Archive for November, 2023

Prayer Request

Posted November 14, 2023 By John C Wright

From our own Stephen J


My 79-year-old mother suffered a bad fall on Friday morning and went into the hospital, and while she was there tested positive for COVID (first test given the day she was admitted came back positive, so she almost certainly didn’t contract it there). The various tests done for physical injuries or things that might have caused the fall have all come back negative, but the COVID symptoms themselves have gotten worse due to stress, enforced inactivity, lack of restful sleep and inability to eat much, so the hospital has put her on antibiotics and antivirals and are keeping her there until the end of the week rather than releasing her tomorrow as originally planned. (My dad has also contracted it, but he’s in generally better shape and has been able to take Paxlovid to fend off the symptoms.)

While the stats these days on mortality, even at that age range, are reasonably optimistic, I would still welcome all the prayers anybody has time to offer. Many thanks, especially to Mr. Wright for creating a community where I can ask this.

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Baby Indi Dead

Posted November 14, 2023 By John C Wright
Behold the cost of free medicine. I see on  that Baby Indi has passed away, after being deprived breathing assistance.
I have lost count of how many times this has happened in Britain. Three? Four?
And where was King Charles, Queen Camilla, Prince William?
The activists willing to spill soup on priceless artworks did not storm the hospital and physically carry the child away to save its life.
Giorgia Meloni the PM of Italy offered to take this child in. The courts stopped him. (A similar thing happened in a prior case, if I recall).
The British government murdered her by denying the right of Indi’s parents to pursue other treatment for her, keeping her captive by the court mandated medical team that decided Indi must die.
The doctors violated their sacred duty to Do No Harm.
This is murder, plain and simple. It’s a stain on the national conscience of the United Kingdom.
There must be a reckoning.
RIP Indi Gregory, yet another victim of Universal Healthcare Against the wishes of her parents, the UK removed her life support. She is now dead. They did this despite an offer from Italy to take the baby in and provide medical care. A few years ago, Muslim parents in the same situation were granted a religious exemption and now their sick child is healthy.
For those of you are readers of CS Lewis, you may recognize the acronym. The division of the British bureaucracy tasked with carrying out these child-murders is The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE).
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The Superversive World of Harry Potter

Posted November 13, 2023 By John C Wright

A trip down memory lane for my longtime readers. Here I reprint my first column where I used Tom Simon’s wonderful term SUPERVERSIVE. As one can see from the internal references, this was back a few years. Not much has changed.

September 15, 2014 By ISI Archive

In reality, the best way to find reality is through fairyland.

Fairy tales of any sort are more truthful about the eternal verities of the human condition than many a tale told in the realistic style. Stories about a bold champion of Camelot or the enchantress of Aeaea, or the great dragon beneath the Lonely Mountain, will tell you more of sin and salvation, love and loss and love found again, than a yarn about a cuckold in turn-of-the-century Dublin, or a decadent drunk living in West Egg, Long Island. This is because so-called realistic tales deal only with the surface features of life, what we see with our eyes, so to speak; fairy tales touch the mystery and wonder at the core of life.

This is true even of tales that treat the matter of ancient epics and ballads lightly, as when a young orphan discovers he is not of our world but a wizard from the land of magic hidden from human eyes.

Harry Potter somewhat cheekily, and with tongue in cheek, puts all the tropes of once-upon-a-time into modern garb, so that broom-riding witches play rugby in midair, and the sorcerer’s apprentice goes to boarding school straight out of Tom Brown’s School Days to face bullies as bad as Flashman.

But even a lighthearted treatment of the eternal things will brush up against eternal themes: Harry must face a Dark Lord who is a dark reflection of his own soul, and he bears the wound of his mother’s love, which saved him as a babe, upon his brow.

Harry Potter is the most successful book of all time next to Pilgrim’s Progress and the Sear’s Catalogue. And so, naturally, there is a certain cult, known in his world as Deatheaters, and in our world as Political Correctness, that seeks repulsively to claim that success as their own.

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White Logic and Jew Physics

Posted November 11, 2023 By John C Wright
When we think of “Newspeak,” the fictional language invented by George Orwell for his dystopian novel 1984, we typically think of powerful authoritarian governments manipulating language for the advancement of power and ideology. In such a case, the language substitutes for reality itself to protect the perceived infallibility of totalitarian leadership and its totalist ideology.

In the Third Reich, anti-Semitism infected every aspect of German society, even the domain of science. This was most memorable in the anti-Semitism that corrupted the discipline of physics. In accord with the Nazi authorities, the work of Jewish scientists was delegitimized by declaration.

The Nazis dismissed the theories of Albert Einstein and Niels Bohr as “Jewish Physics,” “Jewish Science,” “Jewish World-Bluff,” and the product of “Jewish Spirit.” Something called Aryan Physics was erected as the authentic alternative.

