time I write these words) visit of the Pope of the current era to my local town, I thought the lost chapter worth reprinting. 

CHAPTER ONE: Descendants and Emulations

AD 2501

1.       Uneasy Lies the Head


All he wanted to do was stay dead.

“Leave me the hell alone,” were the first words out of the mouth of Menelaus I. Montrose when the lid of his coffin hissed open, and shrouds of mist unfurled in contact with the outer air.

“Greetings, High Ancestor, Highest and Highly-Evolved!” said a gaudily tattooed figure. It looked like a woman in a skintight wetsuit of glittering pictures, but then he realized, when he saw her nipples blinking, that she was nude.

She was covered from head to toe with a labyrinth of tattoos and body paints, some of it glowing as if with neon light, and there was a semicircular headdress of yard-wide ostrich feathers, looking like a cross between a warbonnet and a feather duster, spread out from a beehive of hair. He hoped this was just a revivification hallucination.

He rubbed his hand across his eyes, and blinked. On the inside of the coffin lid, conveniently near his eyes had it been closed, was the calendar. November, AD 2501. He looked at the date with dismay.

The women who was not his wife was talking, “The World you rule welcomes and adores you! Are you ready to receive the petitions and supplications of those who watch and guard you as you slumber?”

“Shuddup. I don’t want to be brought back to life. Waste of my time.”

His words were preceded and followed with a gush of nanotech medical fluid, dibbling into a beard spread across his chest like a damp bib. So they came out in more like a gargle than the commanding bellow the world’s first posthuman should possess.

“Abject apologies, High Ancestor. But in the eyes of the Law, persons in suspended animation are alive, and retain the privileges and immunities of life, as well as the duties.”

“Thought I had those damn laws fixed. You lot fix ‘em back whilst Greatgrandpa Meany was a-slumbering, eh?” He was not the great-grandfather of any here, of course, having been married only one day, and fathering no offspring. These were descendants of his long lost brothers and cousins.

The tattooed lady was still speaking. “I bear the greetings and praise of a grateful world, O Liberator, Defender of the Slumbering Dead, Shield against the Ghosts of Iron, Bridegroom of the Stars, and Firstfruits of the Humanity beyond Humanity!”

“Did you just call me a fruit?”

“While you slumbered serenely in suspended animation, you have been elected by the Advocate Authority to the following positions…”

“Skip the list. I resign.”

“Sire and Archon, I respectfully regret to inform you that certain of the Advocates of the Darwinian Translation have decreed that you may not forswear the various duties that your status as a transhuman being, the Next Step of Evolution, imposes upon you. They have clearly decreed.”

“Fine. Leave the names and addresses of those guys who decreed all that, I’ll go find them and decree them a few broken bones, and then I can get back to being dead, like I wanted. Who the hell are you, any way?”

“I hold the commission of Auditrix and Intercessor for the Slumbering of the Elevated Elite, World Hibernation Syndicate, Quebecois District, with Patents of Power of Attorney, Chief Montrosologist with degrees cum laude in your Life and Work and History—” (Montrose could practically hear the letters being capitalized with Breathless Self Importance) “—I am the Right Honorable Unwearied Vigilance Serenmisina Aphthartolatrai y Isisi Santiago Lustral-Montrose of the Vernal Argent-Montrose Line, Evolved and Highly Evolved, Twenty-Eighth in lineal collateral cross-descent from your brother’s Napoleon second wife’s Edith great niece on the distaff side, one Petruna Ekaterine Woad. My escutcheon and heritage are most proudly displayed!”

She turned her back, and the pattern of swans and peaches that gleamed up and down her legs, buttocks and back winked out, to be replaced by a glowing tattoo in inky black and bright gold.

Her back was bright with a heraldic shield of gold scallops on a black field, and quartered with roses, while, above, a helmet with a serpent crest gleamed along her shoulder blades. Ornately folded and slashed mantling meandered down her sides toward her waist, right where some women are the most ticklish. The family motto ne oublie “never forget!” blazed at her neck beneath her upswept hair, albeit what the motto meant, or what was supposed to be remembered, had long been forgotten.

