Archive for June, 2017

Reviewer Praise for IRON CHAMBER OF MEMORY

Posted June 30, 2017 By John C Wright

Perhaps the highest praise I have ever received. All glory goes to God, of course, more so in this case than most, for the author is unwise who praises not his Author when praised: but it is nice to find a reader for whom my humble work was fit and fated and meet.

There was a time when I was suffering from a bout of spiritual darkness. A habitual sin, strong enough to be an addiction, had taken over my life. But, by God’s grace, I had been freed from it, though the scars and wounds it had left are still disappearing.

But one of the signs that I was healing came one night, when an urge struck me. An urge not to give in to that sin, but an urge to seek out something of beauty. An urge I had not felt in a while.

An urge to read poetry.

I found a free, online poem from master poet Alfred, Lord Tennyson that I drank in like it was fragrant wine, and it was a refreshing experience for the soul. Poetry, you see, is not like prose works in that there is an extra depth to it. One reads prose to experience a story the way one drinks water to quench thirst. But if prose is water, than poetry is wine.

Nowadays, modern poetry, which had abandoned meter, rhyme, imagery, and other such poetic devices as ‘too restrictive,’ is like soured and fouled wine, a disgusting swill that makes sure you remember the taste, and hate yourself for doing so. Modern poetry is about emotion, and nothing else; anything from agonized self-flagellation to unabashed profanity is lauded as ‘deep’ and ‘controversial,’ despite it being the opposite of the sort. Now, there is some therapeutic reason for this poetry. It is not all doggerel, but the raw emotion of it can both make it cathartic to the author, and sometimes the reader.That poetry may have some kernels of beauty in it, but that was not the thing that sated the urge to read poetry. I was not wanting to hunt for the beautiful needle in the haystack of emotional screams and profanity.

No, my friends. If you wish to drink in poetry, to indulge in true beauty, you must go to the masters of old. Tennyson, for example. Read it aloud, and savor the meter, the rhyme, the way the very language bends to create a musicality to the words, even without you adding melody to it. Savor the beauty of the words, how they make ideas and images conjure forth into your mind’s eye. It is an art that I thought lost, to create such things of beauty with words. Now, all who claim to practice this art tend to use obscure and bizarre metaphor, while pretentiously preening themselves over the quality of their prose.

And then there’s John C. Wright.

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In Christ is Neither Greek Nor Jew

Posted June 30, 2017 By John C Wright

Forgive my impatience, but I would have thought the yearning for monarchs died in the First World War, and any romanticism about dictatorships died in the Second World War and the Cold War that followed. I am not merely surprised, I am deeply shocked and troubled to find so many persons yearning for chains.

A reader with the perfectly cromulent Biblical (and Starwarsian) name of Luke writes and asks:

My read on the Church is that it teaches rightful submission to authority (so long as the authority issues moral commands). All submit to Christ and His Church, clerics to the Pope, priests to their bishops, laity to their priests. Outside of the Church families submit to the authority of the husband / father, students to the teacher, citizens to the police, judges and government (render unto Caesar).

My comment: submission to lawful authority in all things save only that which contravenes God’s law has been taught from the beginning of the Church. Likewise the submission of children to parents, wives to husbands, slaves to masters and no on.

The Church teaches both the submission to lawful authority, and teaches the equality of men. Say what you will, but this is no more a paradox than to teach the whole divinity and whole humanity of Christ.

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Reviewer Praise for CITY OF CORPSES

Posted June 29, 2017 By John C Wright

This is from the Amazon customer review:
This Series Just Keeps Getting Better

Wright’s Moth and Cobweb series is a fascinating glimpse into a “Twilight World,” which lies in, around, and beyond the world of bewitched humanity, who go about their lives in the Day world dazzled by fallen elven magic into not realizing the full scope of reality. In this world the Church has always stood against the forces of the Night world and other hidden evils even as most men could not perceive them, and in this series Wright pulls back the curtain and allows us to follow those born with enough magic in their blood to live in both worlds, who see the power of the darkness which hides itself from men but can choose whether to serve it or the Light which will one day banish the shadows of both Twilight and Night together, forever.

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Lost on the Last Continent, Episode 04, Battle at Boiling Lake, is now posted on Patreon.

Episode 04 Battle at Boiling Lake

In this exciting episode, the strange crew of the flying saucer unlimber their oddly archaic weapons and open fire on Colonel Lost, whose only path to escape is through venomous insect, savage simian, irate ichthyosaur, and forest fire.

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A Prayer for Justice

Posted June 28, 2017 By John C Wright

Father, you have given all peoples one common origin.
It is your will that they be gathered together
as one family in yourself.
Fill the hearts of mankind with the fire of your love
and with the desire to ensure justice for all.
By sharing the good things you give us,
may we secure an equality for all
our brothers and sisters throughout the world.
May there be an end to division, strife and war.
May there be a dawning of a truly human society
built on love and peace.
We ask this in the name of Jesus, our Lord.