The major characteristic of such a primitive patois is that it attracts and works for only two types of people—those stupid enough to actually believe it (the storm-trooper class) and those who don’t believe it but see it as a useful tool to achieve their vision (vanguard puppeteers).


“White Privilege” and its variants constitute the “Jew Physics” of the 21st century.


Duke University professor Eduardo Bonilla-Silva is one of the most shameless proponents of the 21st-century version of the “Jew Physics” trope. Together with Tukufu Zuberi, he assembled a collection of essays for the 2008 book White Logic, White Methods, a formulation that was sure to win the applause of other leftist sociologists.


Another practitioner is Derald Wing Sue of the Teachers College of Columbia University. […] Sue dismisses all criticism of his construct of “racial microaggressions” with some variant of the contrived epithet “white privilege.” For example, he answers one critic by repeating his own article’s fallacy:

As a privileged White male, [Kenneth] Thomas failed to understand how European Americans have historically had the power to impose their own reality and define the reality of those with lesser power. That is perhaps one of the reasons why Thomas tried to impose his own reality so freely in his response.

One suspects that Derald Wing Sue is oblivious to his own use of the “Jew Physics” technique, so ingrained has it become in the racial microaggression lexicon. Yet Sue’s critics are guilty of practicing “white privilege” in the same way that Albert Einstein was guilty of practicing “Jew Physics.”


The “Jew Physics” pejorative has currency in the popular media, as well, and the tacit acceptance of this racist trope is troubling. For example, Monnica Williams, a clinical psychologist at the University of Connecticut, wields the “Jew Physics” trope in her own mainstream work.

Williams, who subscribes to the pseudoscience of extreme microaggression theory, tries to dismiss the criticism of more senior and accomplished psychology academics such as Jonathan Haidt and Scott Lilienfeld, as well as sociologists Bradley Campbell and Jason Manning, by noting that they are “all white males” and asserting that this is the reason they “came to the wrong conclusions about the causes and impact of microaggressions.” In other words, “Jew Physics”:

Microaggressions, which tend to be covert and subtle, may be more likely to escape the notice of those without such lived experiences and consequently be misinterpreted as oversensitivity on the part of the victim. This may explain why researchers such as Lilienfeld, Haidt, Campbell, and Manning, who are all white males, came to the wrong conclusions about the causes and impact of microaggressions. It’s also worth noting that none of these scholars conduct much, if any, diversity research, and so their their [sic] ideas should be seen as opinions and not expert consensus.

These are only a few of the examples that demonstrate the ritual use of the “Jew Physics” trope, but the technique appears literally thousands of times in the critical-racialist and social-justice literature, along with the tautological bombast of “I’m correct and you are not.”

This bigoted logical fallacy invites speculation as to why reputable publications such as Psychology Today give it credence. It is as if these journals have been overtaken by the ideologies of a Stalin, a Hitler, a Mao, or a Torquemada.



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Roid Rage and Gender-Affirming Infanticide

Posted November 10, 2023 By John C Wright

This week, Stephen Crowder, a comedian during investigative journalism, scooped the world by receiving and publishing the long-awaited manifesto of the Nashville school shooter.

You can see the program here and a follow up here. (Language warning. Mr. Crowder and his crew enjoy potty-mouth humor).

During the public discussion that ensued, once comment, made by one Rene Jax, merits attention. It is outside my field, so I make no claims as to its accuracy, but it is also something I have not heard discussed before in any context, so would like the amplify it:

” … a major component of the shooter’s history is that of a female taking massive doses of injectable Testosterone. Gender doctors do not do the injections. The patients are taught to inject themselves and very few are monitored by the money grabbing docs.

“And many of these gender girls overdose on T in their attempt to get more secondary male sex characteristics…faster.

“As we know from the weight lifters and professional athletes who use anabolic steroids, “Roid rage” and mental derangement are a common side effects.

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When Your Publisher Compares You to a Legend

Posted November 9, 2023 By John C Wright

When your publisher compares you to a legend, you blush. You brag about it, if you are an egomaniacal author, but you still blush.

Arkhaven, for those who do not know it, is producing the graphic novel version of one of my works. Their reviews the new teaser for the upcoming Hiyao Miyazaki film.

Here is the quote.

Truthfully as soon as he announced he was hanging up his paint brushes his fans started the timer. They couldn’t believe he could walk away for good.

However it was looking like he was serious…But then he got approached by his own museum to make a short film for it … This short got the creative juices flowing again and he started storyboarding a new movie. … It’s a wholly original work and looks to be Miyazaki’s best since Spirited Away, which I didn’t think was possible.

It feels a little bit like Wright’s Swan Knight.