Beneath, the curves of her hips and thighs her long dancer’s legs were covered with an intricate pattern of genealogical trees, with the significant names and marriage ties blinking. Montrose saw his own name occupying a predominate position on her shapely buttocks, surrounding by a pattern of cloudbursts and thunderbolts.

“Great,” he muttered. “You must think of me every time you sit down.”

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A reprint of three columns, which I reprint here in one place in order to offer timely advice about titles:

The esteemed Mike Flynn (who has never written a book entitled Wreck of the Country of the River of the Blind Stars) has written an article entitled “Entitlement”, and yours truly as well as real science fiction authors such as Nancy Kress and Michael Swanwick were interviewed and asked to contribute.
You can see the results here:
On LiveJournal
Part I.
Part II.

On Blogspot (the blog less traveled)
Part I.
Part II.

Mike Flynn is also proffering the following contests:


Our favorite titles.
Okay, dear readers, if there are any. Your assignment is to share book or story titles that you found effective, memorable, or resonant, regardless of the quality of the story itself. That is, titles that lured you to buy the book or read the story, or which have stuck with you afterward. What about the title enticed you? What made it work. You don’t have to restrict yourself to SF titles, either.

Old wine in new bottles.
Pick a book or story you liked, and suggest an alternate title for it.

The best “Old Wine in New Bottles” entry mentioned in the article itself, was from a writer who complained of a certain over-meddling editor: He would have re-titled The Bible to War God of the Desert.

The answer was far more material than Mr. Flynn needed, but then again, when I sit down to write a short story, I end up with a three volume novel, so ending up with more material than needed is something of an endemic problem for authors in the Big Time (a title by Fritz Leiber).



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The Gift of Tongues

Posted September 25, 2015 By John C Wright

Part of an ongoing conversation. A reader asks:

“So, why would SJW’s want to only disapproves of persons rather than acts? May I suggest that it is because of their “desperate need to feel good about themselves”?”

Also, there is a certain amount of mere mental laziness involved. They want to look smart without the trouble and bother of thinking, and want to look morally superior without the trouble and bother of being good. If you are a stupid person trying to silence a smart person, or a wicked person trying to silence a good one, you just yell whatever is the laziest, funniest, more sneeringly shallow insult you can think right off the top of your head, and then change the subject.

Today on the radio, I heard an old lady calling in to support aborticide. The topic was whether it is worth a government shut down to stop using my hard earned tax money to pay evil men to kill innocent babies. The caller called all conservatives (and, by extension, yours truly) hypocrites, because we had never adopted any children.

(Even though I have, adopted a daughter abandoned by her parents due to the Leftist one-child policy brought on by goofy Leftist panic over nonexistent overpopulation fears).

Now, when one compares the sin and felony of infanticide to the mild logical inconsistency of hypocrisy, even granting the woman’s talking point was correct (it was not), the sheer silliness of raising my hypocrisy as a shield against the accusation that you are stealing my money to pay for a child murderer to do murder, therefore I may not object to the theft is breathtaking.

But the caller did not expect the objection to be answered, and would not listen to any objection had it been raised. The point is to utter an accusation: To call the person you are about to rob a demon, so that he does not defend himself, and no onlooker runs to his defense. It does not matter what the accusation is. The accusation is merely white noise, jabberwocky, babbling nonsense. It is a battlecry, a scream.

That is why the reactions of the Left to accusations are so off the wall and so off topic. To them, conservatives leveling accusations based in facts and truth sound like battlecries, not like words.

Political Correctness takes away from man the human power of speech. Leftist can no longer speak nor understand words.

