Archive for June, 2018

Not Tired of Winning Yet XLV

Posted June 28, 2018 By John C Wright

I have already counted the appointment of an originalist justice to the Supreme Court as a victory. But let us now count the side effects of this victory as additional victories. This last fortnight been remarkable.

Each case merits a column of its own, but here I must gather a summary of the triumphs. For each one, say a prayer of thanksgiving the Trump was elected, not Hillary. None of this were possible otherwise. If the mid-term elections are lost to the Dems, this gained ground is lost again. Be warned.

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Latest in my lovely and talented wife’s series about the attack on fairy tales by the powers of darkness:



You live in a fairy tale. What fairytale? For that, you shall have to read the first part of this series on Defending The Wood Perilous, which you can find here. The second part explains why the Wood Perilous needs defending. The third part discusses what it is about fairy tales that make them perilous to the forces of modernity.

Now, without further ado:

Part Four:  A Disgrace to the Forces of Evil!


Heroism is so deadly to the Degenerati [those partaking in the degenerate forces of modernity] that even villains cannot be majestic. In many of these stories, only the bad and tawdry things were exalted. True villainy, of the majestic kind, was also banished.

Don’t believe me?

Notice how one is snide and confident, while the other looks teary-eyed and weak.

If you search for Malificent, both these ladies show up, but only the original version of Malificent shows up if you search for one of her most famous quotes: Now shall you deal with ME, O Prince, and all the powers of Hell!”

There’s a reason for that.

Both these women may share the same malicious and magnificent name, but only one of them deserves it.

Victor Von Doom does not approve.

To those of us whose eyes are not blinded by the putrid bile that fills the eyes of the Degenerati, villainy seems, well, vile. An impressive bad guy is still a bad guy, and bad guys are bad. And so we see them, whether they are wimpy villains or majestic villains OF DOOM!

What do I mean by majestic? Imagine an enormous, black, basalt fortress stretching as far as the eye can see. It is vast and impregnable, with arrow slits and crenelations. And atop those, crenelations, a man stands calm, imperious, implacable–and set upon your destruction. Nothing sways him. Nothing disturbs him. He speaks a word and a hundred, thousand, million minions all jump into action to obey him. 

Those of us not yet blinded by darkness often prefer our villains majestic. But to those whose hearts have been corrupted, majesty itself is despised.

Why? Because the more impressive the villains, the more impressive the hero who defeats him.

In real fairy tales, both the hero and the villain can be majestic. In the twisted modern stories, no one is majestic. The heroes are not brave and glorious, and the villains are not fierce and awe-inspiring.

In fact, nothing is awe-inspiring at all.

Read more on the new Superversive Inklings blog…

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Red Pill Religion

Posted June 27, 2018 By John C Wright

Join us! We discuss the conversion of famous men of letters.


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Lost on the Last Continent, Episode 56, Escape from the Acid Monster, is now posted.

Episode 56 Escape from the Acid Monster

In this exciting episode, Colonel Lost eludes death from above and below, and hears a dark truth about his own destiny.

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Lost on the Last Continent, Episode 55, Bog of Sluggish Death, is now posted.

Episode 55 Bog of Sluggish Death

In this exciting episode, Colonel Lost discovers more about his mysterious ally, is flung into a narrow mire, and swallowed by a man-eating plant. 

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Red Pill Religion

Posted June 20, 2018 By John C Wright

Grumpy Old Men and Atheism. Please join us.

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Superversive Press Fundraiser switches platforms

Posted June 19, 2018 By John C Wright

Hello, all! Jagi, here

As some of you may know, Freestartr lost their Stripe account yesterday…out of the blue and for political reasons, so they cannot currently collect funds.

This should not affect John’s Freestartr account as they assure us that they are working on a solution and plan to continue!

But, it does affect the Superversive crowdsourced fundraiser, as it was a timely matter. So, Superversive is switching our campaign to Indiegogo.

If you donated to the now-defunct Freestartr campaign, Superversive would be very grateful if you considered signing up again. You can still pick all the same great perks, including the ultimate…have a Superversive author write a short story to your specs!

Either way, thank you all for your support!

Superversive Press goes to DragonCon




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Science Fictioneers talk Science Fiction

Posted June 16, 2018 By John C Wright

Please join me, Nick Cole, Max Kolbe of Red Pill Religion, Brian Neiemeier, Declan Finn, and Russell Newquist. We will be having a round table discussion of the pitfalls and processes of publishing Science Fiction in the Third Millennium.

Be sure to tune in and join us on Sunday the 17th at 9.00 pm US Eastern!

Planned Stream: Science Fiction Writers Talk About Publishing in the early 21st Century!


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Lost on the Last Continent, Episode 54, Son of the Wind

Posted June 13, 2018 By John C Wright

Lost on the Last Continent, Episode 54, Son of the Wind, is now posted.

Episode 54 Son of the Wind

In this exciting episode, Colonel Lost and his diminutive ally, Son of the Wind, must sneak through battle lines and burning encampments, slaying in silence lest they be slain. But why does the little monkey-man seem oddly familiar?