My comment: if the thought of all men as brothers scandalizes you, or the thought of the rich sharing their bounty with the poor, or the thought of forgiveness, love, and peace seems dangerously naive, then it is time to summon the humility of a philosopher and the honesty of a saint, and examine your thoughts to see whence these errors creep in.

Do you love your political party above Christ? No worldly prince, party, or policy will save you. Only the Prince who hails from beyond the shores of the world can bring the gifts to us from that eternal realm: life, peace and blessings in this world, endless life, infinite peace, eternal joy in the next.

Aslan is on the move. He comes. Soon he will land in force. It were better for us to have our house in order before that terrible dawn comes. It will be brighter than a thousand suns, and no darkness will withstand those fires.

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Merry Old English Genetics

Posted June 27, 2017 By John C Wright

A reader with the name Gallowglass, which sound warlockian to me, in spite of himself, takes up his pen and writes:

Interestingly, just to further the confusion, recent genetic testing and ancestry studies have concluded that most anglo-saxons, simply weren’t. The Danelaw, mysteriously, left little to no genetic footprint in the English, nor did, strangely, the Romans who seemed to keep to themselves by and large. The Saxons did, however, but only at most 17% of the population’s ancestry is Saxon, with likely some mixture of Jutes and Angles. The Scottish lowlanders are more Saxon than the English, and the Scottish Highlander Gaels have more viking in their blood than the English who have almost none. The English, it seems, are still majority the Brythonic celts they always have been, with mostly the names having changed from intermarriage. I would imagine this holds true for most of the descendants of the English in America, most of whom likely came from lower classes (and thus, less Saxonic/Norman). It seems calling the English Britons is completely and entirely accurate, even in the ancient sense, they’re still celts.

My comment: persons who want to erect political philosophies on the basis of alleged scientific findings, including such catastrophic political pandemics as Marxism and Nazism, should be warned that the few scientific findings last more than a generation. Grounding one’s political philosophy, as the Founding Fathers did, in the close reading of history, of philosophy, of Biblical truth, will enable one to have a foundation the passing generations will not undermine.

And this is only for real scientific findings. The alarums and excursions, cacophony and commotions of Junk Science always eventually are seen to be proclamations pretending to be science, but instead are merely figments and folly. A political philosophy based on Junk Science does not need to wait for a decade or a generation for its foundations to be overturned: it has no foundations. It is stillborn.

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Not Tired of Winning Yet XXV

Posted June 27, 2017 By John C Wright

CNN caught on tape admitting Russia Collusion story is a hoax.

Project Veritas. Who else?


Project Veritas has released a video of CNN Producer John Bonifield who was caught on hidden-camera admitting that there is no proof to CNN’s Russia narrative.

“I mean, it’s mostly bullshit right now,” Bonifield says. “Like, we don’t have any giant proof.”

He confirms that the driving factor at CNN is ratings:

“It’s a business, people are like the media has an ethical phssssss…All the nice cutesy little ethics that used to get talked about in journalism school you’re just like, that’s adorable. That’s adorable. This is a business.”
According to the CNN Producer, business is booming. “Trump is good for business right now,” he concluded.

“You have no smoking gun, no real proof”.

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Not Tired of Winning Yet XXIV

Posted June 26, 2017 By John C Wright

Supreme Court unanimously granted a stay allowing the Executive Order blocking travel from six terrorist nations for six months. The case itself will be heard in the fall.

U.S. President Donald Trump praised the Supreme Court’s decision on Monday to review the legality of his temporary ban on travelers from six Muslim-majority countries and all refugees, and to allow it to be partly implemented in the meantime.

“Today’s unanimous Supreme Court decision is a clear victory for our national security,” Trump said in a statement released by the White House, adding: “Today’s ruling allows me to use an important tool for protecting our Nation’s homeland.”

Nearly all the news outlets are reporting this as a partial victory, or a compromise, or saying some provisions of the travel ban will stand and others will not. THE IS ALL FAKE NEWS.

The victory was complete, there was no compromise, and the argument of the ACLU that the intent guessed from campaign speeches invalidates the Executive Branch authority was rejected wholly, and not even the most liberal justices on the bench gave it the dignity of a mention.

This was an unanimous decision. It was a shut out.

The travel ban originally allowed exceptions for persons having family in the states or having a doctor’s appointment or something of the kind. Border officials make rulings on those grounds on a case by case basis all the time, therefore any newspaper that reports this as the Supreme Court limiting the travel ban is lying.  The limits allowing foreigners with legitimate business here were always part of the ban, or any ban, as this is standing policy.

The ACLU flipped its collective wig and issued a public statement in a fundraising letter which will live in the annals of schadenfreude forever: calling the unanimous ruling unconstitutional and calling partisans to arms to oppose it.