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Quote from Leo Grin

Posted September 25, 2015 By John C Wright

This is from Mr. Grin’s essay, THE BANKRUPT NIHILISM OF OUR FALLEN FANTASISTS, which first brought him to my attention and won my admiration:

Soiling the building blocks and well-known tropes of our treasured modern myths is no different than other artists taking a crucifix and dipping it in urine, covering it in ants, or smearing it with feces. In the end, it’s just another small, pathetic chapter in the decades-long slide of Western civilization into suicidal self-loathing. It’s a well-worn road: bored middle-class creatives (almost all of them college-educated liberals) living lives devoid of any greater purpose inevitably reach out for anything deemed sacred by the conservatives populating any artistic field. They co-opt the language, the plots, the characters, the cliches, the marketing, and proceed to deconstruct it all like a mad doctor performing an autopsy. Then, using cynicism, profanity, scatology, dark humor, and nihilism, they put it back together into a Frankenstein’s monster designed to shock, outrage, offend, and dishearten.

Here is my previous column on this essay:

For the record, Mr. Abercrombie is a fantasy author who was chastised by Mr. Grin. What I said about  Mr. Abercrombie is this:

The examples mentioned (by Joe Abercrombie, Matthew Woodring Stover, Steven Erikson) I have not had the pleasure (or otherwise) of reading, and can make no comment whether the essayist is being fair or unfair in his assessment.

What Mr. Abercrombie, in turn, after reading these words, assuming he read them about me is this:

SF writer John C. Wright seizes the overwrought football of Leo’s argument and runs it into the end-zone of insanity on his blog:

Okaaay.  I’m stepping away now.

This was specifically in reply to this paragraph, which he quotes:

 It is my judgment, shared of many ancients, that there are certain proper emotional reactions and relatins one ought to have, and improper ones one ought not. A child raised to curse and despise his parents, trample the crucifix, burn the flag, abhor kittens and Christmas scenes and motherhood but adore torture porn and satanism and deformity, that child’s tastes are objectively perverse and false-to-facts. He has been trained to spew his mother’s milk and drink venom. Fair to him is foul, and foul is fair. In the same way that to say A is not-A is an offense against logic, to hate the lovely and love the hateful is an offense against aesthetics, a disconnection from reality.

Obviously one might object to the statement on the grounds that aesthetic judgments are radically subjective, but any honest man making such an objection is aware that he is in the disproportionate minority insofar as all human history and all philosophical writings on the matter.  To call the norm insane requires a degree of overweening pride: to call the man who defends the norm insane is not merely dishonest, it is an informal logical error, ad hominem. It is, to say the least, unconvincing.

At the time,  I did not know enough to know why Mr. Abercrombie would bother making so rude yet unconvincing a statement about me, when I had taken the trouble specifically not to endorse Mr. Grin’s criticism of him. Apparently believing in an objective aesthetic order of the universe, to him, was so unorthodox an opinion that it could only be created by a neurological defect.

At the time, I assumed a person only lies when he expects to be believed by some gullible victim, but I could not imagine anyone gullible enough to believe him.

I note now, clicking through the link, that he edited away the word insanity, and the sentence now reads ‘strangeness’. But, again, anyone raised outside of the sterile bubble of farleftwing echo-chamber, that is, anyone who was exposed to the give and take of ideas outside his own cult orthodoxy (that is, anyone with an honest education) would know that my remarks are not strange in any real sense of that word.

So, here, one useless falsehood was replaced by another. What is the point of this verbal behavior?

Looking back with older and wiser eyes, I now understand this otherwise incomprehensible behavior. Mr. Vox Day in his seminal work SJWs Always Lie begins by defining SJW behavior with the following Three Laws of SJW.

1. SJWs Always Lie
2. SJWs Always Double Down
3. SJWs Always Project

As to why and where SJW cultism and nihilism overlap is a longer discussion, but the short answer is that dunking Western Civilization in urine, defiling anything fair to the eye or sacred to the heart, is the prime business of the SJWs. They do not side with perversion and grostequerie because they love perverts and grotesques, but because they hate the decent, wholesome, fair, and true.

* * *

Logic being one of those things they see as supporting Western civilization and Christian religion, they eschew it with an almost perfect, hermetic quarantine, never allowing it to touch even the fringes of their thought.