This is one I have been looking forward to penning for about ten weeks now. I assume some of you figured out who the mysterious smiling Terror actually was way back when.

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Red Pill Religion

Posted June 13, 2018 By John C Wright

Please join the conversation. Everyone believes in ghosts. Why not you?


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Posted June 12, 2018 By John C Wright

Superluminary: the Space Vampires 

The testimony of another satisfied customer:

Just when I think John Wright cannot get better, cannot top or even match what he’s done before he goes and blows it all out of the water. The sheer scope and imagination in his latest is stunning. His imagination is bigger than Dyson or  Niven. A big sphere a hula hoop in space? Try Saturn with many multiple of human worlds nested inside each layer of atmosphere like a Russian doll with more living room than I have ever heard of anyone dreaming.

When I read that I was stunned. Huge grandeur like a force of nature an imagination so vast that nothing is beyond the scope of the story. Vast battles over intergalactic distances with battle stars the size of Dyson spheres powered by unholy vampiric overlords. I’ve never read anything like it. I thought, Awake in the Nightland was the best I had read, beyond any mortal’s ability to imagine and bring to life. I was wrong, Wright tore open whole new vistas in my mind. What’s more he somehow managed to keep me connected with the uncounted trillions of people on Saturn even though the numbers defy description much less comprehension. 

He’s the best there is and keeps getting better.

Superluminary: the Space Vampires 

 And while we are at it, here is another:

If you know your classical SciFi and loved the family politics of Nine Princes in Amber, the weird super science of The World of Null-A, the immense galactic war of the Lensmen series, then you need to buy and read this book right away. It will take you back to the old days. If you don’t know what those books are, then you need to read this book right away and find out what really spectacular science fiction really looks like.

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Not Tired of Winning Yet XLIV

Posted June 11, 2018 By John C Wright

I could not stop loud peals of triumphant laughter at this one:

US President Donald Trump on Friday invited National Football League players who protest social injustice by kneeling during the national anthem — a gesture he has criticized — to suggest prisoners for potential pardons.

“I’m going to ask them to recommend to me people that were unfairly treated — friends of theirs or people that they know about — and I’m going to take a look at those applications,” Trump told reporters before heading to Canada for the G7 summit.

“And if I find, and my committee finds that they are unfairly treated, then we will pardon them or at least let them out.”

In one fell swoop, President Trump deflates the entire racist anti-American narrative of the Left.

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Petition for Free Speech at ConCarolinas

Posted June 9, 2018 By John C Wright

ConCarolinas invited John Ringo to be guest at their Science Fiction convention. Politically Correct Morlock agitators pretending to be afraid of Ringo threw an unsightly temper tantrum, staged a Two Minute Hate, and browbeat the Con leaders into retracting the invitation.

Later, the ConCarolinas leadership grew a spine, realized the injustice done, not to mention the public relations disaster. Jada Hope and Luis Diza  apologized to John Ringo and to the fans for the affront, and vowed never again to bow to Politically Correct bullies, whiners and killjoys again.

Immediately the Politically Correct bullies and killjoys put on another act of false outrage,pretending to be outraged at this defiance of their false outrage: The Morlocks put out a petition to remove the leadership of the Con who penned the apology, and have Jada Hope and Luis Diza declared ritually unclean, or something. As of the time of this writing, the Thought Police petition has less than 120 signatures.

Dave Weber expressed willingness to be Guest of Honor at the ConCarolinas if they stood with the apology they had given never again to exclude writers based on after the fact political complaints. As of the time of this writing, this petition has two thousand signatures, including my own.

Please add your name. If you can afford it, buy a supporting membership.

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Latest Eco-Hoax Over; Next One Coming

Posted June 8, 2018 By John C Wright

This is from the pen of Stephen F Hayward at the Wall Street Journal:

Climate change is over. No, I’m not saying the climate will not change in the future, or that human influence on the climate is negligible. I mean simply that climate change is no longer a pre-eminent policy issue. All that remains is boilerplate rhetoric from the political class, frivolous nuisance lawsuits, and bureaucratic mandates on behalf of special-interest renewable-energy rent seekers.


President Trump’s ostentatious withdrawal from the Paris Agreement merely ratified a trend long becoming evident.

A good indicator of why climate change as an issue is over can be found early in the text of the Paris Agreement.

The “nonbinding” pact declares that climate action must include concern for “gender equality, empowerment of women, and intergenerational equity” as well as “the importance for some of the concept of ‘climate justice.’ ”

Another is Sarah Myhre’s address at the most recent meeting of the American Geophysical Union, in which she proclaimed that climate change cannot fully be addressed without also grappling with the misogyny and social injustice that have perpetuated the problem for decades.

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1791L Needs Support

Posted June 7, 2018 By John C Wright

The petty tyranny of private censorship:

These are polite and erudite conservatives making political commentary. YouTube demonetized every video on their channel without warning, without a word of explanation, and without answering requests for an explanation.

Like Alonzo Rachel, they are basically being put out of business because their political views are unpopular with the elite. They are begging for the support and help of the public.

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