The ACLU argument was that the ban was unlawful because and only because Donald Trump issued it, and the inner motives of his heart are impure; whereas if Obama or Hillary had issued the selfsame ban under the selfsame wording, it would be lawful. To show the inner workings of Trump’s heart, they quoted from his stump speeches — perhaps the only time in history anyone has thought the words of a politician in a public speech were a true and truthful key to his soul. The sheer absurdity of the argument, particularly in the face of the clear wording of the Constitutional provisions putting the matter into the Chief Executives sole discretion, make the absurdity of the argument even more absurd.

Not even the most liberal justice gave this exercise in rhetorical insanity a passing mention. The legal profession sinks to a new low. The ACLU should be punished and disbarred for flagrant abuse of process, and the lower court judges who upheld, or even granted a hearing to, this nonsense should surely be impeached, perhaps disbarred.

If you thought the ACLU lawyers had any legal training worth a rap, think so no longer. They are merely ideologues who use their knowledge of the law to undo the law.

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Ourselves and Our Posterity

Posted June 25, 2017 By John C Wright

The Preamble to the United States Constitution reads:

“We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.”

Some modern navtivists have argued that this does not include naturalized citizens, but only includes the lineal descendants of the signatories, their bodily heirs, and the bodily heirs (but not adopted children nor assigns) of those citizen living in the United States at the time of the ratification of the Constitution.

Col Kratman in this column condemns this argument as not in keeping with history, law, logic, or linguistics.

He is correct. The argument makes no sense on any terms.

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Last Crusade 24: Strangers and Sojourners

Posted June 25, 2017 By John C Wright

In an issue where emotions run high, it is crucial, it is necessary, to put all emotion aside and weigh the arguments on both sides with cold clarity of thought, according to objective and dispassionate rigor.

Such is the issue of legal and illegal immigration in America and Europe.

To the one side are those who see an economic benefit to allowing newcomers no matter their numbers, their nation of origin, or their religion, to flood into the nation; or who see the greater wealth and peace of the host country as creating an automatic obligation to welcome any aliens wishing entry, regardless of their numbers or intent.

To the other side are those who fear the flood will shift the political power in the host country to the disadvantage or even the displacement of the native population.

Wandering into this debate comes some Christian writers and leaders, claiming that the charity Heaven demands from the faithful requires the adoption of just such an open borders policy.

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Where Do You Get Your Ideas?

Posted June 24, 2017 By John C Wright

A reader named Henson asks:

“I wonder why the question “where do you get your ideas from?” is asked so often?”

We authors are so often asked the source of our ideas because because no one knows the source, not even authors.

What we do is no more magical and supernatural than a cobbler making shoes.

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Book Review! Catholic World on SWAN KNIGHT’S SON

Posted June 24, 2017 By John C Wright

I had not seen this until a sharpeyed reader pointed it out to me:

Deep down, human beings know we’re made for something epic…

Although a modern teenager, Gil wants more than anything to become a knight. His chivalrous outlook on life has led to his expulsion from school for taking on a gang of juvenile delinquents in combat.

Thrust into the world on his own, but with the help of a talking stray dog, Gilberec trains for knighthood under the gruff tutelage of a magical bear.

But when a stranger claiming to come from his father delivers him the key to a disappearing door, Gilberec’s life will change forever. With what he finds beyond the door, Gil goes a-questing; and serious trouble finds him right away. Read the remainder of this entry »

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Interview! The Creative Catholic

Posted June 23, 2017 By John C Wright

Catholic World Report published an interview with me here:

The interviewer asks about my genre, my method of writing, and the mechanics of writing.

I am asked several questions I am not qualified to answer. Instead of a humble ‘I dunno’ however, usually I give a windy response: Read the remainder of this entry »

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Posted June 22, 2017 By John C Wright

Yumiko Moth has discovered her name, but she still does not know who, or what, she is. What she has learned is that her mother is dead, her master has disowned her, and her beloved has vanished. And she also knows that the Day world is a very dangerous place for a Twilight girl, especially when the dark forces of Night are hunting her.

To discover the truth she seeks, she must infiltrate the enemy’s citadel. In New York City, that is The Cobbler’s Club, home to the world-famous Peach Cobbler Girls. But how can a girl who stalks the shadows hide herself in the bright lights of the stage?

CITY OF CORPSES is the fifth book of MOTH & COBWEB, an astonishingly inventive series about magical worlds of Day, Night, and Twilight by John C. Wright.

John C. Wright is one of the living grandmasters of science fiction and the author of THE GOLDEN AGE, AWAKE IN THE NIGHT LAND, and IRON CHAMBER OF MEMORY, to name just three of his exceptional books.

He has been nominated for both the Nebula and Hugo Awards, and his novel SOMEWHITHER won the 2016 Dragon Award for Best Science Fiction Novel at Dragoncon.

CITY OF CORPSES is available from Amazon and from the Castalia House bookstore.

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Lost on the Last Continent, Episode 03, The Little Gray Men, is now posted on Patreon.

Episode 03 The Little Gray Men

In this exciting episode, Colonel Lost, attacked by savage pteranodons, is down to his last bullet, when the flying disk he chased to this eerie land descends to assault him.

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