Archive for February, 2021

Clarifying the Clarification

Posted February 9, 2021 By John C Wright

Part of an ongoing conversation. A reader with the obscure yet tenebrous name of The Shadow voices reservations about my claim that there is no conflict nor paradox when the mind and the body are regarded as two aspects of one underlying reality.

Now if brain states follow deterministic physical laws – and I’ll admit that I’m not as sure as I used to be that even classical physics is deterministic – then it seems we have a problem. For if my brain states are determined *entirely* by physical factors (and it seems this is what you are claiming), then it would seem that they cannot be expressing my thoughts. Just as if I wrote a program to produce text by a set of rules, even the rules of English grammar, it would express my thoughts, or anyone’s, only by accident.


So it would seem that either you haven’t really addressed the mind-body problem, or else that some unknown means arranges for your brain states to have that minimum correlation with your thoughts in order to think them. And the only means that readily come to mind would be either 1) your own mind, or 2) God or some secondary cause ordained by him (other than yourself).

My philosophy might be labeled “harmonist”  since I do conclude that, despite appearances, determinism and indeterminism are out of harmony with each other.

I have also heard this philosophy called “methodological dualism” since I hold that, in speak, we are forced to deal with deterministic statements about the mechanical causes of matter being moved by using the category of cause and effect, or mechanical cause; whereas we are likewise forced to deal with indeterministic statements about the meaning and purpose, morality and beauty and truth of living things moving themselves by using the category of ends and means.

The fact that living things are things creates a nearly inescapable ambiguity.

The question is one our language and the categories of our thinking is particularly apt to leave mysterious. Let me try again.

Look at the example of the book and the story in a story book.

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A Word of Clarification

Posted February 7, 2021 By John C Wright

My argument is that the irreconcilability of determinism and so called indeterminism is an illusion based on a confusion of categories.

I do not violate any laws of nature when I raise my hand and snap my fingers. The mechanics of the motions of bones, muscles and nerves in my arm and hand and the neurochemical changes in my brain can be precisely described by a biologist.

If you ask him why I snapped my fingers, he will look at you dumbfounded, and announce that, as a biologist, his discipline is confined to empirical statements about empirical reality, that is, things open to the senses.

Likewise, if you ask a lawyer or a father confessor why I snapped my fingers — let us assume for the sake of argument that this snapping was sinful or illegal — they will answer in terms of free will and malice aforethought. They will answer in terms of ends and means, that is, offer as statement about what I meant to achieve and how I mean to achieve it by the act of snapping.

All discussion of ends and means is non-empirical. The empirical facts have little or nothing to do with such discussions. They are two different ways of describing two difference faces of reality, the seen and the unseen.

Asking how physical determinism and moral choice can coexist, in effect, asking how can the inside of a cup exist if the outside exists.

Myself, I do not see how one is possible, or imaginable, without the other.

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Time Humor

Posted February 6, 2021 By John C Wright

This sums up my basic objection to time travel.

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The Sacramental View

Posted February 6, 2021 By John C Wright

In case anyone is curious, let me explain my view on the topic of the mind-body paradox.

Oddly enough, I am of that rare school who thinks mechanical determinism and final indeterminism are mutually compatible.

I hold that a neurobiologist examining the chemical and molecular actions of my brain could give a complete description of the mechanical effects and causes without once making reference to any final cause, that is, he need not say the purpose of these actions, or say what they means, in order to describe their physical properties. He can measure my high blood pressure without knowing whether it is caused by fear or anger, lust or malice aforethought.

Likewise, if I were found in a witness stand or confessional booth, the prosecutor or priest could give a complete description, if I were candid, of the purposes and meaning of my state of mind, using wisdom to understand whatever I said about my ends and means. Neither need ever once refer to any measured property of any material of my nervous system or environment. He can draw firm conclusions about my malice aforethought, cowardice, concupiscence or wrath without once measuring my blood-pressure.

The biologist knows the science of what I am, the father confessor knows the theology, the lawyer knows the law. These are different aspect, different dimensions, if you will, of one reality, but they neither clash nor confirm each other.

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Absolute Proof by Lindell

Posted February 5, 2021 By John C Wright

Mike Lindell, the “My Pillow” entrepreneur, is attempting to bring to the public the results of his research into the election fraud.

This is in addition to the purely Constitutional argument that no one other than a state’s legislature may alter or amend the rules for federal elections.

The documentary is being removed and suppressed by social media. It has already been removed from YouTube more than once, reposted more than once, and was removed from Vimeo. I did not find it on BitChute.

The link I had for YouTube went dead between the time I wrote this column and the time I prepared to post it. Big Brother is spry.

Here is a link from Rumble, which may be more resistant to the efforts of Minitrue:

I would like any candid reader to watch the documentary, weigh the evidence, and come to whatever conclusion reason dictates.