Logic requires one to address the issues.

Illogical requires one only to sneer and shout and scoff, and to direct all your comments against the person, never against the ideas.

SJWs live in a mental universe that is barren of ideas to a degree that is eerie or even Lovecraftian. It is stark unreality.

Lacking all ideas, all they have is persons.

If a person of which they approve does an act of which they disapprove, as, for example, President Clinton abusing or assaulting women, the SJW will ordinarily approve of the act in order to approve of the person; if a person of whom they do not approve, say, a Lacrosse team of wealthy young white males, fails to do an act of which they disapprove, say, serial rape, they invent the act in order to express their disapproval.

In this fashion, no words in their world ever need have any denotation, only connotations. Words have no meaning, only emotion, and, as I said above, it is usually an emotion disconnected from normal emotional associations. No judgment need ever be made about an act, or a work of art, or a column, or anything. One only disapproves of persons, and any person of whom one disapproves can be slandered and libeled with any accusation, no matter how absurd or stupid, malice can invent.

I suspect that it is not an absence of thought that prompts this behavior, but the direct opposite of thought: such accusations are mental noise meant to jam the gears of the reasoning process.

My reason for this suspicion is that SJWs only act this way on certain topic, whatever touches their particular psychological wounds or sore spots: on every other topic, they can think clearly and act normally.

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Announcing the Formation of a New Writer’s Group

Posted September 24, 2015 By John C Wright

A reader with the iatric yet riotous name of Docrampage has asked me to pass along the following announcement. The words below are his:

Like maggots diffusing from the bowels of a rotted and reeking corpse, a nameless writer’s group has spontaneously emerged, blind and mewling, from the comments section of this very site, it’s purpose: to encourage and advise one another in our writing. I, for example, have received extensive and strenuous advice about the appropriateness of my metaphors and the complexity of my sentences–advice that I am sure was well-meant if a bit misguided.

Inspired by John C. Wright, our goal is to write speculative fiction that entertains the reader and does not contribute to the coarsening of society. If you are serious about writing or would like to get serious about writing, and could use some encouragement and advice, you should think about joining us. To join up or ask questions, email me at Put “author” in the subject line.

We shall not be forever nameless! Join soon if you want in on the naming decision!

For now, we are keeping the group small and private so there is no public web page.

Just to be clear, I am not in this group nor part of it, I am merely the mascot or inspiration, and rather flattered to be so.

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On the Same Topic: Media Idols

Posted September 24, 2015 By John C Wright

When speaking of the relationship between Pope Francis and the modern media, it is important to realize and to recall that the modern media is a force for evil which, if the devils in Hell are not controlling with all their superhuman malice and intelligence to do as much harm as possible to the soul and spirit and mind of the human race, then those devils should retire and turn over control of their legions of imps to the human media moguls who are successfully doing their job for them.

Let me draw your attention to this article by Michael Marinaccio (Hat top to Catholic Geeks) about the six times that you’ve been flat out lied to about Pope Francis. (

I thought it would be fitting to put together a short list of instances where the Holy Father has been completely taken out of context or mis-reported (flat-out lied about) by the national media and press corps.

He goes on to list the six most obvious (the media assertions that the Holy Father is pro-sodomy, anticapitalism, pro uncelibate priests, pro-infanticide, pro-divorce, pro-green).

By no coincidence, all these projected beliefs of the Leftist media repeat the creed and the idolatry of the postmodern postrational posthuman Leftists. They are pro-sodomy because of lust, anticapitalist because of envy, pro-uncelibacy because of lust, pro-infanticide because of lust, pro-divorce because of lust, and pro-green because they are are anticapitalist because of envy. Lust serves Asmodius, infanticide serves Moloch, envy serves Leviathan.

The Pope, as all Popes and bishops before him since the time out of mind, repeats the Christian teachings on mercy, eschewing greed, and being proper stewards of the Earth. The Catholic social teaching has been explicit for a century, and implicit from eternity.