Anyway, it releases in December and I’m totally in.

My comment: I am also totally in. I have adore Miyazaki’s work ever since I saw Warriors of the Wind (the heavily edited Americanized version of Nausicaa) on HBO back in the 1980s.

Here is the teaser for The Boy and the Heron


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VR for VP

Posted November 9, 2023 By John C Wright

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The Golden Age Ep. 31: The Sleep of Daphne Prime

Posted November 8, 2023 By John C Wright

Excerpts from THE GOLDEN AGE, my debut novel from 2001. 

In the far future, where humans have become as gods, living lives of perfect peace and prosperity, Phaethon of Rhadamanthus House discovers centuries of his memory are lost. Like his namesake, has flown too high, and must be cast down: for he has committed the one act the Golden Age forbids, to have ambitions higher than utopia can contain. Now his quest is to find himself.

Episode 31: The Sleep of Daphne Prime

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Virginia Election Results

Posted November 8, 2023 By John C Wright

The Election results are in. Virginia lost.

The Dems retains control of the state senate, and regained control of the House of Delegates.

Meanwhile in Ohio, prenatal infanticide was enshrined as a right in the state constitution. Dems outspent GOP 9-to-1 on propaganda, and the corrupt matriarchy voted enthusiastically for Moloch.

That there are still a majority of voters sufficiently motivated to vote for openly self-destructive and irrational policies confirms fears of civilizational suicide.

Or perhaps there is still a majority of citizens insufficiently motivated to curtail voter fraud. In the modern age, which historians will one day call the Misinformation Age, truth is impossible to discern from fiction.

From Twitter aka X:

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Bretigne Shaffer on Amazon’s RINGS OF POWER

Posted November 8, 2023 By John C Wright

This is from the pen of   at Lew Rockwell. She writes, in part:

Why ‘Rings of Power’ Is So Terrible, and Why It Doesn’t Matter

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Posted November 7, 2023 By John C Wright

I voted. Local elections also matter. Get wokeness off your school board.

Some wag made the following suggestion: go grocery shopping, fill up your gas tank, go by school to see whose flag is flying before voting. It will clarify matters.


UPDATE. The Election results are in. Virginia lost. The Dems retains control of the state senate, and regained control of the House of Delegates.

That there are still a majority of voters sufficiently motivated to vote for openly self-destructive and irrational policies confirms fears of civilizational suicide.

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Liz Wheeler on the Tranifesto

Posted November 7, 2023 By John C Wright

Conservative commentator Liz Wheeler makes the following remark concerning the alleged manifesto leaked to LWC regarding the transgender mass shooter of Nashville. Impossible as yet to say whether the manifesto is real. The fact that the mainstream news is ignoring and down playing it, while YouTube outright banned it for ‘supporting violent criminal organizations’, however, it is quite suggestive.


“Just so we’re perfectly clear, the Nashville mass shooter killed children in the name of Critical Race Theory while under the evil delusion of Queer Theory. Period.”

My comment: avoiding clarity at all costs is the prime directive of left-wing thinking.

The left has been absorbed by Gnostic theory. They regard themselves as being too enlightened for logical reasoning.

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Posted November 6, 2023 By John C Wright

Hajime no Ippo (2000-2002) is boxing sports-drama anime, based on a best-selling, long-running, award-winning manga of the same name, available on Crunchyroll at the time of this writing (2023). It was licensed by Geneon in 2003, and released under the name Fighting Spirit.

Two things urge me to recommend this sports drama even to those who might not like sports dramas. The first is that the main character is simply a nice guy: he is polite, earnest, and mild mannered, despite his stern ferocity in the ring. He is not dark or edgy or troubled, and there is no irony in him. These days, that is most refreshing.

Second, the author, George Morikawa, is the owner of JB Sports Gym in Tokyo. He knows his topic at a professional level, and it shows. That is also refreshing.

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Asteroid Scene: Mira (2022)

Posted November 4, 2023 By John C Wright

The algorithm on Al Gore’s amazing Internet proffered this clip from a foreign film to me, and I thought it fascinating in its close-first-person approach.

I do not speak Russian, and did not see anything else of the film. The editing and pacing and composition of the shots tell the story so well that even someone who saw and knows nothing else about the film, and who cannot follow a word of dialog, can follow.

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On Reparations for Historic, Collective Wrongs

Posted November 3, 2023 By John C Wright

From the Pen of Michael Z Williamson, genius. This originally appeared here in 2014, but was worth reposting.

Dear United Nations:

I note with approval that there’s a bill before the US Congress to compensate African Americans for their mistreatment in the past. However, I was talking to a Russian Jewish friend of mine, and it occurred to me that her ancestors were slaves to Nubian Africans. Should she not be compensated also?

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