The worldly powers, on the other hand, have taken steps to prevent you or anyone from watching, from weighing evidence, and they demand you conform, and demand you take on faith whatever conclusions the propose, sight unseen.

To resist their demands invites retaliation. Cancel culture includes everything from ostracization and boycott to arson and murder.

Note that the same voices alleging Russian collusion interfered with the last election, now claim that any allegation of election interference in the current election is hatespeach and thoughtcrime, not to mention treason, insurrection, violence against women, and white supremacy.

Mike Lindell has asked all men of good will to share his documentary everywhere.

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Not Rigging the Election but Fortifying It

Posted February 5, 2021 By John C Wright

A reader sent me a link to this ludicrous column, in which Time magazine boasts that corporate America turned on Donald Trump and “secretly” conspired to “save” the 2020 campaign.

Except for “secretly” read “blatantly” and for “save” read “steal.”

Times boasts: “The participants want the secret history of the 2020 election told, even though it sounds like a paranoid fever dream–a well-funded cabal of powerful people, ranging across industries and ideologies, working together behind the scenes to influence perceptions, change rules and laws, steer media coverage and control the flow of information. They were not rigging the election; they were fortifying it.”

And then the column blithely goes on how to explain the fake China Virus crisis was used as the smokescreen to remove protective measures from voting processes.

Yeah. We know. Everyone knows.

I predicted in late November that as the evidence of corruption in the election became ever more open and obvious, the mainstream media, otherwise known as the Mouth of Sauron, would change from (1) superciliously denying the fraud, to (2) superciliously denying its magnitude, to (3) superciliously denying the fraud was wrong because the cause was right, as when stealing an election from a Nazi is not stealing, but salvation. Each change of party truth would be unaccompanied by any awareness that it contradicted the previous party truth.

Anyone who can celebrate aborticide can celebrate treason.

Sad that my prescience was unerring.

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If Men are Machines

Posted February 5, 2021 By John C Wright

Part of an ongoing discussion. A blissfully unthinking soul named Ingbliss remarks:

“We know that machines can think because people are machines that think.”

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Peter Power Armor, Happy File Three, Do as  You are Told

Posted February 3, 2021 By John C Wright

Peter Power Armor, Happy File Three, Do as  You are Told, is now posted.

Peter Power Armor

Do you want to be free?

*** *** ***

A new tale from another aeon, near or far, will be posted in this space next week. 

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An Masterful Summation

Posted February 3, 2021 By John C Wright

A reader with the angelic yet fiery name of Michael Brazier comments:

The technical term for this distinction in Aristotelian philosophy is immanent causation. This appears when a being acts of itself and for itself: the action originates with the being and is aimed at fulfilling the being’s nature and essence. So a human zygote assembled by an engineer from specific genetic sequences to produce specific traits in the eventual adult would be “designed” in the ordinary sense, but once he began to grow he would show immanent causation and thus not be a tool. And a person who loses important mental functions to brain damage doesn’t thereby become a tool; he still has some immanent causation as long as he’s still alive. He’s just a human who has lost his faculties.

The point is, I think, that if “artificial intelligence” means an intelligent being that isn’t based on organic chemistry, it’s logically conceivable, but such beings would have to be raised and educated much as humans are. If it means an intelligent artifact, a thing that’s programmed to think and be free, it’s a contradiction in terms.

In two paragraphs, Mr. Brazier explains what took me ten columns not to explain so clearly.

I lay my hand over my mouth.

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Footnote on the Turing Test

Posted February 3, 2021 By John C Wright

A last observation about the so-called Turing Test:

Asked about whether calculating machines could think, Alan Turing dismissed, rather than addressed, the question, saying that since “thought” was an entity science could not define, a more pragmatic and hence English way of muddling through the question would be to test empirically whether a calculating machine, for all practical purposes, could imitate the outward appearances or forms of thought.

The answer to this is both trivial and profoundly, if not vastly, uninteresting: of course calculating machine can perform calculations. That is what they are for.

Of course anything that can be reduced to a calculation can be performed by a calculation machine.

Whether or not holding a coherent conversation in English is one of those things, he does not answer nor address.

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 The Cabinet of Wisdom X Final Questions about Finality

Posted February 1, 2021 By John C Wright

The Cabinet of Wisdom


 Final Questions about Finality

Nearly all the questions and objections raised to the foregoing are based on mischaracterizing what question is being discussed.

The questions of determinism and free will, while fascinating, are indifferent to this matter, as are questions of predictability and intentionality.

The question of whether or not mechanical men can spring to life, while silly, is likewise indifferent.

The question of the morality of enslaving robots designed to serve us is not only indifferent, it is a non-question.

The only question these columns sought to address was whether a self-aware thinking system, that is, a mechanical man, could be designed.

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