If Francis gives greater emphasis to what seem to American conservatives to what are typically Leftwing topics, this is  a call to stir you out of your self regard, and to realize that the socialists stole and perverted the concepts of altruism and service to the poor, not to mention stewardship of the environment. The Dark Lord does not create, he only corrupts.

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New Game: the Hero’s Journey

Posted September 23, 2015 By John C Wright

My beautiful and talented wife has interviewed the Nathan McClellan about his latest. It sounds fascinating, and I want to play.


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Leo Grin grins when he slays

Posted September 22, 2015 By John C Wright

Mr Grin first came to my attention with his excellent and unabashed essays on the poisonous effects of nihilism in fantasy.

He has now won my personal admiration.

On his blog, he posted this notice, which I here reprint in full. All editors and blogmasters take note and do likewise.

I hereby and against his will, in my official capacity as Grand Inquisitor of the Evil Legion of Evil Authors enroll him as a full member in good standing, and grant him an ovation. Let his enemies be driven before him!

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A Private Opinion of Pope Francis

Posted September 22, 2015 By John C Wright

An acquaintance of mine was polling those of us who converted under Pope Benedict XVI (or B-16, as we affectionately refer to him) our opinions of the current Holy Father, Francis, and what is our reaction to him: as if the sheep are supposed to have a ‘reaction’ to the shepherd placed over us. Hm.

I thought my readers might also be interested, as this Pope seems to have stirred up more controversy among the lazy and chattering crickets of the press corps than any Pope since World War Two.

My reaction is one of delight. I believe the Holy Spirit Himself must have prompted Pope Benedict to retire, something that has not been done in centuries, to make way for this next man.

Now, let me explain one thing: my opinion of Pope Francis is not based on the newspaper reports. I am a newspaperman and newspaper editor from way back, and I know how the press works, and I do not trust them.

The lazy and dishonest mainstream press has decided to portray the Holy Father as some sort of Leftist reformer or Marxist revolutionary, and, to my intense disgust, the lazier elements of the rightwing alternate press has followed suit.

The first dozen or so times the press quoted something that sounded extraordinary, and I took the time to trace the comment back to its original source, I found that, in context, the Holy Father’s comment was entirely orthodox, and entirely in keeping with the traditional teaching of the Mother Church since time immemorial.

It happened over and over again. Reading about the support of His Holiness for the Global Warming fraud, or his Marxist disdain for capitalism, I looked up the original document or original report, only to see some utterly orthodox Christian teaching on stewardship of God’s gift of the Earth to Man, or Christian warnings against wealth and worldliness as old as Moses.

And after a dozen times, my openmindedness creaked shut: I now simply dismiss, sight unseen, any such extraordinary quotes. Perhaps the Pope in his private opinions leans more to the Left than the average American. I care not. The Church has, in history, blossomed under the Emperors of Rome and Byzantium, who were elected by the army; under sacred kingship, under parliaments, under republics, and even under the tyranny of the Turks. The Church has also opposed all these things because She opposes the world. The Church will be here long after America sinks under the weight of our own corruption, long after the collapse of the North American Federation which comes next, or the Co-Dominium World-State, or the Long Night, or the Instrumentality of Man or the whatever comes after that.

I dare say that the Church will still be here, and her teaching will be remembered, unchanged, as a magician once said of the unicorn, “she will remember them all when men are fairy tales in books written by rabbits.”

Therefore I dismiss and despise the press-created image of the Pope as an illusion, as gossip, as nonsense. Why the Good Lord has decided to arrange to have the press, our natural enemy and the enemy of the faith, be charmed and pleased by this Pope, I have no idea. God’s ways are not our ways. What shall come of it, not even the wise can foresee.

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Prayer Request

Posted September 22, 2015 By John C Wright

From a reader:

I am writing you to request prayers for my sister in law’s nephew’s daughter, a little girl, who is suffering from neuroblastoma. She was diagnosed at the age of 2, given a few months, and is now 8. She spent 10 hours in the OR today to have masses removed from her spine. If you and the excellent Mrs. Wright would add her to your list, it would no doubt have great and lasting benefit. St. Peregrine, pray for us.

St. Peregrine is the patron saint aiding those afflicted with cancer.

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Another Load of Leftism

Posted September 18, 2015 By John C Wright

Look at this:

On the Wikipedia page concerning Sad Puppies, you will see Irene Gallo’s remark that we (and you) are sexist, racist, homophobes mentioned, but there is no mention whatsoever of yours truly, the author that the Puppy Kickers burned down the Hugo’s to stop.

Yet somehow, twice the allegedly neutral article manages to slip in the idea that the Sad Puppies objected to literary fiction — as if ‘One Bright Star to Guide Them’ were not literary, but ‘The Day the World Turned Upside Down’ was — and the source for the conclusion is two hostile hit-pieces of gutter journalism.

Good grief.

Had I world enough and time, I could answer all the lies and omissions and libels and slanders. As it is, I cannot even raise Tom Doherty on the phone.

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Superversive Blog: What Stories Do!

Posted September 18, 2015 By John C Wright

A guest post by the refreshing young authoress April appears over on the Superversive blog:

Not everyone loves reading, but who can resist a good story?

There is something about a good story. The way it pulls you in, the way it makes you want more, the way it makes you feel.

I wouldn’t describe myself as a very emotional person. I like to think rationally; I don’t like the idea of my emotions overriding my will very much. Yet I love to obsess over fictional characters and the way they make me cry, laugh, agonize, rejoice, and just feel.

There’s something about diving into a good story. Opening up our hearts and feelings to the direction of the author’s pen strokes. Even though it will take hours of our time, hours of our thoughts, and even wreck our emotions sometimes, we still gladly take the plunge.

Even when the stories are not fiction, people still like stories. Why do people like the news channels? Why do people like gossip? Why do people spend hours on Netflix?

Because they want stories

To be Superversive is to reach upward, to strive for those moments of joy, of revelation, and hope. Build your story so that you can deliverer those feelings to your readers. That even while everything may be in chaos and death, and fears are close, and you don’t know how everything will turn out, you give them hope. That awe and sense of something bigger and beyond. You stay holding onto the dreams, you give them a piece of calm in the storm, and you inspire.


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Science and Schism

Posted September 16, 2015 By John C Wright

A reader put forward the idea that the Protestant Reformation, allegedly by challenging the Christian desire for unity in dogma that hitherto differentiated Christians from pagans, allowed for freedom of inquiry in Protestant nations, and created or perhaps only encouraged the birth of science.

This is an old, old slander, and one that was popular among ahistorians long before the atheists took the same argument and turned it into the alleged war between Faith and Reason.

It is a theory the historical record does not support.

Here are a list of some of the inventions, mathematicians, and scientists who flourished before the Protestant Reformation.

It is this list that has to be explained away by the Christians-deter-science or Catholics-deter-science calumny. Ready? Go.

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An Unknown Friend needs your Prayers

Posted September 16, 2015 By John C Wright

A man I met once turned to me for help, and asked me to pray for him. It seems he and his wife have fallen into the ongoing hell of an unhappy marriage, and every conversation ends in a shouting match.

There is nothing I can do for him, no advice I can give, no way to help, except one. He asked for my prayers, and I would like to ask you, dear readers, for yours. I don’t want to repeat his name on the internet, but God and His saints will know who you mean if you volunteer to help.

(I note in passing that back when I was an atheist, neither did my fellow atheists and I ask for help from strangers when we suffered, nor did we volunteer to help, nor was their any help to give. Atheism is a cold universe, and there is only cold comfort there. Even if God should turn out to be a dream and a delusion, sharing even an imaginary warmth is an act of love and goodfellowship is better than the real coldheartedness godlessness produces.)

Here is a disciple of Christ who also had an unhappy marriage, and who is one of the Patron Saints of impossible causes: Read the remainder of this entry »

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